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Breivik’s Demographic Warfare and the American Right’s Demographic Winter

…cts as “a new phase of a very old war.” And so the WCF chose Poland as the site of last spring’s massing of the troops, drawing thousands of leaders from across the spectrum of religious-right activism: from US evangelical and Catholic nonprofits to Eastern European Catholic and orthodox antiabortion and anti-gay rights groups, to bureaucrats from European, EU and US governments, taking policy notes to bring back home. (emphasis added) The Howard…

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Before Oprah, There Was the “Hour of Power”: Crystal Cathedral Pastor Robert H. Schuller Has Died

…its snack bar,” according to Schuller’s biography on the Hour of Power website. “One hundred persons attended that first Sunday, all in their cars. Dr. Schuller, who believe[d] this outdoor ministry experience helped inspire him to later build the all-glass Crystal Cathedral, often state[d], ‘It was there I fell in love with the sky!’” Interior of the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, Calif, 2005. Image via Wiki Commons. Schuller’s congregation…

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Does Violence Always Win?: Learning From René Girard (1923-2015)

…grants. When the House of Representatives subsequently voted in veto-proof numbers to effectively close US borders to Syrian immigrants, Christie and Carson’s fears were enshrined in the political mainstream. Days before the Paris attacks, on November 4, 2015, René Girard died in Palo Alto, CA at age 91. In the wake of ISIS panic that ensued after the attacks, Girard’s legacy –a lifetime of writing on violence, religion, and the human condition—ha…

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American Horror Story: Hotel and Monotheism’s Dirty Little Secrets

…defines what really disturbs traditionalists. Dylan Gwinn, writing for the site after the first two episodes ran, couldn’t decide at first if he were angrier that the series brought religion into the mix or that it seemed to criticize the early twentieth-century oil and coal industry. The brief review closed with an obtuse attack on “environmentalists,” the term itself making it seem as if the author just recently heard about a conspiracy called E…

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Pamela Geller Accuses Critics of “Blood Libel of the Worst Kind”

…Goldstone Report was a “blood libel;” at Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government site she defended Palin for her use of the term, writing, “[t]he ferocious, relentless attacks on Sarah Palin are a testament to her greatness, proof of how deathly afraid of her they are, like Dracula to the silver cross.” That’s a bizarre inversion of the blood libel charge; while anti-Semites accused Jews of drinking the blood of Christians, and even, as Heschel noted, i…

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African Religious leaders complain about Obama advocacy for LGBT rights; Ultra-Orthodox Man Stabs Jerusalem Pride Parade Marchers, Again; Struggles over sexuality in Islam, Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican Churches; Global LGBT recap

…ed by the archbishop of Guadalajara, Cardinal Francisco Robles Ortega. LifeSiteNews reported that similar marches took place in other cities, protesting the recent marriage equality ruling by the nation’s highest court. The site quotes an organizer Sofia Miranda warning that the ruling “opens the door to gender ideology and will destabilize our society and damage our children.” As we have reported,“gender ideology” is a term used by some members o…

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The Martyrdom of Cecil the Lion

…ta Press, 2015), “think of the wild as the commons, the everyday affective site of human-nonhuman entanglement.” The wild we encounter daily in city streets and forest floors messes with our neat and false divisions of “nature” and “culture.” Our earth becomes a deeply political, feeling, and everyday space of relationsip. Our lives are irreducibly entangled with other creatures. We feel them, we see them, they play with us, we choose not to see t…

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How AIDS Changed the Way American Christians Talk About Sex

…he immorality of homosexuality). Over the course of the 1980s and 1990s, a number of Christian denominations and churches found that they really had to discuss the HIV/AIDS crisis, because it was a pressing local and national concern. And to do so, they had to talk about sex, including homosexuality. It turns out, the things they had to say about AIDS and about sex proved far more diverse than Christian Right rhetoric pronouncing AIDS as “God’s wr…

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Greece Must Suffer for Redemption: A Nietzschean Reading

…another, which motivates us to avoid similar pain in the future. The basic site for the inflicting of pain is what Nietzsche considers the foundational human relationship: that between creditor and debtor. In Nietzsche’s (speculative) history, if a debtor is unable to discharge his debt, his creditor is entitled to extract payment “in the form of a kind of pleasure—the pleasure of being allowed to vent his power freely upon one who is powerless, t…

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Fake Gay Panic News Fools Christians

…jailed for refusing to marry a gay couple. The story came from a fake news site. Not like Jon Stewart fake news. Or even Onion fake news. Actual fake news. “By the way,” Stetzer added, “if you are a pastor you should already know that no one can make you officiate anything. In fact, you can refuse to officiate an interracial marriage. You’d be an idiot and a racist, but you wouldn’t be arrested.” The other “story” Stetzer highlighted claimed “a so…

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