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Kyl Demands Condemnation of “Violent or Hateful Rhetoric,” But Doesn’t Follow Own Advice

…need a “spiritual army” to fight Islam. I can’t find anything on Kyl’s website condemning that. Nor can I find anything on Kyl’s website condemning the use of the term “spiritual warfare” to describe a conflict between America and Islam, or the promotion of that term by Boykin, and other religious right leaders, including James Dobson and Gary Bauer. I actually searched Kyl’s site for the word “warfare,” and found only this: “Some on the liberal…

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Big MoPublican Primary 2012: Dignity Watch

…e observers believe has staked out a netfoothold at this intriguing little site) has tried to explain away as sheer coincidence the fact that he showed up at a “Jasmine Revolution” protest in front of McDonalds sporting sunglasses and a leather jacket with an American flag patch on the shoulder. Recognized and then cheerfully interrogated by fellow protestors, Huntsman melted into the crowd. Both Huntsman and Romney remind me of the premium Mormon…

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The Kids are Religious Right: Punk Rock & Pro-Life

…and has actively petitioned Congress. They also recognize some government officials and politicians as allies. During the 32nd March for Life, held in January 2005, George W. Bush addressed pro-life supporters via telephone, saying: “we are working to promote a culture of life.” The president’s language is certainly in line with Rock for Life’s rhetoric, and the group’s willingness to work within the system runs counter to the militant overtones…

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What Does Anti-Christian Even Mean?

…has come out with his top ten “Anti-Christian Acts of 2010.” Coming it at number one on the hit parade is the passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) that ended employment discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Americans. Cass warns that the new law “would force ministries to hire people who oppose the beliefs or values of the organization.” That might be something to worry about if it were true, but it’s n…

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The Happening and the Gospel of Bruce Springsteen

…e headship in a traditional Christian family. Lest you think io9 (a sci-fi site) goes off the deep end, look at the interview with Shyamalan in Scientific American. Here the director sounds less a candidate for the Promise Keepers than for a drum circle: There is something that binds everything. To keep looking for that, that drive is almost the holy grail. I can totally relate to that on an intuitive level. That’s somehow tied to some mystical th…

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RDBook: Power Belongs to God

…ho usually happen to be brutal dictators. Despite lacking so much as a Web site, the group is an indisputable presence on the Washington scene. It helped to broker the not-necessarily-intuitive alliance between free-market economics and conservative religion that rolled back the New Deal and built a Republican majority. A handful of Congressmen from both parties live in a townhouse that The Family owns. Born-again Watergate crook Chuck Colson is t…

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A Lone Blogger vs. the McCain-Hagee Alliance

…ry 28, 2008, nationally-televised press event at which Senator John McCain officially received the political endorsement of a rising new lion of the American Christian right, pastor John Hagee. McCain sought his support, it is fair to assume, as Hagee had constructed a national political lobbying group, Christians United For Israel [CUFI], (which in its own way approximates the vote-getting heft of Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority of the late 1970s…

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RDBook: The Lost Scopes Archive

…ton summer sun. A contemporary example: this book was published in Kansas, site of one of the most recent ‘battles.’ Another: the ACLU, a brand-new organization in 1925, supports the Scopes defense in the name of academic freedom, the same grounds intelligent design supporters like those in Kansas now often use to argue their ideas should be taught in the science classroom! Reframing Scopes is a light, enlightening, educational and engaging read….

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Merry Kitzmas! Marking An Evolutionary Victory

…the latest anti-evolution attack. The battle is now back in Louisiana, the site of Dover’s precursor of Edwards v. Aguillard, in which creation science was struck down as religion in 1987. The strategy is now focused on “teaching the controversy.” Instead of actually claiming that they have a scientific claim, they now just try to instill doubt in students’ minds about the validity of evolutionary theory. Earlier this month, creationists led by th…

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CPAC Conservatives Shun “Crazy Bigot” Gaffney

…Congress to investigate “creeping shari’ah,” talked to the conspiracy web site World Net Daily, claiming “that CPAC has come under the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is working to bring America under Saudi-style Shariah law.”  Gaffney’s exhibit A is Suhail Khan, a member of the American Conservative Union board, which annually sponsors the Conservative Political Action Conference. WND’s piece is based on Gaffney’s charges “that Islami…

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