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If the Girl Scouts Investigated the Bishops…

…said? Isn’t the issue that a whole lot of people thought he was, you know, wrong; and, further, that being that glaringly wrong in public carries the consequence of strong disagreement and professional ramifications? But hey, while we’re on the subject of people having or not having the legal right to do and say things that other people strongly disagree with: It may interest you to know that Cordileone was also one of the major driving forces beh…

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Social Cost of Christianity?

…ning telling him he’s going to hell. (Note: the filmmaker gets a few facts wrong about evolution and I don’t buy his assertion that Charles Darwin is the messiah of atheism. But I’m willing to grant him the artistic license to make his broader point.) Door To Door Atheists Bother Mormons – Watch more Funny Videos I have no doubt that many Christians, particularly fundamentalists and evangelicals, in this country believe they suffer stigma for thei…

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Don’t Cry For Me Argentina, Cry For the Catholic Church

…tholic Church had lost a good deal of its prestige from having been on the wrong side of the war. Nonetheless, like so many Latin American countries, Argentina was still considered Catholic even if a large majority of its people, especially in cosmopolitan Buenos Aires, were not actively practicing. By contrast, the Jewish community in Buenos Aires in the tough decade of dictatorship thrived under the leadership of Conservative Rabbi Marshall Meye…

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Catholics Across the Globe Reject Vatican’s LGBTQ Cruelty — Others Blame the Sock

…uitously cruel” statement which is doing a lot of harm. I would love to be wrong on this because it has lowered Francis’ standing on other issues like ecology, war, and economics. Of course he could step forward and issue a clarification. But that’s not much of a Vatican custom—at least within the same century as making a colossal mistake. Great harm is already done. So far, the big take-away from this uproar is the bald fact that blessings are ha…

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Do Tea Partiers Use Religious Justification For Racial Rhetoric?

…Knowledge that seemed unassailable just a generation ago is now obviously wrong to all but the most tone-deaf among us. Botham shows explicitly how, as American institutionalized racism evolved from slavery to segregation, people used Bible stories to ground their views on specific issues, and how the stories they used and the interpretation given those stories changed over time with the need to engage new challenges: the curse upon Cain for the…

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Close Encounters With Roy Moore

…Moore, and their followers claim that the law schools are teaching it all wrong—that’s why they’ve created their own law schools. Peroutka, not incidentally, is given to outbursts of affection for the Confederacy. (While running for the county council last year, he resigned his membership with the secessionist group League of the South, which, along with Peroutka’s candidacy in general, had become an embarrassment to Maryland Republicans.) When i…

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Medieval Multitasking: Did We Ever Focus?

…rk on a review of the two books I had to wonder if maybe I’d gotten it all wrong. As I read both Carr and Shirky over the past couple weeks—who both seek parallels between the rise of the internet and digital social media and the invention of the printing press in the 16th century—I couldn’t help thinking about medieval manuscripts. Since the early 1990s, both medievalists and electronic media theorists have pointed to the hypertexted quality of m…

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Student Expelled from Sorority for Transphobia Illustrates the Problem with Evangelical Understanding of Pluralism

…ked embrace of the aggrieved majoritarian stance neatly illustrates what’s wrong with right-wing attempts to package anti-pluralism as pluralism or diversity. If, after all, you believe that trans people should not exist—even that we do not exist, despite all evidence to the contrary—you aren’t exactly welcoming those who are different from you. Of course, Hines wouldn’t have been sanctioned for merely holding that bigoted belief. But when you dem…

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Are Conservatives Really More in Touch with the Founding Fathers?

…ounders’ world view held that there was an objective standard of right and wrong and that that standard was tied to nature. Modern conservatism and modern liberalism are complicated. To the extent that either ascribe to a standard of right and wrong tied to nature (or nature and nature’s God) they lie in agreement with the founders’ world view. So who better channels the founders? Who has a greater claim to their legacy? Those who have studied the…

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Democrats Look to Conservative Evangelicals on Immigration

…of same-sex families.” The UAFA alone, said Gutirerrez, “can’t fix what is wrong about our current immigration mess. Likewise, comprehensive immigration reform is necessary, but not sufficient to fix what is wrong with our immigration system if some same-sex couples and families are still left out.” Erwin de Leon, whose husband, the Rev. John Beddingfield, Rector of All Souls Memorial Episcopal Church in Washington DC, is in the United States on a…

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