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Unbuckling the Bible Belt: “Nashville” and the Nones

…industry. Season 2 reaffirms the Bluebird’s church-like status: it is the site for Scarlett’s album debut after she nobly refused to let record executives craft a false, PR glamorous image for her. True to her rootsy musical persona, Scarlett appears triumphantly at the Bluebird after having managed to hold tight to her artistic virtue, in a white dress and scarce makeup, and sounding an awful lot like Iris DeMent. Gunnar, too, engages in authent…

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Conservatives Accuse Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori of Misconduct

The conservative American Anglican news site Anglican Ink reported this week on a claim of misconduct filed in December 2013 against the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, the Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori. The claim was filed by the American Anglican Fellowship (AAF), a group formed in June of 2013 apparently for the purpose of going after Jefferts Schori much like disgruntled GOP legislators after Barack Obama. Through a long s…

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LDS Church Brings Religious Pressure to Zoning Fight

…ccept the invitation.”  In one LDS congregation near the proposed building site, local LDS Church leaders read a similar message over the pulpit to congregants and taught Sunday School lessons on “sustaining Church leaders.” In the lexicon of Mormonism, the use of words like “invitation” and “sustaining” and the involvement of the LDS Church’s high-ranking Quorum of Twelve Apostles sent a clear message to observant Latter-day Saints who value obed…

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Top Five Toxic Religion Stories of 2014

…of real estate in the world. The decades-long arrangement under which the site was administered by a special trust in Jordan is coming unglued under unrelenting pressure by ultra-orthodox Jews who want to see a Third Temple erected there. Leading Israeli politicians pander to these pressures, making their own provocative statements. Worse, these same politicians backed versions of a proposed nationality law—hugely controversial in Israel and amon…

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How AIDS Changed the Way American Christians Talk About Sex

…ing how theatre in particular has served as a political and even religious site for so many gay men affected by the AIDS crisis. I left this discussion out because, again, it took away from the cohesion of the book as a whole. And with all the recent debates about PrEP (a pill that can be used to prevent HIV transmission) and gay marriage, I felt there were more pressing issues to engage—okay, and I figured maybe the plays were best left to theatr…

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Greece Must Suffer for Redemption: A Nietzschean Reading

…another, which motivates us to avoid similar pain in the future. The basic site for the inflicting of pain is what Nietzsche considers the foundational human relationship: that between creditor and debtor. In Nietzsche’s (speculative) history, if a debtor is unable to discharge his debt, his creditor is entitled to extract payment “in the form of a kind of pleasure—the pleasure of being allowed to vent his power freely upon one who is powerless, t…

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Fake Gay Panic News Fools Christians

…jailed for refusing to marry a gay couple. The story came from a fake news site. Not like Jon Stewart fake news. Or even Onion fake news. Actual fake news. “By the way,” Stetzer added, “if you are a pastor you should already know that no one can make you officiate anything. In fact, you can refuse to officiate an interracial marriage. You’d be an idiot and a racist, but you wouldn’t be arrested.” The other “story” Stetzer highlighted claimed “a so…

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Blame Series Bonus: How Federal Policy Created America’s Fergusons

…ers were not usable in most places; they were usable in Ferguson. So large numbers of African Americans who were displaced by urban renewal, by slum clearance in the central city, moved outside the central city, north and west, into places like Ferguson. Since African Americans were prohibited from living in most other places, those communities became predominantly or nearly all black. So that’s how Ferguson became the Ferguson we know today. Why…

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God, Guns, and the Confederate Flag

…mple, BuzzFeed reports that Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, best known for his defiance of federal court orders on the unconstitutionality of Ten Commandments displays in courthouses and bans on same-sex marriage, once spoke to a gathering of the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens, the same group Roof cited as a key source of his white supremacist views. In associating with the Councils, Moore, of course, is not alon…

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To Pray or to Prey: Racism, Religion and Violence in Charleston

…a recent college graduate, grandparents, mothers, friends and clergy. The site of this white terrorist attack intimates a broader attack on the idea of black freedom. Emanuel Church embodies a storied and triumphant history in the American south. Historically, this place of transformative faith invested capital and bodies in the work of black emancipation. We must remember that Denmark Vesey was a founder of Emanuel: there is a legacy of unfounde…

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