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Confession Fail: iPhone App Controversy Muddies the Sacramental Waters

…des religious technologists) take seriously the cultural, interpersonal, and, therefore, deeply spiritual implications of new media as they are integrated into located, face-to-face relationships, they will have a chance to cross the digital Jordan along with their flocks. Otherwise, no amount of episcopal imprimaturs and Vatican clarifications will stop believers and seekers from moving forward like so many digital Joshuas anxious to leave the ar…

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Four Reasons Why Egypt’s Revolution Is Islamic

…ly feasible that the current waves of change, triggered by Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and elsewhere, could unleash new waves of Islamic political thought.   We could see the emergence of an Islamic Rawls, revitalizing the entire field of Islamic political thought. New thinking on the role of Islam in the organization of a society can now be coupled with new forms of political experimentation. We cannot pretend to know what political Islam looks…

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The Risks of Remaining Neutral on Egypt

…amaging to our traditional allies in the region; especially Israel, Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia—something Mubarak is well aware of. Because Iran and the resistance it claims to lead has for now stymied our aspirations for Lebanon, we might be tempted to do whatever we can to preserve the “moderate” Arab regimes (here, “moderate” implies a secular dictatorship and nothing more) and make sure our interests suffer no further reversals. It’s all to…

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Updated with Audio: Secular Good, Muslim Bad: Unveiling Tunisia’s Revolution

…over their heads, how’s this?: Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, Yemen, and Bahrain. That’s 15 countries, including the most populous, Egypt. And while I’m not sure about The Sudan, there are of course strong restrictions around women’s dress in Saudi Arabia. That’s possibly 2 countries for the other side. (In fact, in the whole Muslim world, only two other coun…

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Discovering “Little Syria”—New York’s Long-Lost Arab Neighborhood

…cupied lands known as “Greater Syria,” which now encompass Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine/Israel. This first Arabic-speaking community in the U.S. was home to at least 50 Arabic language newspapers and magazines, dozens of Eastern Christian churches, and bustling restaurants, bakeries, silk-traders, tailors, all living vertically next to the elevated train tracks, in time-honored New York City tenement tradition. Only, in contrast to Chinat…

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New Study: Islamophobia Common in Catholic Media

…that, while the book was originally published in 2003, it continues to be promoted as “an essential resource” as its publisher, Ascension Press, noted in an email today. As documented in the Bridge Initiative report, Spencer has written for numerous Catholic news outlets, and he has been cited as an expert in others. While some of these are fringe websites, like Church Militant, others are more mainstream, like Our Sunday Visitor, one of the most…

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Tax Cuts for the Super Rich Aren’t Biblical

Jordan Sekulow’s Washington Post On Faith column arguing that tax cuts for the wealthy are the biblical thing to do gets the Bible all wrong. If Sekulow took a look in the Bible, he would see plainly that Jesus endorses the payment of taxes as the price of participation in the economy. You use Caesar’s money, you pay Caesar’s taxes. You use US government-issued greenbacks, you pay the US taxes. Were Sekulow to open the Bible, he would also note R…

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Does the Historical Jesus Matter?

…nhelpful paradigm. John thought that enacting a ritual purification in the Jordan would trigger redemptive divine intervention on behalf of the poor, whereas Jesus insists on a “collaborative eschatology”: Yes, God is eager to bring deliverance, but God is also still waiting for us to pitch in. Or as Desmond Tutu likes to put it, “Without us, God won’t; but without God, we can’t.” I grew up thinking of Jesus as intimidating and distant and not ver…

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Building Jesus out of Toast, “Pro-Life” Effigies, Apple is a Religion, and Taunting Muslims with Dogs

…nswers in Genesis, argues that the Smithsonian’s new Hall of Human Origins promotes atheism. Ham is one of the founders of the Creation Museum, proving that one museum’s atheism is another museum’s science. A Methodist minister will be tweeting the Eucharist 140 characters at a time. A Christian graduate student at Augusta State University is suing the school for religious discrimination because her counseling department demanded she work to chang…

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CNN Editor Leaves Over Tweet on Hezbollah ‘Giant’

…can clients in Iraq, where the Prime Minister expressed his admiration, or Jordan, where the King expressed his. Interestingly, even the Israeli press lauded Fadlallah. There is also an important point to keep in mind regarding Fadlallah’s supposed role as spiritual guide: both parties denied that he was the guide for Hezbollah, but he was the admitted spiritual guide of Prime Minister Maliki’s Dawa Party in Iraq. I think that Sarah Bailey at Get…

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