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Bullies Flourishing with Christian Support

…raging kids from taunting other kids perceived to be gay or lesbian would “promote homosexuality to kids.” In the past few weeks, the effect of Focus’ push to block anti-bullying laws is being felt by at least three families who have lost children to suicide. Truth Wins Out compiled this list: • Seth Walsh, the Bakersfield, CA 13-year-old who hanged himself from a tree in his back yard after years of being bullied, died Tuesday afternoon after nin…

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Talking Back to a Mormon Elder: Religion versus Reality

…thought of that argument with my neighbor, and about my frustration, while listening to Boyd K. Packer’s talk at the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints this past Sunday. I knew five minutes into this talk that it was going to set the bloggernacle abubble (as Joanna Brooks has already described here on RD). I put down the Sudoku puzzle I was fiddling with and paid attention. I was fascinated by it. And I was trans…

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Tea Party Bullies on Homosexuality: “No Punishment Too Severe?”

…xuality, which Rushdoony did. But I have argued that this rather sensationalist approach to examining the place of Reconstructionism in  contemporary politics undermines efforts to see real influence. DeMint doesn’t advocate stoning, even though he aligns himself with Reconstructionists. He does advocate undoing decades of efforts to secure basic civil rights for gays and lesbians (and apparently for unmarried women as well). He does, it seems, su…

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A Rationalist’s Ghost Story

…ion about the two books prior to this one I would have given you a laundry list of things I would have done differently. But Holy Ghosts was really a miracle for me in that it was the book where I found my true voice. This is my most personal writing to date. Though this book is a ghost story it is very much a memoir so the writing had to be personal. It’s a serious book, but anyone who knows me knows I’m a bit of a smartass and I make lots of mis…

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The Ultimate Dirty Politics or Bipartisan Opposition to the Tea Party?

…part in trying to coax Meeks to withdraw. But yesterday Crist added to the list of Democrats who have defected from supporting Meek when he secured support from the Palm Beach Democratic People’s Choice PAC. Just this morning he added the endorsement of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.—suggesting, perhaps, a coalition of independents, moderate Republicans, and realistic Democrats brought together by their opposition to the tea party. At the same time, though…

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Does the Historical Jesus Matter?

…at in the context of grinding oppression, the most miraculous item in this list is that the poor are learning that God has good news for them.) And then there is the radical nonviolence. Jesus is certainly among the great axial age figures who invites us to explore and apply the immense power of nonviolent direct action. Crossan teaches that failing to put equal emphasis on both terms in “nonviolent revolutionary” completely misses what Jesus was…

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Prominent Evangelical Pundit Accuses Obama of “Abusing” Faith-Based Office

…ith-based office has issues, but this doesn’t appear to be one high on the list of offenses. How is this initiative more politically calculating or cynical or wrong than Karl Rove trying to get more African-Americans to vote Republican by doling out cash to Eddie Long? Gerson has recently co-authored a book on religion and politics with former Bush staffer Peter Wehner, now a fellow at the conservative Ethics and Public Policy Center. On CBN, the…

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Dining with Dawkins in the Humanist Bosom

…a Victorian aristocrat commenting on the mob storming his place. Dawkins’ list does not exhaust the possibilities; creationists could also be indoctrinated or ideological, just to mention a few more options beginning with “I”. Indeed, I find that most creationists accept creationism because they think their religious beliefs demand it. Creationism is part of a package that is attractive to them for reasons that have nothing to do with science. Da…

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Joe Miller’s Anti-Gay, Anti-Islam Advisor

…Sells’ Approaching the Qur’an: The Early Revelations, on a summer reading list for incoming freshmen. Carl Ernst, professor of Islamic Studies at UNC, in explaining why he advised selection of the book, said, “This book presents the Koran the way it is studied by beginners who approach it.” Of the inclusion of the book as summer reading, the school’s Chancellor, added, “thousands of Carolina students are better prepared to enter this University,…

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Sneak Preview

…We’re working hard to create a better, faster, more nimble site. If there’s a feature you’d really like to see, or a glitch that needs attention, drop us a line at and we’ll put it on the list. –The Eds  …

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