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The Grand Old Homonationalist Party: The Issue that Keeps the Log Cabin Republicans, Republican

…don’t actually exist). If the disease of Islamic supremacism has infected Europe, it’s only a matter of time before it spreads here. Xenophobic Republican scaremongering of this kind is nothing new, especially during an election year. But what’s unprecedented is the efforts of top Republican leadership to increase votes specifically by combining fear of Islam and Muslims with growing sympathy among Americans for gay rights—something the GOP has h…

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Mayday’s Demise and the Rise of our Gloomy Empire

…e and dancing around it to mark the beginning of spring date back to pagan Europe, and endured as a popular practice through medieval Catholicism. During the Reformation such things were often outlawed (to the chagrin of many), so Morton’s Maypole was a veritable declaration of independence. Bradford ignored the first marking of May Day by Morton and his “crew of Comus,” but in 1628 he couldn’t ignore the poet’s sale of arms to the Algonquin, his…

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Mexican Marriage Marches Show Struggle Between Church and Secular State; Pro-LGBT Mormon Group Grows After ‘Apostate’ Declaration; Botswana Gives Anti-Gay US Pastor the Boot; Global LGBT Recap

…march drew tens of thousands – or hundreds of thousands depending on whose numbers you believe – of anti-marriage-equality Catholics and evangelicals to Mexico City, the culmination of weeks of protest organized by the National Front for the Family. Days before, the Supreme Court ruled that adoption by same-sex couples should be considered, like other adoptions, according to the best interest of the child. In preparation for Saturday’s anti-marria…

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Obsession with Attackers’ Backgrounds Misses the Point of Terrorism

…ndings of jihad, the ideology of jihadism is unmistakably modern, suturing European ideology onto an older religious concept. The formulation of a people’s war or a people’s revolution found deep sympathy in both the reformist Salafi-Wahhabism as well as Shia Khomeneism. In 1979 the Soviet-Afghan War and the Islamic Revolution of Iran became the international stage that put theory into practice. Though colonialism and global intervention has certa…

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Pope Francis Walks With LGBTQ People, One Step Forward, Big Steps Back

…obal church. “Imagine reading this [in the Global South] and even parts of Europe where a bishop or a priest may be antipathetic to LGBT people,” where for more conservative clergy, this emphasis on walking with LGBTQ people “is quite a challenge.” Martin is correct that Francis’ calls for accompaniment are a challenge for priests, even in the sense that a rapidly shrinking number of clergy means most Catholics barely get to know their pastors at…

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Marriage Equality Coming To Taiwan In Spite of Religious Objectors?; Anti-Gay Ruling Sought By Indonesian Islamists Threatens Women & Poor Couples; LDS Church Launches New ‘Mormon and Gay’ Site; Global LGBT Recap

…eality of the demographic collapse not just in Romania, but in the rest of Europe as well.” Additionally, the press release said, “the civic initiative, which is perfectly legal and validated by the Romanian Constitution, cannot be, in any way, considered an instance of religious fanaticism, or proof of intolerance (…) but a normal and necessary democratic exercise.” In reply, Iohannis said 21 October that his initial remarks were not aimed at any…

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After Embracing Female Bishop, Pope Spins Again on Women’s Ordination

…his Ninety Five Theses in 1517, women were not exactly running the show in Europe. Of women, Luther wrote, they were “either made to be wives or prostitutes,” and they should “remain at home, sit still, keep house, and bear and bring up children.” Although it’s now debated whether Saint Paul wrote many of the epistles attributed to him, Luther was echoing Paul’s prescriptions for women, who were “not allowed to speak” in church and “must be in sub…

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Donald Trump Scares LGBT People Worldwide and More, in This Week’s Global LGBT Recap

…defined.” The attack on UN’s advocacy for LGBT Human Rights continues on a number of fronts. On November 18, an effort by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation moved an amendment that would strip language regarding sexual orientation and gender identity from a resolution regarding “extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions.” More from OutRight Action International: Today [November 18], the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assem…

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Gambian Voters Reject Anti-Gay Strongman Jammeh; Activists Ponder Trump Impact on LGBT Human Rights; Global LGBT Recap

…uraging. … The court is giving the message that Romania is a member of the European countries that share common values, such as the free movement of people together with their families.” She said she was confident that the European court would consider free movement “a fundamental right” and recognize a husband regardless of the sex of his partner. Opposition to same-sex relationships is often fierce in Romania, where homosexuality was only decrim…

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Why is the Pope Popular Among Nones?

…icans hold a favorable view of him, while 11% have no opinion. Where these numbers begin to get interesting is in religious breakdown. American Catholics appear to be very fond of the pope, with 87% expressing a favorable view of him, but among white evangelicals his ratings are not so high—only 53% favor the pope, whereas white protestants see him positively at a rate of 72%. This may mirror the more conservative stance of many evangelicals versu…

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