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Arab Spring: Countering the Naysayers

…mpensate for this, I created a supplement for the book, which is available online and includes relevant photos and videos. The word limit also restricted the book’s scope. If I had more space, I would have profiled more organizations (there are so many) and provided additional detail on the initiatives I did include. Some of the groups in this book have incredible histories that mirror the tumultuous events in regional countries. While we so often…

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Social Cost of Christianity?

…at many Christians, particularly fundamentalists and evangelicals, in this country believe they suffer stigma for their religious beliefs. It’s built into their identity, going all the way back to to the cross. But in a country where 77 percent of the population identifies with Christianity, and only one member of the House or Senate has publicly declared himself an atheist, such claims seem a bit spurious. But then maybe I’m wrong. So in deferenc…

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Jesus Loses His Freak: How I Lost One Leper Messiah, and Gained Another, Part 4

…estament, which most Jesus kids I knew seemed to view as a dusty scroll of Sunday-school fables about ancient Israelites, periodically interrupted by a yawn-inducing list of begats or the heaven-sent Genocide of the Week. But the New Testament had its problems, too. The more I read, the more troubled I was by the dissonance between the righteous Jesus of the social gospel—the Revolutionary of Love, defending the destitute and the despised and dema…

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Capricology: Big Ideas, Lack of Humanity

…disillusion of what was working in that relationship. I really enjoyed the online romance between the Zoebot and her geek boy toy, and now we seem to have killed him off and in doing so, we cut down on one of her few remaining ties to the human realm. The other tie of course was through Lacey who has acted as a sounding board for Zoe as she struggles to process her tortured (in this case literally) relationship with her father, and now we seem to…

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Do Not Arrest the Pope: New Atheists’ Call for the Pope’s Arrest Isn’t Likely to Produce Justice

…Kissling presents the opposing view here —ed. According to a recent Times Online article (provocatively headlined “Richard Dawkins calls for arrest of Pope Benedict XVI”), Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, both leaders in the “New Atheist” movement, “have asked human rights lawyers to produce a case for charging Pope Benedict XVI over his alleged cover-up of sexual abuse in the Catholic church.” The hope, apparently, is to be in a positio…

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AIPAC and the Israel Lobby: A Graphic Retrospective

…entary program Tegenlicht about the Israel lobby in the USA. View for free online. (Quote appears at 10:21). More information on Christians United for Israel here. Page 3 Panel 1: Stats from Parade magazine. Panel 2: Veto list taken from here. Panel 3: Order the book here. Background here. Panel 5: More on the anti-Semitic tract in this panel here. Panel 6: Quote from here. Panel 7: Obama quote from here. Panel 8: Kessler appears in this video of…

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Ground-Zero Mosque: A Call for Internal Muslim Debate

…budget is massive. Could there be better ways to spend this money? Social services and educational support for Muslim communities could be expanded. Funds could support activities with Cordoba’s larger goal of giving Islam and American Muslims good PR, with more exposure than a localized project. Furthermore, any debate highlights the plurality of voices in the American Muslim community. Just by engaging one another and openly airing differences…

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Will Gender and Sexuality Rend The Anglican Communion?

…icks itself up and to use Diana Butler Bass’ term, “re-traditions.” Those seeking to keep up with this debate might want to check out Maggi Dawn’s list of online articles and blog postings, as well as Diana Butler Bass’ ongoing commentary….

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A State Without a Mexican

…zona stands as the state with the most xenophobic and nativist laws in the country.” With similar outrage Jim Wallis, President and CEO of Sojourners proclaims: It is not just about Arizona, but about all of us, and about what kind of country we want to be… This law will make it illegal to love your neighbor in Arizona, and will force us to disobey Jesus and his gospel. We will not comply. While not advocating illegal immigration, the need to find…

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Jesus Goes to the Dark Carnival: Hell House Gets a Makeover?

…es of the script, Corey and Kevin, as “living their dream of defending the country they love,” having gone to Iraq to “love and serve Jesus Christ, the Hero of all mankind.”  This obviously suits the post-9/11 mood of many evangelicals in which America’s wars are God’s wars and God’s heroes are America’s heroes. Cultural sewage of the type that Nancy Grace built her career transmitting also plays a significant role in other Judgement House narrati…

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