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Buffalo and Uvalde Both Appear to Have Involved the AR-15, the Rifle Revered by the Christian Right

…ents of gun control increasingly view the AR as paradigmatic of everything wrong with American gun laws. Their animosity toward the AR-15 is evident on social media, where one need only search #BanAR15 to see some of the memes and signs people have created to protest it. In these images, critics repeatedly link the AR-15 to the rise in mass shootings, to the murder of children and people of color (African Americans in particular), to the nation’s…

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Barna Plays God, School Board Boot Camp, and the Birth of the ‘SAGECON’: Day 3

…destroys God’s creation. Any truth other than that of the Bible is, well, wrong. Fortunately, Barna exclaims, half of the values of Colonial America are still in place today—meaning the bedrock of America hasn’t changed—so there’s hope that people can still be united within these values. What Colonial values is Barna is referring to? He doesn’t say. But, America’s founding is worth celebrating without any attention to slavery and colonialism. And…

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How Indiana’s New RFRA Expands the Federal RFRA

…ical–is the basis for the conservative outcry that the media has the story wrong, and the Indiana law is merely intended to protect religious rights, rather than allow discrimination, particularly against LGBT people. In his appearance on ABC’s This Week, Pence maintained that the new law “does not even apply to disputes between private parties unless government action is involved.” He insisted that the statutory language is the same as the federa…

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Rejecting the Binary: Why Left v. Right Doesn’t Work

…ople like yourself – and against their declared adversaries. What could go wrong? It’s totally understandable why people would want shortcuts and why they are necessary to a degree. What goes wrong is that politics becomes a set of monologues filled with negative perceptions of the opposition, rather than actually engaging in dialogue to find solutions and compromises. My book shows that those aligned with “religious right” and “secular left” don’…

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“Like sunshine in the darkest abyss I’ve ever experienced.”

…homosexuals! Either he’s not gay, or everything I know about being gay is wrong.” I had to unlearn everything I had learned for 36 years.  My first thought was that “surely, the Church has the answers.” I spoke with my bishop; we saw eight different LDS counselors; I read everything I could find about Mormonism and homosexuality. I was absorbed to the point of not eating and not sleeping, trying to figure out how to help my son. But the more I re…

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First Baptist Church, Sutherland Springs Texas

Can Government Solve The Evil Of Mass Shootings? A Response to Mollie Hemingway

…ch they believe can solve the question of man’s evil. This is so many ways wrong I hardly know where to begin. I guess let’s start with it being a particularly nasty response to Max Boot, who is Jewish, and continue with it being a complete strawman argument, as though atheists or secular people really believe any such thing about government. Nobody really thinks government can solve the problem of evil, but many—believers or not—think it can help…

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Obama To Skip Golden Temple: Part of A Larger Problem With Religion

…d to say that Sikhs and Muslims have different religions. There is nothing wrong with being either and there is nothing wrong in showing respect in a house of worship. He could have talked about the Sikhs in America being the victims of hate crimes because they were confused with Muslims. That hate is not an American value. He could have taken this moment to educate us. Instead, he did not just miss the opportunity, but he ran from it. He is encou…

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The Two Mythologies Behind True Detective Come Crashing Down in Finale

…hter waits for him in heaven, and that all of his existentialist angst was wrong. We are left with a cosmos that is starkly Manichaean, neatly divided between good and evil. Instead of a hideous Lovecraftian revelation, the series ends with what Tolkien called a “eucatastrophe” in which evil is suddenly overcome at the last moment. Of course, there’s nothing inherently wrong with a happy ending. But the final message of True Detective reinforces a…

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Tweeting ISIS Attacks: A Lesson in Not Learning a Lesson

…back on immigration, asylum and multiculturalism. That is incidentally the wrong response—if tens of thousands of Syrians find the door slammed shut in their faces, and have nowhere to go, no way to support their families, and no options for the future, who do you think will take them in?—and practically as tasteless as attempts by some American politicians to turn the attacks on Paris into an argument against gun control: Imagine a theater with 1…

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As Cambodia Erupts in Protest, a Stolen Buddhist Relic Ignites Anger

…were among the most vociferous in demanding that more be done to right the wrong. Days after the crime, these monks confronted higher-ups in the sangha at a meeting in Phnom Penh, and called for the Supreme Patriarch Tep Vong, who is viewed as an extension of the ruling party, to resign if he failed to recover the urn. A prominent activist monk later called for the Minister of Cults and Religion to step down if he also couldn’t get the job done. I…

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