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Vatican’s New Media Evangelizing Strategy Can’t Save it from All The Bad News

…s to kids on the web. No matter how accessible Pope Benedict is on his Web site, the fact remains: the current news cycle that runs from the Vatican runs more like the Borgias than any 21st-century church. Trips, councils on evangelization, beatifications, or slick websites aren’t going to bring disillusioned Catholics back to the increasingly vacant pews of Catholic churches in Europe and America. Perhaps the Pope should get together…

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Do Not Arrest the Pope: New Atheists’ Call for the Pope’s Arrest Isn’t Likely to Produce Justice

…instructed to always report sex abuse cases to local authorities, Vatican officials reiterated there insistence that the 2001 document’s call for “pontifical secrecy” extends only to internal Church proceedings and was never meant to bar church officials or victims from reporting abuse to local authorities. This insistence is given some credibility by the Vatican’s endorsement of a policy, introduced by U.S. bishops in 2002, which explicitly requ…

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Touchdown Jesus Burns to the Ground

…f Jesus’ demise brought the usual comments from posters at the Yahoo! News site — many speculating that the destruction was caused because of how the United States has turned her back on Jesus and doesn’t deserve to have his huge likeness around anymore — so he’s outta here. Others, like commenter “Jenna,” who lives in Touchdown Jesus’ neighborhood, had a different take on the demise of the $250,000 structure: ”… they could have spent that money o…

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Conservative Media Firm Pushes Claim That Gaza Withdrawal Caused BP Disaster

…ernan runs a ministry, Defend and Proclaim the Faith and, according to the site’s biography, is a “pro-life leader” in central Pennsylvania, where he lives. He’s also the founder of International Cops for Christ because “[t]he Bible refers to the police as God’s ministers and God has granted awesome power to the police for the subduing of evil. This power includes arresting people and suspending their liberty, putting people in jail, starting civi…

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Can Atheists Simply Ignore Theology?

…not read the detailed discourses of Count Roderigo of Seville on the exquisite and exotic leathers of the Emperor’s boots, nor does he give a moment’s consideration to Bellini’s masterwork, On the Luminescence of the Emperor’s Feathered Hat. We have entire schools dedicated to writing learned treatises on the beauty of the Emperor’s raiment, and every major newspaper runs a section dedicated to imperial fashion… Dawkins arrogantly ignores all the…

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Satire is Religion

…of Muhammad, upon conquering Mecca he went to the Kaaba to purge the holy site of pagan relics and religious icons—with the exception of representations of Mary and Jesus, which he ordered to be preserved. From the outside, it is easy to miss the fact that having one’s saints satirized is a way of being baptized into the American “civil religion.” A community is not a full member of this society until its sacred cows have been slaughtered publicl…

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Texas Textbook Massacre

…nd voted on May 19-21, are now available at the Texas Education Agency Web site. The Texas Freedom Network has a pretty comprehensive list as well. In no particular order, here is a list of 10 of the most egregious changes to the social studies curriculum: 1. Exceptionally Unjust: Conservative board members spent much time stressing that students need to learn about “American exceptionalism,” even as they removed the concepts of “justice” and “res…

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New Ex-Offender Program Puts Church Ahead Of State

…n email, “could raise serious Constitutional problems.” Content on its Web site, he continued, suggests “Out4Life is designed to funnel ex-prisoners to churches for reentry programming. If state funds are being used to support this effort, state money could be unconstitutionally supporting religious indoctrination.” There is not, Out4Life staff claim, a direct line connecting prisoners from PFM programs inside prison to those outside. Their progra…

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Pastafarian Rights, Israeli Rosa Parks, Orthodox
Jewish P.I.

…econd-generation Indian Americans are working to Americanize Hinduism. The Hill Cumorah Pageant wraps up this weekend in New York. The festival takes place on the site where Mormon founder Joseph Smith discovered the golden plates that became the Book of Mormon….

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God TV: Televangelism 2.0

…w days after her Damascus Road conversion,” reads her biography on the web site for her book, Journal of the Unknown Prophet, “Wendy received this prophetic word: ‘And you shall be raised up as a forerunner of creative evangelism in this generation.’ The Prophetic Call to the Media was ignited.” Unlike their forebears at TBN, the Alecs are updated and hip, reflecting the trend in charismatic youth evangelism to be more Avril Lavigne than Aimee Sem…

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