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Immigration As A Progressive Game Changer—Without Evangelical Support

…y for them, as evidenced most recently by the anti-choice Susan B. Anthony List’s California Latino voter education effort and the Vota Tus Valores campaign. But it’s curious that Grandin cites as his case in point for moveable Latino evangelicals the Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, head of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference. Rodriguez, despite his own claims to be more of a moderate or at least a free agent, is already entrenched in the…

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The Tea Party: Not Just For Racists Anymore

…the state with their film “Out In The Silence,” and Perry County is on the list of future venues. … The leader of the Potter County Tea Party, through a local blogger, claimed the library was allowing conservative Christians to be “attacked for our beliefs at a public library we support with our tax money. This is wrong and cannot be tolerated.”  Later, he apologized for using the tea party name to express his personal opinion. Now, I know that la…

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A Primer on Activism from Unitarian Universalists

…an e-mail invitation to 30,000 people on the Standing on the Side of Love list asking them to join her in Phoenix. Rev. Paul Langston-Daley, minister at the West Valley UU Church in Glendale, served as a bridge between the national UUA and local organizing work. The Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock provided travel support for those unable to get there themselves. Months of preparation went into making the experience a meaningfu…

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Cooler than Thou: Will Hipsters Wreck Christianity?

…it through a series of sweeping generalizations (“The necessarily individualistic, egocentric nature of hip makes it a poor companion for a faith that calls us into community and collective purpose”; “It’s hard to deny yourself or take up any cross daily when you’re chained to the shackles of hip”; “Hipsters care only about freedom, partying, and transgression”). While McCracken does leave a small window of potential for a “positive, proactive” Ch…

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Ann Coulter Puts the “Con” in “Homocon 2010”

…ck in 2007 at “a new West Hollywood restaurant, owned by gay circuit party promoter Jeffrey Sanker, and lesbian night club owners Robin Gans and Sandy Sachs.” Jacobs rightly wondered: “I could not tell if she was dining with people she hates or just demonstrating that she’s a fraud who says whatever she must to sell books so that she can live the gay urban lifestyle.” I could tell Jacobs, however, that Coulter’s behavior is nothing new for conserv…

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Evangelicals, Oppose Park51 At Your Own Eschatological Risk

…or symbolic transubstantiated elixir make. So evangelical and/or fundamentalist pundits opposed to Park51: What say you?   *The list of notable commentators and/or organizations espousing similar points of view include Hal Lindsey, Tim Pawlenty, Pat Robertson, Franklin Graham, Bill Keller, Richard Land (Southern Baptist Convention), Cal Thomas, Ken Blackwell (Family Research Council), and Bryan Fischer (American Family Association). Some mainline…

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Top 10 Reasons Mormons Should “Take It Down a Notch for America” This Election Season

…honor, Mormon humorist Matt Workman and I have come up with the following list of top 10 reasons LDS people should “take it down a notch for America” this election season: 1. The Holy Ghost gets a contact rash from extremist political rhetoric. 2. There’s no need to freak out over politics when you have a year’s supply of rice, beans, wheat, and texturized vegetable protein in your garage. 3. No matter how socialist President Obama allegedly gets…

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The Night of Power: Laylatul Qadri

…to call upon Allah, “the names come back to you as if you are reading the list upon a script.” She held her hands shoulder high, palms up to the heavens in the Muslim position of supplication. I could “see” what she meant, then and there, and I stopped worrying that I would make a promise and then forget this unnamed woman and her three children. I’ve collected stories from the hajj experience for many many years. Now I prepare to have my own to…

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Gen X, Gadgets, and God

…s strange and surprising ways with the world.” Scholars and religion journalists are just beginning to address the impact of religious apps on the shaping of formal and informal religious life, but it is certain that these technologies—along with Facebook religious group pages and religiously-themed Twitter feeds (both often linked to apps)—are making a powerful claim on normative religious faith. This is abundantly clear with regard to the Bible,…

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Shariah-Approved Sex Aids, Abstinence-Only Goes to China, and Abercrombie Hijab…

…a media blackout of the event. Meanwhile, his own daughter has joined the list of folks condemning the event. She called his church a “cult” that uses “mental violence.” Not to be left out in denouncing things, Angelina Jolie also condemned the plan. President Obama called it a “recruitment bonanza” for radical Islamic groups. “Recruitment bonanza” sounds more like a white-collar job fair than an act of Islamophobia. Some shoppers buy kosher not…

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