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Does Christopher Hitchens Think Mormons are Sinistererer?

…affront. (Top-notch religion journalist Peggy Fletcher Stack provides the best account of the problem and LDS Church attempts at its rectification here. But as Maureen Dowd’s column today suggests, there is no doubt that baptism for the dead will continue to be a sticky subject for the Church and a troubling subject for non-LDS people this election year.)  The article has already drawn its share of responses, one of my favorite from Slate columni…

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Conservatives Waiting for Palin Rapture

…Palin have been reeling, some making excuses, others defecting for a rival site, Palin4 America. Palin’s Gideon’s Fleece bus tour of earlier this year did not seem to give her a sign to run, and now the footage resembles highlights from a retirement reel, rather than the fodder for a crop of Palin 2012 commercials. Put this together with the doubling down of conservatives like Ann Coulter, who said this about Palin on the O’Reilly factor: She is “…

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Gay Pride Weekend Draws Mormon Allies and Equality Supporters

…peating scenes witnessed in Washington, DC, when the parade route became a site for reunions between active Mormons and gay Mormons long estranged from the faith community. In New York City, 50 gay Mormons and allies marched behind the banner of Affirmation, the nation’s oldest Mormon LGBT group. Some held signs quoting a verse from the Book of Mormon: “All are alike unto God.” Nineteen LDS marchers held the Affirmation banner in Houston, as did a…

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Big Mo-Publican Primary 2012 Update

…12 candidacy. If you watch religion (which you must if you’re reading this site), Pawlenty is a former Catholic-turned-Baptist who attends the Wooddale Church in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, a suburban megachurch pastored by Rev. Leith Anderson, the Minnesotan-mild-mannered head of the National Association of Evangelicals. Which means the 2012 race as it stands looks like a thoroughly correlated (our word for orthodox) Mormon (Romney), a recently-mint…

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#LDSConf Leads Twitter Trend?

…r times more traffic than the Vatican’s, and a Web 2.0 savvy institutional site——driven by individually uploaded member-profiles, the LDS Church and its US membership is probably the most digitally networked religious group in the world. Why? Credit high rates of internet access among Mormons in the U.S., as well as longstanding cultural-religious-ethnic kinship networks among American Mormons that have served as a base for building web…

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Anti-Choice Activists to Use Planned Parenthood Vote as Campaign Issue

…s “up or down vote,” which the group pledges to “score.” And now both Life Site News and the Daily Caller are featuring stories outlining the strategy. In the last election cycle, the anti-choice group Susan B. Anthony List targeted Democrats who first held up health care reform by demanding the inclusion of the Stupak Amendment (restricting abortion coverage) but then voted for the final bill. The group ran campaign ads charging the bill was the…

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Huckabee Launches Videos to Teach Kids About American Exceptionalism

…lety and Cold War fervor of the movie Red Dawn. From Learn Our History web site’s Frequently Asked Questions: What does it mean that Learn Our History is “unbiased”? Learn Our History’s products have been developed to correct the “blame America first” attitude prevalent in today’s teaching. While we recognize that America is not perfect and has never been perfect we celebrate our incredible history with a balanced account of the events that create…

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Evangelical PR Guru Signs Up for Romney Campaign Again

…r own goals for remaking the judiciary and American jurisprudence. The EFM site (not affiliated with the campaign) has a little piggy bank graphic with a rotating message: “Life is a moral issue.” “Rescuing the economy is a moral issue.” “Education is a moral issue.” “Marriage is a moral issue.” “Job-creation is a moral issue.” It’s clearly aimed at attracting abortion-gay marriage-prioritizing plus the “broader agenda” evangelicals. The message:…

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