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3 Dirty Words Obama and the Dem Faith Folks Won’t Utter

…t me, I’m a Person of Faith™! To Sarah’s point, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a secular person, and it’s ridiculous that Democrats believe they somehow have to inoculate themselves against that charge. Yes, if you ask voters, they’ll say that they want their politicians to be religious people. I think what that means (admittedly without proof) is that they want to know that their leaders’ moral positions are rooted in something deepe…

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The Religious Right’s New Target: Transgender People

…an account for why someone feels like they are “trapped in the body of the wrong sex.”  Spanish researchers have found differences in the white matter of the brain between transgender people and those who are not. Patricia Churchland, in her new book Touching a Nerve, takes the reader on a short tour of neurological differences that can occur during fetal development. She points to differences found, at autopsy, in the subcortical area of the thal…

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Tea Party’s Cosmic Conflict in Wisconsin

…ures of any moral economy is to make sacred distinctions between right and wrong, friends and enemies. The Tea Party (TP) movement is being defined by a peculiar moral economy that is based on these kinds of sacred distinctions, though I will be the first to admit the Tea Partiers themselves would not necessarily see them in such religious terms. Still, the value of these distinctions for the TP is religious through and through—not necessarily bec…

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Archbishop of Chicago Accuses Emanuel of McCarthyism Over Chick-fil-A

…te happened to pass a Catholic parish during morning services. Emanuel was wrong* to try to restrict Chick-fil-A’s access to required city permits because of Dan Cathy’s political and religious views. But George, in his hyperbolic accusations of Emanuel’s intent, performs his own twisting of the Constitution: Was Jesus a bigot? Could Jesus be accepted as a Chicagoan? Would Jesus be more “enlightened” if he had the privilege of living in our societ…

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Jennifer Knapp and Me: Coming Out While Evangelical

…not loudly enough to drown out the many voices that were telling me I was wrong to be gay. The evangelicals had rejected me; I had to reject them in return. With a Bachelor’s in Protestant theology and an unconventional sexuality, returning to Belarus held little promise for me. So I did the only thing I knew how and applied to a Master’s program to remain in academia. By some miracle, I got into Yale Divinity School, where I would study the inte…

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On The Silence Of ‘The Lamb’s Agenda’: An Open Letter to Rev. Samuel Rodriguez

…that our message—we think abortion is wrong, we think same-sex marriage is wrong—didn’t get out. It did get out.” Rev. Mohler continues: “It’s that the entire moral landscape has changed. An increasingly secularized America understands our positions, and has rejected them.”  You appear not to grasp this reality in still seeking “sanctification” of the culture and of our politics.  According to exit polls your own base of support—Latino Protestants…

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Christian Publishing v. the Vagina

…‘Christian bookstore’ does something like this, they send a… fundamentally wrong message about what Christianity is,” he says. “If you read Scripture, obviously in context, there’s all kinds of stuff that’s unpleasant.” The Blind Side incident reminds him of his first experience writing a Christian book for adults. In 2005, he was working on Everything You Wanted To Know About God (but were afraid to ask), for Waterbrook Multnomah. Metaxas is a Ya…

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Pope Francis and the American Sisters

…lly changed. I am getting ready to rest my case though I long to be proven wrong. Third, the meeting with the LCWR presidents needs to be read critically in light of the theo-politics of the moment. I can imagine that the Archbishop Mueller’s of this world are scrambling to figure out where to go next. This is a crowd accustomed to taking orders from the top, and when they cannot be sure just what the top wants they must be very nervous. Nonethele…

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How Ancient Rabbis Can Help Combat STI Stigma

…pure or impure was morally irrelevant. Someone who touched a corpse wasn’t wrong—in fact, properly preparing a corpse for burial was a moral imperative. In the rabbis’ world, everyone cycled between states of purity and impurity, and anyone not only could, but almost certainly would, come into contact with someone or something that transmitted impurity. Take the Mishnah’s account of a potter who leaves their wares unattended, for example. It decla…

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Vick Redeemed by Record-Breaking Performance

…how, his athleticism served as a sort of an ascetic punishment for all the wrong he committed to pit bulls. Giving up his body to the pain, by running, passing, and strategizing his way into the record books, (bruised ribs and all), his penance is made pure in the eyes of the public because of the resulting touchdowns. That is, if one believes in penance. Judging from some of the commentary, prison isn’t even enough to garner forgiveness. Had the…

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