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Sex Work: In Bed with the Religious Right

…new distortion of Christianity and its deleterious impact on national and international health policy. I wanted to make sense of how the religious right had succeeded in redirecting the national terms of conversation about sex: spouting ugly homophobia, reshaming women’s sexuality in particular, increasingly going after contraception and not just abortion, insisting that sex before marriage would have horrible consequences (even though 95 percent…

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Transforming America’s Israel Lobby

…ed the West Bank village of Jenin during the second intifada, at first the international media alleged that hundreds of innocent Palestinians had been massacred, and that bulldozers had crushed houses and destroyed property for no discernible reason. Later, a UN report demonstrated that there had been no “massacre” and that most of the Palestinian casualties were armed combatants. One could almost hear the sounds of Israel’s friends around the wor…

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Promise Keepers 2.0: Women and Jews Invited

…, the narrator declared, “The Jewish people are coming to Christ in record numbers.” The goal of some Christian Zionist and Messianic Jewish groups is the repatriation of all Jews to Israel, and the conversion of all Jews to Christ. Saturday afternoon’s sermons reflected those hopes. The Jewish humor of David Chernoff, one of the Messianic movement’s most prominent rabbis, fell flat when he addressed the crowd. The mostly gentile audience just did…

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The Next Islamists: The Wide Green Smudge That’s Changing Our World

…regions that cannot be faked. Vali Nasr is among other things Professor of International Politics at Tufts’ Fletcher School and part of Richard Holbrooke’s Afghanistan-Pakistan team, whose recent works have received significant attention. This, his most recent work, urges our reconsideration of the Muslim world by looking at its economic and social realities in another light. Both offer the gravity, subtlety, and statistics that the discussion des…

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Taqwacore Roundtable: On Punks, the Media, and the Meaning of “Muslim”

…If not, why? Is it the music (the genre being very particular to the Anglophone world)? the underlying thought of treating “Muhammad as punk rocker?”  BU: What an ignorant question. Anglophone world? Punk is ten times bigger in Kuala Lampur than it ever will be in the UK, France, or Germany. Or America. No, the reason for forming the Dead Bhuttos, and the rush to put a single online was to show, at least cosmetically, that Pakistan was as capable…

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Iftar: Breaking Fast

…special category of Islamic studies academics who are grounded both in the international or global nature of Islam and the history of identity politics in America. All of the madness hits us double. (I think Tariq knows what I’m talking about too, right!?) We are not supposed to be both black and fluent in another language (or two). We are not supposed to think abstractly, live spiritually, and still play in the street. There is a cost not to clai…

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Queering Easter: The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Redefine Sainthood

…e fall of 1979, Sister Hysterectoria and Reverend Mother went to the first International Faerie gathering and encountered even more men with the calling. Named the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence in 1980, the group is much more than the gender-bending, clone-challenging threesome of its origin both in numbers and in intent. As many living in San Francisco know (or in the various locations around the globe to which the order has spread), the Sister…

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Clueless in Gaza

…turning into hell. The harm to us will be both internal and external. The international community will condemn us. The First Intifada broke out a year later. Of Sharon’s policies in the West Bank and Gaza, Harkabi said that “the settlements are an obstacle to peace, and they are a military liability, not an asset.” For Harkabi, self-criticism, not territorial expansion, was the key to Israel’s political and military survival: “Of course we are no…

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The Duggars To Headline Values Voters Summit

…ording to its statement, “is guided by the Programme of Action of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development held in Cairo, Egypt. It states that abortion should not be promoted as a method of family planning. UNFPA fully subscribes to this and does not provide support for abortion services. It works to prevent abortion through family planning, and to help countries provide services for women suffering from the complications o…

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Persecution of Ugandan Bishop Continues In United States

…hose donors might not belong. With its attacks on Senyonjo, IRD blends its international and domestic agenda. IRD spokesman Jeff Walton said in a press release: “Not content to compel Americans to surrender to their agenda of constantly fluid notions of gender and sex, liberal Episcopalians who resent Africa’s traditionalist beliefs now want the U.S. government to compel poor African societies to bend to permissive, secular Western mores.” Ah, yes…

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