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Pawlenty, Romney Won’t Sign FAMiLY LEADER Pledge

…form is like slavery.) Meanwhile, the Pawlenty campaign has released a six-minute video in which the candidate and his wife vouch for each others’ evangelical credentials. It opens with gauzy images of him and his wife, Mary, and proceeds to their telling of her upbringing as an evangelical, his decision to be evangelical rather than Catholic, and, well, just how much they love and trust God and how Pawlenty’s faith influences his politics. They’r…

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Ken Ham Uninvited for Mocking Fellow Speaker’s Version of Creationism

…ress releases from the parties involved, and the release, by Ham, of a two-minute clip from a convention talk that he says is at issue. It seems Ham had been critical of one of the other speakers who is not a young earth creationist, and critical of the convention for allowing him to speak. In fact, it’s this very issue of the alleged convention’s “compromising with compromisers” that led to the kerfuffle. Ham wrote on his blog: “It is this very c…

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6 Reservations About U.S. Intervention in Libya

…them out.   It is plausible that Qaddafi’s tribesmen may still reach Benghazi, at which point we will have to escalate our war to save Benghazi (again). Our options at that point would be arming the rebels, landing troops to finish the job, bombing the Qaddafis out of Libya, or splitting Libya into two separate countries, with peacekeepers patrolling the boundary between them (oil goes to the east); or walking away after it’s even more screwed up…

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Debating God: Atheist and Evangelical Face Off at Notre Dame

…e by a person like Craig is a losing strategy,” Harris says. In his twenty-minute opening speech, he laid out his concept of the “moral landscape” based on the “well-being of conscious creatures,” discernible by science. In his so-called “rebuttal” periods, Harris attacked biblical morality and compared it to the Taliban. He addressed most of the subjects Craig explicitly set out to avoid. There were also some off-color remarks about fried chicken…

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Mitt Romney Announces Exploratory Committee

…d the formation of his exploratory committee yesterday, with a low-key two-minute video aimed to connect with deep anxiety (especially among younger voters) about joblessness and the future of the American economy. Poised against the background of a misty football field at the University of New Hampshire, Mitt continued to act like a front-runner, focusing on the economy while leaving burn-ups over homosexuality, abortion, and other hot-button “va…

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Day of (Anti-Bullying) Silence Shows “Pro-Family” Activists to be Anti-Gay Bullies

…e times during your day.” In a document [pdf], entitled “Tips for the Last Minute Organizer of Those Whose Administrators Said ‘No,’” students are explicitly told that if a teacher asks them to speak they “do NOT have a right to remain silent during class time.” In schools where permission is denied, students are encouraged to remain silent at lunch, wear a button or a ribbon, or write a letter to the editor. According to promotional materials, “t…

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Group Behind King James Bible Congressional Resolution Thinks Obama Might Be Antichrist

…families, individuals, and institutions in the United States.” The bipartisan co-sponsors were lobbied by the small non-profit Bible Nation Society, based in Corunna, Michigan, said Jason Georges, the group’s executive director. Georges said that other members of Congress, particularly the Congressional Prayer Caucus, were also interested in the KJV resolution. The Bible Nation Society, affiliated with Immanuel Baptist Church in Corunna, was foun…

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Hannity Incites Threats to DC Church where Obamas Attended Easter Services

…with a target across is face,” Smith said. “My secretary has received telephone calls that have been so vulgar until she has had to hang up.” On Monday, Hannity played a clip of Smith speaking at Palmer Theological Seminary, where he had served as president, about the prevalence of racism. According to the Post: “It may not be Jim Crow anymore,” Smith says in the videotape. “Now, Jim Crow wears blue pinstripes, goes to law school and carries fanc…

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“I ‘Came Out’ For Marriage Equality”: An Anti-Gay Activist Changes His Mind

…some of the things that we were saying or doing, and saying, “Well, wait a minute, that’s not really the right thing to do.”  Louis, I find that a lot of people think that if a person confronts long-held beliefs, and then changes some of those beliefs, that indicates a weak person. I don’t believe that, and obviously I don’t think you do either. What do you say to a person who says, “Well, you’re just wishy-washy about this”? Well, I would say to…

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“We (some of) the People” Florida Governor Rick Scott and the Tea Party

…ned with a banner that read, “Less Waste More Education.” At the very last minute two school buses pulled up and the bandstand was filled with students from The Villages Charter School. The governor’s staffers handed the students signs that read, “No to Earmarks” and “Thank You Governor Scott” that were designed to appear handmade. When the mayor of The Villages opened the ceremony and welcomed everyone saying, “the signing of the budget is an exe…

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