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When Religion is a Refuge for Scoundrels: ‘Ryan Budget’ Edition

…It doesn’t. It calls for a more active citizenship, not voter suppression. Internationally it calls for “a new model of a more cohesive, polyarchic international society that respects every people’s identity within the multifaceted riches of a single humanity.” The goal is a solidarity that would end poverty and obsessive reliance on military violence for security. The Vatican document supports fair taxation, greed-controlling regulation and bailo…

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Bush’s New Book: “Damn Right I OK’d Torture”

…the American people: Will we hold accountable those who violated U.S. and international law? Torture is immoral, ineffective, and counter-productive. U.S. sponsored torture has not “saved lives”; it has cost lives and inspired acts of terror against the U.S. and its allies. It is time—well past time—to establish a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the use of torture by the US and hold those who authorized the use of torture accountable. Tortur…

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The “F” Word: Feminism in Islam

…so began to self-represent. They were always there. But whether or not the international community knew about them, or about their work, was inconsequential. Or so they thought. Both/And So in the void, the story of the Muslim woman went from Muslim male and non-Muslim female spokespersons to anti-Islam Muslim spokeswomen. Finally we get to the women who straddled the divide between living Islam and living in the world today, so they challenge Isl…

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Is Change Possible? Shifting the Ex-Gay Question

…nth, in an interview with The Atlantic, Alan Chambers, president of Exodus International, made it unequivocally clear that the nation’s largest ex-gay organization no longer considers itself in the business of changing sexual orientation. Chambers acknowledged that most Exodus members are single and remain so, that those who are married are trying to salvage an existing marriage rather than starting new, straight ones, and that homosexual desire s…

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Just War Tradition v. David Brooks on 9/11 Trials

…ential of turning these men into martyrs rather than subjects to a rule of international law. And so on. Perhaps the most telling objection was voiced by David Brooks on The PBS NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. He argued that the symbolics of the move carry real policy consequences. Brooks expressed surprise and dismay that the US Attorney General referred to the 9/11 attacks repeatedly as “crimes.” No, Brooks countered, they were not “crimes,” they were…

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A Brief History of Olympic Flames

…is revival. But after the war that followed so tragically and so soon, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) needed to detach the flame from its historical origins if they wanted to maintain it as a potent symbol of peace. And it remains such a symbol today, which is precisely why it became a focus of social protest. But a symbol of what? Tellingly, Coubertin could never say with clarity, whereas he was wonderfully eloquent about most other as…

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A Lone Blogger vs. the McCain-Hagee Alliance

…ches—such as his variation on a classical conspiracy theory alleging that “international financial power brokers based in Europe” seek to control the world. That class of conspiricism derives from the Protocols of The Elders of Zion and also from Henry Ford’s anti-Semitic tract, deeply influential in Germany in the years preceding the rise of Hitler’s Third Reich, “The International Jew”—a document that, by one account, was for a period placed in…

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Gandhi, his Grandson, Israel, and the Jews

…closed down if he remained at the helm. Responses in the English-language international press to this American media event were quite predictable. The Jerusalem Post titled its article “Gandhi Resigns after Blasting Jews,” while the Tehran Times offered the headline “Gandhi Grandson Falls Victim to Zionist Lobby.” The press response in India, where each of the five Gandhi grandsons is a public figure, was more varied and complex. The Telegraph of…

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RDBook: Bernard Avishai’s The Hebrew Republic

…tment droppedprecipitously at the beginning of the intifada and increasing numbers of young Israeli professionals have already begun leaving for the calmer pastures of Europe or Silicon Valley. In many ways, Avishai’s vision is something like Thomas Friedman’s in his work The Lexus and the Olive Tree. The biggest difference is that, where Friedman sees the changing marketplace as a global dynamic that needs to be shaped to bring balance between mo…

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Layoffs on the Religious Right

…as Republicans. Non-Christians overwhelmingly voted Obama/Biden—62% to 36%—numbers that surpassed the group’s 20-point margin for John Kerry in 2004 and the 15-point margin for Al Gore in 2000. Other findings: • Protestant voters, evenly divided between being registered as Democrats and Republicans, sided with Sen. McCain by a 53% to 46% margin, which was just half the margin accorded to George W. Bush in 2004 (57% to 42%), but within range of the…

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