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❤️ BÄSTA DATINGPLATS️: ❤️ Brons Cathexis Koji Nanjo Online Dating

Photo of a Dying Man: All the Wrong Reasons

…where the publicly negotiated ritual meaning emerges: in the explosion of online debates about whether or not Abbasi could have helped; why other bystanders did not; what motivations the killer may have had; and—most importantly—what would we do in the same situation. No Moral Payoff For all this, though, I don’t think the image should have been posted. Nobody questions whether or not the image is powerful. And I don’t dispute the journalistic ri…

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National Catholic Reporter Endorses Women’s Ordination

…off overwhelmingly positive but have grown just slightly more mixed as it spreads to conservative corners of the internet. Those Catholics are no more surprised than I am.  The back and forth online may indicate a small victory for NCR. Though the bishops may have succeeded in ending the conversation elsewhere, this discussion is definitely not over….

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Pope Follows Himself in Twitter Echo Chamber

…eyond this, does the development of massive follower bases on social media sites really amount to the kind of “connection” and “engagement”—these being chief among the values Ortiz and Tighe suggest the Pope’s Twitter participation offers—that are at the heart of genuine ministries? Keith Anderson and I have argued that the sorts of digital broadcast messaging projects such as those being undertaken by the Vatican and by other world religious lead…

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Safety Not Guaranteed

Looking at the online flood zone map of our neighborhood, I feel calm.   I’m a bit of a map freak and I appreciate how clearly this one presents the information and how easily I can navigate within it. I know, vaguely, that the East Village is vulnerable to flooding from the East River but now I can see the facts. Zooming in, I see the exact boundaries of Zone A—the mandatory evacuation zone. It extends from the river up to the public housing blo…

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Senate Candidate Todd Akin’s Anti-Abortion Acquaintances from the Late ’80s

…wn for its role in creating and compiling the so-called “Nuremberg Files”: online dossiers on abortion providers and abortion supporters including their work addresses, photos, and places of worship. There was a trial, and Dreste himself was fined millions in damages, according to a 1999 investigative piece on Dreste by the St. Louis Riverfront Times: The defendants, two anti-abortion groups and 12 individuals, including Dreste, were not charged w…

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The Master: “It’s Not the L. Ron Story”

…r Hoffman), a fictional stand-in for Scientology’s founder L. Ron Hubbard. Online comments sections were rife with speculation that the Church of Scientology would stop at nothing to keep Anderson from revealing “the truth” about Hubbard. But Anderson has insisted that the movie is not about Scientology. “It’s not the L. Ron story,” he explained. Either way, I think The Master qualifies Anderson for an honorary degree in the study of new religious…

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Where are the Blessed Peacemakers?

…d ban on assault weapons and laws protecting interstate and, by extension, online ammunition sales. Perhaps Chris Hedges is right: “We have created and live in a world where violence has become the primary form of communication.” Which leaves us where with regard to a national conversation on violence? Dead in the water? The Armor of God? Oh, if only there were a place where people could gather on a regular basis to talk about causes, effects, and…

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Romney’s VP Pick of Ryan Will Bring Religion to the Fore

…at’s brought Occupy Catholics together as a group around the country, both online and in person, is the shared sense that the Occupy movement’s message speaks to the heart of our faith.” But back to electoral politics. Democratic “faith” strategists have jumped on Ryan over his affection for Ayn Rand, criticizing him because she was an atheist—a wrongheaded move that demonized atheism rather than the cruelty of Randian economics. (A year later, Ry…

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Religion No Longer Adequate For The Dalai Lama

…acticing Buddhists, not to mention for his millions of spiritually-curious online followers? But his atheistic-toned words should not come as a surprise. Back in June, he tweeted that he is “increasingly convinced that the time has come to find a way of thinking about spirituality and ethics beyond religion altogether.” Slowly, HHDL’s social media team has been tweaking the guru’s image to better align with our more secular views. Westerners are d…

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