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D’Souza Tries to Explain Himself

…ast reporting on, fellow evangelicals’ wrongdoing. One instance was the magazine’s indictment of Ralph Reed’s casino double-cross of evangelicals with Jack Abramoff, even as other evangelicals closed rank around him. Another was an investigation into The Family’s C Street house.  In this case, they’ve exposed D’Souza as a fraud. D’Souza has given an exclusive interview to Christianity Today, and has posted a statement on his website, which does no…

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Obama’s Wrong Answer on Leno

…o (find them on Facebook here). That segment begins at approximately the 2-minute mark. – eds President Obama was on Jay Leno’s show last night, and the late-night host asked him about Richard Mourdock’s statement about pregnancy caused by rape as a “gift from God” and something “God intended.” Obama responded, “I don’t know how these guys come up with these ideas. Let me make a simple proposition. Rape is rape. Rape is a crime.” He doesn’t know w…

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Electionpocalypse, Part II: The Mythical Jewish Vote

…ng Obama’s commitment to its version of being “pro-Israel.” The RJC’s nine-minute web video, “Perilous Times,” ominously declares, “things have changed” in the US relationship with Israel “since Barack Obama became president.” But even the Anti-Defamation League’s Abe Foxman told Stone that quotes used in “Perilous Times” were “skewed, selective, and frequently out of context.” Indeed if one watched the video (part of the RJC’s “my buyer’s remorse…

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Down to the Wire for Marriage Initiatives

…ed for NOM by Republican rising star Senator Marco Rubio.  NOM made a last-minute plea for cash for its GOTV effort, saying “your contribution will mean the difference between God’s definition of marriage and ‘one man and one man’ as the law of the land” and warning that failure would mean persecution: If enough Christians, marriage supporters, and people of faith get to the polls, we’ll achieve a historic victory on Tuesday. But if we don’t turn…

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The Senate Deal: Still Stroking the Rich [UPDATED]

…ren’t so totally obsessed with hacking domestic social spending right this minute, rather than waiting a couple of months, they would have snapped up the White House-Senate deal without all the pouting and posturing. This deal locks in low Bush-era marginal rates for everyone with incomes up to $399,999 (single) or $449,999 (couple). Think what an incredibly sweet deal this is for a group of people most working Americans, who make a median income…

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An Agnostic Biography of the Prophet Muhammad

…plain the appeal of Islam. How do you feel about the cover? I loved it the minute I saw it. Riverhead brilliantly avoided all the usual obvious images—domes, minarets, crescent moons, camels, and so on—and opted instead for the understated elegance of this classic “knot” tile design. Is there a book out there you wish you’d written? On Muhammad? No, and that’s exactly why I wrote The First Muslim. The book I wish someone else had written didn’t ex…

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Scott Lively Defends Anti-Gay Uganda Work in Federal Court

…ion. According to a news report in The Republican newspaper, during the 90-minute hearing Ponsor “said he was troubled by the lack of connection between anti-gay rhetoric of local evangelist Scott Lively and acts of oppression against gays in Uganda.” But Ponsor also “expressed skepticism about Lively’s request to dismiss the case before trial, noting that the courts have set a high legal threshold for throwing out cases.” Paul LeGendre of Human R…

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Santorum: I Voted to Fund a Program that Doesn’t Work and Harms Women

…ause she zeroed in on Santorum’s comment that contraception is “harmful to women.” But note also what he says right before that: “I don’t think it works.” So in the course of one minute, Santorum said he voted to fund contraception, even though he thinks it doesn’t work and is harmful to women. Genius!        …

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NYPD Lied About Islamophobic Third Jihad

…f one graduating class from the police academy—and that Kelly sat for a 90 minute interview expressly for the film. And we’re supposed to believe that police force, in part of it’s counterterrorism training, used a film from a DHS contractor that they didn’t vet, and that they didn’t know who the contractor was. Imagine this scenario: A man walks into a building in NYC. No one knows who he is. No one asks his name. He has a package. He says eat it…

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