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All Your Dead Mormons Are Belong To Us

…s Are Now Gay. It’s a simple game: enter the name of a dead Mormon, or the site will choose one for you, and with the click of a mouse, the deceased LDS member is instantly converted to homosexuality. Of course, this makes no sense, and is somewhat offensive. But then, so are the views of some (though not all) Mormons that the dead can be posthumously baptized – or at least given the offer of baptism (which, since they now can evaluate their optio…

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We’re Not Just “Heterosexual with Issues”

…to gender equality (which is kind of odd for a conservative Christian web site to promote), reduce household conflict and improve the well-being of children “through greater paternal investment.” Reading through the study, it hit me: I think one of the main reasons the religious right wants to deny gays and lesbians marriage equality is because marriage is actually good for couples. Imagine it, if full marriage rights are granted, then gay and le…

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Romney Prepping for Evangelical Dance

…est attacks we’ll see. Judging from what is simmering over at Glenn Beck’s site and elsewhere, we’ll see the resurrection of Jeremiah Wright, Obama-as-Manchurian-Muslim, and more. The question is, in choosing a running mate, whether Romney will pick someone who will feed the fever swamp, or just the “respectable” redoubts of the religion wars, such as charging Obama with waging a war on religion with insurance coverage for contraception. Either wa…

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Want Straight Talk on the Romney-Rosen Mommy Wars?

…ce.” Economic realities make motherhood, as Butterworth described it, “the number one risk factor for poverty in America.” Pointing out the incredible economic vulnerability of stay-at-home mothers, Butterworth wrote: “We invest time and money and energy and resources into things we truly value. We build museums to house valuable works of art. We build giant sports complexes to house our valuable entertainment opportunities. We build giant road sy…

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Baptist Blogger who Discovered Land Plagiarism says Investigation is “Unprecedented”

…it damages his reputation with his key demographic—journalists,” said Brian Kaylor, author of the book Presidential Campiagn Rhetoric in an Age of Confessional Politics and a contributing editor at Ethics Daily, a Baptist site critical of the religious right. “Land is much more influential among journalists as a ‘evangelical leader’ than he is with the average Southern Baptist in the pews. He has more say in newsrooms than sanctuaries.”…

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Church Controversy is in Georgetown’s DNA

…ample in John Carroll’s Georgetown.  Created at a time when Protestants outnumbered Catholics 20 to 1 in the U.S., Georgetown was from the outset not a site of challenge to religious liberty, but a testament to it—as it continues to be today. The religious liberty Georgetown represents, however, is not simply a matter of the right of each religious group to have its way. It is instead, like both the Church and the nation of which the university is…

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Former USCCB Spox: HHS Doesn’t Speak for Me on Contraception

…nt to accomplish in a liberal democracy. The Women Speak for Themselves website elaborates: Those currently invoking “women’s health” in an attempt to shout down anyone who disagrees with forcing religious institutions or individuals to violate deeply held beliefs are more than a little mistaken, and more than a little dishonest. Even setting aside their simplistic equation of “costless” birth control with “equality,” note that they have never res…

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Muslim Opponent of FGM Ousted From Mayo Clinic

for allegedly supporting female genital mutilation (FGM). According to the site, Dr. Hatem al-Haj, a pediatrician at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, says of FGM: I have always condemned Female Genital Mutilation, or FGM. Moreover, I have unequivocally voiced both orally and in written form the condemnation of all harmful forms of Female Genital Cutting FGC, justifiably known as FGM. Furthermore, I have taught that nothing in Islamic Law and religiou…

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Will Religion Solve the Obesity Crisis?

…no surprise that religion has entered the national dialogue as a possible site for fighting the obesity epidemic. What may surprise you is where we’re looking: the Book of Daniel and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.  The Book of Daniel is the inspiration for Purpose Driven Life author Rick Warren’s new initiative. Warren claims to have been inspired by Daniel, who refused rich foods of the royal court in order to serve God more fully. Warren s…

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Yerushalmi, National Review, and a Conservative Fight Over Shari’ah

…to view their neighbors with suspicion and distrust.” He is hopelessly outnumbered at National Review, where most of the writers and commenters weighing in are confused at Schmitz’ inability to perceive Muslim Americans as the collective Fifth Column everyone understands them to be.  No one, however, is more outraged at Schmitz’ suggestion that anti-Muslim prejudice might be at work in the Shariah-panic industry than Yerushalmi, who writes, “To e…

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