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Why Such Outrage Over Star Trek Actor’s Geocentrism?

…anization’s name. More recently, Sugenis has created the blog “Galileo Was Wrong” to support his theory of geocentrism. Ignorance of the solar system is sadly quite common. A recent poll demonstrated that 1 in 4 Americans is unaware that the Earth revolves around the sun. But Sugenis has followed the lead of Ken Ham in boldly challenging the scientific establishment using rhetoric and conspiracy theories rather than facts (and his org offered a $1…

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What My Christian High School Taught Me About Being a Black Girl

…Of course, even if I’d had the body of a “grown” woman it would have been wrong for him to harass me. I know this. But I still looked for the photograph. There’s a part of me that wants to know what my teacher saw that night at the school banquet and what made it so funny. I want to show him this picture and make him see the child he refused to see at the time. I want him to tell me why he picked me. And I want to stop hearing his voice when I lo…

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Breaking Up With Marilynne Robinson Over Her Refusal to Acknowledge the Dark Side of Puritanism

…an exceptionalism: the still-widespread notion that this country can do no wrong because it’s been particularly blessed by God. It turns out that a theologically-based sense of entitlement is actually not so exceptional. The settlers of New England called themselves the New Israel. But the Dutch Republic—a state closely allied with the English dissenters’ aspirations—had much the same idea about itself. They were God’s Elect and thus could do no w…

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D’Souza Tries to Explain Himself

…still legally married. D’Souza says, “I had no idea that it is considered wrong in Christian circles to be engaged prior to being divorced, even though in a state of separation and in divorce proceedings. Obviously I would not have introduced Denise as my fiancé at a Christian apologetics conference if I had thought or known I was doing something wrong.”   Hold on one holier-than-thou minute. D’Souza, according to press releases sitting in my inb…

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‘Exporting Garbage to the Nations’: Conservative Christian Rifts Spreading Like Cracked Glass

…is does nothing to edify the church. Please test the prophets. If they are wrong God does not speak through them. Please don’t get fooled.” To which, another person added: “You are not listening to everything Julie says. Herschel won, but they cheated again. She also said that God would remove people who got their seats illegally. She said, don’t believe what you see and keep your eyes on Jesus.” Confrontations also broke out between Reconstructio…

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Why Scientists Should Be Agnostic: Or, Why Lawrence Krauss Is Still a Windbag

…occupy a space productively alongside each other. That’s why Kim Davis is wrong to deny marriage licenses to couples in Kentucky, and that’s why Krauss is wrong to suggest that atheism—militant or otherwise—is the only appropriate position for scientists. We don’t need more militant thinkers in science or in public life. We simply need anyone willing to participate in critical self-reflection about the limits of their worldviews, whether they be…

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The Blasphemy of ISIS: A 7-Point Pro-Guide to Islam(ism)

…, there it is, plain as day, limpid, translucent, undeniable. Except, it’s wrong. Sunni and Shi’a Islamic scholarship teaches that even if you find a command in the Qur’an—say, the Qur’anic verse, ‘kill them wherever you find them,’ which seems rather evident and altogether appalling—that command is not activated (did not receive any kind of ruling, as to permissibility or impermissibility) unless you can produce an argument 1) demonstrating the r…

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Jeffress’ Statement About Trump’s God-Given Authority is Nonsense

…s by pretending that when it comes to North Korea, the president can do no wrong. Anyone who has ever picked up a bible knows that the kings of ancient Israel were by no means unequivocally righteous in their judgement and execution of power. The biblical prophets of Israel and Judah were employed by God to rail against the authorities, to provide a conscience that could stand against those advisors who told them only what they wanted to hear: “Se…

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Sex and the Ummah

…a believer and Allah. That’s when I knew the opposition was clearly in the wrong, no matter what interpretations they claim to follow. When you cannot simply say, well I disagree, or even, I think it is wrong; but then the matter is between the person and Allah. When your disagreement must put you between a person and Allah, you have just sunk as low as you can go. Nothing you can say or do would exonerate your perspective in my mind. It is true t…

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Syria and the American Apocalyptic Imagination: Isaiah 17:1 as “Evidence” of the End

…ocus is what I’d call a permanent religious apocalyptic. While it would be wrong to attribute this way of reading to the conspiratorial proper, it shares with anti-political pop a tone, a context, and a meaning made through a kind of abandonment of a shared world.  I leave it to other pieces to pronounce that war is wrong, since I take it as axiomatic that most people reading this are, as Secretary of State John Kerry said Friday, “tired of war.”…

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