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“I ‘Came Out’ For Marriage Equality”: An Anti-Gay Activist Changes His Mind

…ork that I was doing over the course of the past 4 or 5 years or so was to promote the agenda that marriage is the union of a man and a woman only, and that anything contrary to that definition was invalid, basically. And more so over the course of the past year or so, I was working directly with the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) in promoting this agenda, and specifically the way that I opted to do that was by organizing a summer bus to…

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Creationist Theme Park Gets $43 Million in Tax Rebates

…on. “The state of Kentucky should not be promoting the spread of fundamentalist Christianity or any other religious viewpoint,” said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United. “Let these folks build their fundamentalist Disneyland without government help.” Of course, building the Ark according to biblical specifications should be a piece of cake thanks to this explanation by Creation Science Research: The first objection assum…

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Rick Perry, the Christocrat Favorite for President?

…her GOP candidates. In 2012, they have expanded their candidate invitation list. In 2008, Perry—possibly in a preview of the focus of a presidential run—invited pastors to a Policy Briefing by invoking Islamophobia (via the Texas Freedom Network): Both our nation and our Judeo Christian heritage are under attack by a force that is more dangerous than any threat our world has faced in recent memory. I am convinced that our ability to defeat the rad…

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Huckabee Launches Videos to Teach Kids About American Exceptionalism

…ous beliefs. Huckabee recently said that all Americans should be forced to listen to pseudo-historian David Barton at gunpoint. While his name doesn’t appear on the list of the company’s “master historians,” Huckabee is clearly following Barton’s template where everything is spelled out in terms of good versus evil and anything in between is simply airbrushed from history. They’re like a Sarah Palin speech crossed with those Davey and Goliath cart…

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Tainted Love: The Cost of Sojourners’ Refusal to Take Sides on LGBT Issues

…bout their personal lives in order to answer God’s calling. (Check out the list of bloggers on Wallis’ “God’s Politics” blog. Can you find an out gay person among them?) By refusing to take sides, men like Wallis and Claiborne only reinforce the need to hide for the sake of serving the kingdom of God.  While it is commendable that Sojourners seeks to defend gay people against physical or legal harm, their unwillingness to fight for their spiritual…

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The Republicans’ Dangerous Quest to End Nonexistent Taxpayer-Funded Abortion

…shops, Concerned Women for America, Priests for Life, the Susan B. Anthony List, and the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, an affiliate of the American Principles Project, which was launched by Manhattan Declaration author and Princeton professor Robert George. It’s a bill driven by a particular religious view, one that is undergirded by an ideology not just about the fetus (that abortion is murder) but about women and their divine r…

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Nobel Laureates Tell Gov. Jindal to Repeal Anti-Evolution Law

…volution “academic freedom” law just added a bunch of heavy hitters to his list of supporters. Less than a week after a state lawmaker introduced a bill to repeal the law, officially known as the Louisiana Science Education Act (LSEA), 41 science Nobel Laureates sent a letter to Gov. Bobby Jindal and members of the legislature backing the measure. “Biological evolution is foundational in many fields, including biomedical research and agriculture,”…

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Hell, in Rob Bell’s Own Words: State of Belief Radio

Click below to listen to State of Belief host Welton Gaddy interview Rob Bell and read Kathryn Gin’s Why the Hell Does Hell Still Matter? here. Transcript: REV. C. WELTON GADDY, HOST: Pastor Rob Bell’s new book “Love Wins: [A Book About] Heaven, Hell and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived” debuted at #2 on the New York Times best-seller list. Here’s the description: “Rob Bell addresses one of the most controversial issues of faith-the afterl…

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Unreasonable Doubt: Vincent Bugliosi Defends Agnosticism

…So what do we get in Bugliosi’s new book? Among other things, we get a populist disdain for academic theology (for example, he quotes a bit of admittedly jargon-laden Trinitarian theology out of context, and concludes with the single word “Unbelievable” as if that were a refutation). We get an energetic argument for a view that very few philosophers of religion today, theists or atheists, take very seriously—without considering the reason why it i…

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Who Wins When Bible is Blamed for Gay Bashing?

…times and places have cited their Bible to authorize crimes against a long list of people—including those accused of same-sex relations. But then let me ask the obvious question: Who gains when a gay activist endorses the most homophobic of marginal interpretations of the Bible after half a century of gay or gay-friendly efforts to establish better readings? By “better” readings, I mean truer readings. Because, of course, even the one version of L…

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