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Atheism’s Dark Side Aiding the Trump Agenda

…to ethnic nationalism and xenophobia. Harris has explicitly said that, in Europe, it is fascists who have the correct vision of how to deal with Muslims. His general neoconservative position, like that of Christopher Hitchens, is representative of a wing of the movement that I call the “atheist Right”—the mirror image of the Christian Right’s militaristic nationalism and libertarianism. Atheists must consider whether the views of Muslims promoted…

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I Know Why a Rain Dance Won’t End The Drought

…and rain are almost universal partners occurring in cultures from Eastern Europe to Chumash of Southern California. I’ve seen a lot of Chumash rock art and at almost every spring there is a painted figure with the familiar crosshatched markings of the diamondback rattlesnake. So here is a suggestion for Secretary Vilsack about the rain dance he wants to do. Get half-naked, wear some feathers, put a live rattlesnake in your mouth and dance around…

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Toward a Non-Malignant Faith: An Interview with Brian McLaren

…the Thirty Years War: an experience so traumatic that for centuries after Europe longed for a non-religious space in which reasonable people might safely meet and interact. Christians seeking escape from brutal religious conflict did not and do not want to wrestle with particularity, not realizing that the problem might be with their take on particularity and not with the particularity itself. I’m still with G.K. Chesterton: the Christian ideal h…

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The Redemptive Power of Jewish Self-Hatred

…aus labeled Herzl a Jewish anti-Semite for wanting to “get the Jews out of Europe.” In 1899, Kraus wrote that “the Jewish tendencies responsible for Zionism” had driven him to consider himself a Jewish anti-Semite. (In this recriminatory atmosphere, Mann’s story seems more understandable, if not forgivable.) Productive Self-Hatred? This “prehistory” of Jewish self-hatred is one of the more interesting passages of Reitter’s book, and his cultural f…

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An Historic Meeting: African and African Diaspora Women Convene in Ghana for First-Ever Religion Conference

…of representatives from Southern and Eastern Africa, South America, Asia, Europe, Australia-Oceania, and Antarctica challenged the meeting’s full identity as “African” and “African Diasporan.” As conference organizers, Rose Mary Amenga-Etego, Evelyn Parker, and I began and ended the meeting lamenting constraints that prevented wider representation and anticipating broader participation of women on the continent and in the diaspora at future meeti…

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No Schism Here: Hillary v. Sanders and Party Unity

…binds the American United Methodist Church includes conferences in Africa, Europe and the Philippines. “Schism” is about the dirtiest word in Methodism, behind only “apportionments.” The desire to stay together has caused the UMC no end of headaches, since it locks together liberals and conservatives in an uneasy marriage. But they figure it’s more productive than becoming a bunch of wild-eyed separatists (like my people). I’m generally hesitant t…

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How to Separate Jewishness from Zionism

…tives of identity. Anti- or non-Zionist narratives always existed, both in Europe and the U.S., from Bundists, Yiddishists, German nationalists, universalist and internationalists of various stripes, Marxists, American assimilationists (i.e. classical Reform Judaism), ultra-Traditionalists from Aguddat Yisrael, to Habad, to various communities of Hungarian Orthodoxy now largely coalesced around Satmar Hasidism. These movements all contested the na…

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Challenge to ‘un-Africanness’ of homosexuality; LGBT Catholics in Africa face church cooperation with persecution; lesbian cartoon project debuts in bangladesh under shadow of violence; Global LGBT Recap

…rst LGBT retirement home, which opened in 2013. Sweden is ranked as one of Europe’s best countries for LGBT rights, according to an index that ranks European countries based on legal benchmarks for LGBT equality. But many of the residents remember a darker time, when they faced discrimination in society and under Swedish law, and some feared coming out to their families and colleagues. Sitting in the sun-filled kitchen of Bjorn Lundstedt, one of t…

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HitchBot Meets His Maker: What a Robot’s Murder Tells Us About Ourselves

…ng sad about hitchBOT, a hitchhiking robot that traveled across Canada and Europe, aided only by cuteness, programmable charm—and our tendency to project human emotions onto inanimate objects. Two weeks ago, the Canadian-built hitchBOT left Marblehead, Massachusetts. The goal: San Francisco. It was supposed to be an On the Road-meets-Wall-E jaunt, and a testament to the goodwill of human beings. Instead, over the weekend, somebody in Philadelphia…

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