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Russian Attack on LGBTs at UN Rejected; Gay Cake Controversy Rages in N. Ireland; Bishop Calls for Marriage Referendum in Puerto Rico; Global LGBT Recap

…e death penalty and flogging for offences relating to consensual same-sex relations between adults’ on the one hand, and making illegal torture due to sexual orientation with some reservations on the other, raise serious concerns regarding Iran’s will to implement the recommendations,” she added. “Unfortunately, no mechanisms are in place to monitor the implementation of this decision.” Justice for Iran Executive Director Shadi Sadr said, “We call…

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RD Turns Six: What’s New, What’s Next…

…g experience, better integration with social media, peace on earth. (We’ll be updating via our newsletter, here.) It’s our birthday, but it’s you who deserve the party (and the gluten-free, kosher, vegan, cruelty-free cake). Thank you for reading, for writing, and for your thoughtful and dynamic engagement with the ever-evolving question of religion in public life and culture. Yours, The Eds.  …

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Trump’s Muslim Ban and the History of Stolen Citizenship in America

…and its others. Ironically, by doing so, he is cutting America off from itself. Religions like Islam have existed in this country since the 1600s, coming over with enslaved Africans, while Hinduism and Sikhism have been present here since the 1800s. Moreover, lest we forget, the entire Southwest was once part of Mexico. By idealizing a heteronormative white Christian state, Trump is embracing a view of America that never existed, and is assuring a…

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I Always Knew Santa Was Make-Believe: A Retired Pastor on Losing Her Faith

…t. If President Bush was like a midwife, cutting my connection to those lifelong beliefs, then what new life was being born? Years later, Phil reminded me that someone else had freed us from our theological assumptions in a far more generous and life-giving way. In the year after Phil’s cancer diagnosis in 2005, we had begun to take comfort in the BBC documentaries of Sir David Attenborough, who thrilled us with the wonders of nature and never men…

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The Contraceptive Mandate and Animal Suffering

…be stunned before slaughter. These groups claim the law would limit their religious freedom by altering mandated slaughter rituals which require the animal be conscious when killed. For Singer, the proper alternative is for the religiously observant to abstain from eating meat. Eating meat is not mandated by Islam or Judaism and, if they don’t eat meat, there is no need to slaughter animals humanely or cruelly.    The Dutch Parliament—in an action…

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Trump and Hindu Nationalism: A Match Made in Bollywood

…of private enterprise, they want the state to use public resources to actively promote a form of Hindu yoga. United by anxiety about immigration—and especially Muslims—as well as perceived threats to capitalist and patriarchal forms of domination, Trump and his allies among Hindus in the U.S. and India propagate militant forms of nationalism all while marketing themselves as protectors of social values. Trump and his allies espouse xenophobic, ant…

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Yerushalmi, National Review, and a Conservative Fight Over Shari’ah

…amic law in the United States) and at worst could be used to restrict the religious freedoms of Americans who are not Muslim as well. Worst of all, Schmitz worries that “the anti-sharia movement’s implication that all Muslims are radicals amplifies resentments and fuels hate by encouraging Americans to view their neighbors with suspicion and distrust.” He is hopelessly outnumbered at National Review, where most of the writers and commenters weighi…

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How U.S. Conservatives Conjured the Jesus of Their Dreams

…as news that many Christians believe Jesus urged his disciples to arm themselves? Well, here you will find the firm scriptural foundation for Second Amendment rights! I value this part of the book for being especially clear about the deeply anti-Semitic basis of so-called Christian Zionism. In fact, Keddie is clearsighted throughout on the anti-Semitic core of the conservative Christian project. This vileness is completely of a piece with the sick…

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Is Proselytizing Ever Okay? Are We All Proselytizing All The Time?

…of “If I respect your boundary, I am violating my religion,” you should feel free to tell them that their religious freedom ends where your own religious freedom and moral autonomy begin. The fundamental fact remains that you haven’t asked them to change their mind about anything; you’ve only asked them to leave you alone. If we want to have a functional pluralist society at all, we need people, broadly, to respect such boundaries. Stalking and h…

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Of Love and Lodging: Doctor Who Part VIII

…he loves Sophie, and wants to stay where she is. There is a symbolic parallel between the ship and the human characters. The ship cannot leave because it has no one to tell it to depart. Craig wants to stay but is hiding the reason. Sophie at one point talks about leaving to travel and do environmental work with animals, reciprocating Craig’s feelings but likewise keeping them secret, and looking for a reason to stay. And while the Doctor comments…

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