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Dr. Kervorkian Dies

…the act. (For more on religious perspectives on assisted suicide, see this site.) More recently, we have debated the inhumanity of lives or marshaled a fear of rampant unchecked euthanasia of the elderly in our public debates about health care provisions; the right to death is as controversial as the right to life—and just as politicized (think Terri Schiavo). It sits at the very boundary of personal and political that feminists and others have pu…

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“We (some of) the People” Florida Governor Rick Scott and the Tea Party

…cratic” had been forced to leave the event. One of the sherriff’s deputies officially charged with escorting them out of the Town Square told me that the signing was a private event, that the Square had been “leased” and that the “protesters” (they weren’t really protesting) would have to go to the “protest area,” which was behind the bandstand and across the street. The many Floridians that will be hurt by Scott’s budget were excluded from the ev…

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Hey Michele Bachmann,
I Got Your Nobel Laureates Right Here

…ocument and the Founding Fathers. In response, commenters on tea party web sites started making threats of violence against the student for having the audacity to question Bachmann. The 16-year-old Myers says that some commenters have called her “a whore.” Bachmann has not responded to the challenge, nor has she issued a statement condemning the threats. This week, 17-year-old Baton Rouge high school student Zack Kopplin called on Bachmann to back…

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Evangelical PR Guru Signs Up for Romney Campaign Again

…outreach he did for Romney again. In other Romney-evangelical news, the website Evangelicals for Mitt is up and running again, maintained by conservative Christian lawyer David French (who recently joined the American Center for Law and Justice, which is run by Jay Sekulow, who also supported Romney in 2008), his wife Nancy, and Charles Mitchell. At the 2007 Values Voters Summit, Mitchell told me EFM represented evangelicals who were tired of the…

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Huckabee Launches Videos to Teach Kids About American Exceptionalism

…lety and Cold War fervor of the movie Red Dawn. From Learn Our History web site’s Frequently Asked Questions: What does it mean that Learn Our History is “unbiased”? Learn Our History’s products have been developed to correct the “blame America first” attitude prevalent in today’s teaching. While we recognize that America is not perfect and has never been perfect we celebrate our incredible history with a balanced account of the events that create…

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Nobel Laureates Tell Gov. Jindal to Repeal Anti-Evolution Law

…ss than a week after a state lawmaker introduced a bill to repeal the law, officially known as the Louisiana Science Education Act (LSEA), 41 science Nobel Laureates sent a letter to Gov. Bobby Jindal and members of the legislature backing the measure. “Biological evolution is foundational in many fields, including biomedical research and agriculture,” the Nobel Laureates wrote. “It aids us in understanding, for example, how to fight diseases like…

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Anti-Choice Activists to Use Planned Parenthood Vote as Campaign Issue

…s “up or down vote,” which the group pledges to “score.” And now both Life Site News and the Daily Caller are featuring stories outlining the strategy. In the last election cycle, the anti-choice group Susan B. Anthony List targeted Democrats who first held up health care reform by demanding the inclusion of the Stupak Amendment (restricting abortion coverage) but then voted for the final bill. The group ran campaign ads charging the bill was the…

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#LDSConf Leads Twitter Trend?

…r times more traffic than the Vatican’s, and a Web 2.0 savvy institutional site——driven by individually uploaded member-profiles, the LDS Church and its US membership is probably the most digitally networked religious group in the world. Why? Credit high rates of internet access among Mormons in the U.S., as well as longstanding cultural-religious-ethnic kinship networks among American Mormons that have served as a base for building web…

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Big Mo-Publican Primary 2012 Update

…12 candidacy. If you watch religion (which you must if you’re reading this site), Pawlenty is a former Catholic-turned-Baptist who attends the Wooddale Church in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, a suburban megachurch pastored by Rev. Leith Anderson, the Minnesotan-mild-mannered head of the National Association of Evangelicals. Which means the 2012 race as it stands looks like a thoroughly correlated (our word for orthodox) Mormon (Romney), a recently-mint…

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