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Well, It Would Have Been a Good Religion Question…

…ll, which fights for the right of women to pray aloud at Judaism’s holiest site. “At the coercion of Israel’s ultra-Orthodox religious establishment,” Menachem Z. Rosensaft writes in the Forward: women are forbidden to read from the Torah or to wear prayer shawls or tefilin in the plaza in front of the Wall. Women who defy these prohibitions, including Hoffman, are routinely harassed. Earlier this year, during the summer, Hoffman disclosed that, “…

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The Real Reason For “Vagina-gate”

…. “A Mannish Feel” Not surprisingly, pastor and theologian John Piper’s website featured a review of Evans’ book in which a female reviewer charges Evans with questioning the validity of the Bible and accuses her of “building a comfortable bridge for shaky evangelicals to find their way into theological liberalism.” For the reviewer a denial of inerrancy erodes the gospel. This is typical fundamentalism: accuse Evans of being a liberal who does no…

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Enlightenment’s Islam: A “Necessary Fiction”

…jectionable in light of the fact that the Capitol building, yards from the site of the proposed artwork, was an intended target of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Rudy Giuliani, mayor of New York City during the attacks, is calling the mural “a desecration.” And former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin tweeted that the “Muslim Mural is UNNECESSARY provocation.” Tempers are running even higher online, where noted blogger and…

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Harry Jackson Fundraises for Anti-Obama Campaign

…ackson says he wants EPU to be a clearinghouse. There’s very little on the site now, but he promised that within a week it would include videos with African-American and Spanish-speaking messengers that activists could send to friends. He said some videos would feature anti-poverty activists in Uganda and the West Indies complaining that needed aid from the U.S. is being held hostage to the Obama administration’s efforts to promote LGBT rights int…

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Akin and the God Factor

…UPDATE: In case you had any doubts, check out this lengthy list of pastor and Christian activist endorsements on his site.)  …

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Personhood USA says Romney would Permit “Death Penalty” for “Babies Conceived in Rape”

…wins the office of Vice President of the United States.” Romney’s campaign site claims he is “pro-life:”  Mitt believes that life begins at conception and wishes that the laws of our nation reflected that view. But while the nation remains so divided, he believes that the right next step is for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade – a case of blatant judicial activism that took a decision that should be left to the people and placed it in the…

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‘A Slice of Heaven’: Lakota Look to Buy Back Stolen Sacred Lands

…to the Lakota since the Before Time. Pe’sla is part of a complex of sacred sites which include Devil’s Tower in Wyoming and various other sites in the Black Hills, all of which link to Lakota mythology of the union of earth and sky, and many are still used for ceremonies and prayer.  As noted in the excerpt above, the Black Hills was set aside for the Lakota people as part of what was then called The Great Sioux Reservation. Less than ten years la…

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“Mass Graves, Child Soldiers” and a Crusading Army of International Evangelists

…with crowds swelling for the final weekend days (although nowhere near the numbers of 120,000 the organizers claimed for the Saturday evening—local press estimated no more than 10-12,000). Certainly one of the main attractions was the energetic local gospel music performed every night for hours before the preaching and healing began. Not only did it get us and our students dancing at the ground, but we could continue to enjoy its rousing sounds fr…

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Kyl Demands Condemnation of “Violent or Hateful Rhetoric,” But Doesn’t Follow Own Advice

…need a “spiritual army” to fight Islam. I can’t find anything on Kyl’s website condemning that. Nor can I find anything on Kyl’s website condemning the use of the term “spiritual warfare” to describe a conflict between America and Islam, or the promotion of that term by Boykin, and other religious right leaders, including James Dobson and Gary Bauer. I actually searched Kyl’s site for the word “warfare,” and found only this: “Some on the liberal…

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Neither The Joker Nor Godlessness Drove Batman Shooting

…rk Knight movies, released in 2008. At that time, John-Henry Westen of wrote the following prescient passage (reposted shortly after the Aurora shootings) about Ledger’s particularly dark, violent, and psychotic portrayal of the Joker: Are there going to be imitators of the Joker portrayed in The Dark Knight? There already are. Just look on YouTube for the number of videos where teens are dressing up as and imitating the lines of…

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