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Another Far Right Theocrat Shows up on the Trump Team

…ack record in the forefront of religious right culture wars battles, often promoting the most extreme positions, both in the U.S. and abroad. As political scientist Daniel Bennet noted on twitter, ACLJ has long been one of the most politicized of the Christian Right’s legal outfits. Founded in 1990 by Pat Robertson, ACLJ played a central role in promoting a narrative of persecution and minority status for conservative Christians. The name ACLJ was…

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Zeitgeist A Blend Of Skepticism, Metaphysical Spirituality, and Conspiracy

…the astrological reading of the Bible in Part I of the film owes a debt to Jordan Maxwell, who also has a voice-over in the film. Maxwell is a self-described “preeminent researcher and independent scholar in the field of occult/religious philosophy,” and has books, seminars, and videos on topics ranging from astro-theology to UFOs and the end times. Maxwell’s work blends strands of conspiracy theory with metaphysical esotericism. Beyond Maxwell’s…

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Loving Uganda to Death: The Global Reach of Far-Right Christian Hatred

…hed by Pat Robertson and run by Jay Sekulow with the assistance of his son Jordan. A more recent article by PRA researcher Jandira Queiroz discusses the launch of the ACLJ’s Brazilian branch and the growing political power of Brazil’s evangelical minority which is resisting efforts to expand legal protections for LGBT people; Queiroz wrote recently in RD about the selection of an anti-gay Pentecostal minister as the head of the Brazilian House of…

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Because God Tells Me So; Do Jews Have a “Historic Right” to Israel?

…up… “Palestine is our land and nation from the [Mediterranean] sea to the [Jordan] river, from north to south, and we cannot cede an inch or any part of it,” he said. –Al Jazeera, Dec. 9, 2012   Last week B’nai Jeshurun (a.k.a. BJ), an independent progressive synagogue in Manhattan, made the front page of the New York Times after its leadership sent a membership-wide email applauding the UN vote granting Palestinians non-member “state” status. Whi…

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The General’s Son Recounts Very Different Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

…“push Israel’s eastern border to its natural location on the banks of the Jordan River.” The occupying army cleared the way for civilian settlers who still use the mythic version of the 1967 events to claim an “inalienable right” to all that land. “Israel legitimately seized the disputed territories of Judea and Samaria in self-defense,” they argue, ignoring the historical evidence. “Israel’s moral claim to these territories, and the right of Isr…

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How to Prevent Ethnic Cleansing in Syria

…ern border, including Israel and the Occupied Territories, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and possibly even largely non-Arab Turkey; this region may well be the Arab world’s Balkans, and its recent conflicts suggest the dark side of democratization: When peoples want sovereignty, they don’t look kindly on other peoples who might physically be in their way. Tellingly, this region was, like the Balkans, part of the Ottoman Empire for centuries. Frequ…

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Cornel West, Using His Powers for Good

…k on 30 Rock, Cornel West made a quick cameo as a coach to a baffled Tracy Jordan, who insisted on referring to his eminent guest as Questlove—a mistake loaded with resonance.  For the rest of us, Cornel West is an instantly recognizable, even ubiquitous presence. Some know Brother West from bestselling books like Race Matters; some know him as the Harvard professor who battled with President Lawrence Summers (and lost); some know him from The Mat…

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Why Rick Santorum Can’t Just Say: God Doesn’t Want You To Be Gay

…ical ones), the more candid statements are rarely spoken publicly. As Mark Jordan has recently described in great detail, this instrumental use of non-religious rhetoric has led to a discursive slipperiness, leaving the keen observer wondering: What, exactly, is wrong with homosexuality? Opponents of equality often seem unable to respond consistently, instead attempting to marshal a variety of non-religious arguments to bolster what is at heart a…

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The View from a Jew at a “Solemn Assembly” Like Rick Perry’s

…rtson, is run by religious right legal powerbroker Jay Sekulow and his son Jordan (indeed the elder Sekulow converted from Judaism to Christianity). That conference, which featured a musician who had trained at IHOP, included a song exhorting attendees to “blow the trumpet in Zion,” and “sound the alarm,” a reference to Joel 2:1 (“Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on my holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the Lo…

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Who Wins When Bible is Blamed for Gay Bashing?

The news item is both grisly and depressingly familiar: a young man is accused of killing an older man for making sexual advances. The weapon was a sock filled with stones; the young man told police that he had been instructed in prayer to apply the Old Testament punishment of stoning. You want to stop there, recognizing old stereotypes of cultural homophobia coupled with age-prejudices—but mostly the unpredictability of violent delusions. Unfort…

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