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“I ‘Came Out’ For Marriage Equality”: An Anti-Gay Activist Changes His Mind

…talk about a lot when I’m over here in Europe. America is a very polarized country, and the people are not very willing to look at people on the other side of the aisle, or the other side of the issue. They have a position that they believe in, and that’s the truth for them.  In terms of what I have done, I mean, I don’t want to make it seem like I’m gonna start some kind of a revolution in American politics, but… what I’ve basically done was for…

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Anthony Weiner’s Achilles Penis

…er it,” we will continue to see one Achilles penis after another, probably online in covert caughtness. The women will still bear the letter “A” on their breasts, and the men will just bore us. Imagine, instead, how wonderful it would be if we could all be queer, even the Weiners of the world. Queer? Isn’t that a bad word? Nope. It just means a way of transcending gender, loving sex, enjoying the erotic. Very few Sunday Schools are teaching it yet…

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What Was Your Sign?, Pro-War MLK, & Benched for a Headscarf

…during the Super Bowl. Meanwhile, FOX has rejected a Super Bowl ad from an online store named “Jesus Hates Obama.” Was Mark Twain anti-Christian? Philip Yancey, an Evangelical writer popular among conservative Christians, will speak at the Gay Christian Network’s conference this year. Michael Youseff, a leader on the religious right, declared that the Episcopal Church is not Christian nor is it “Jesus’ church,” because of its stances on gay-rights…

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Dorito & Pepsi Eucharist, Hate-Pastor Smackdown, and Egyptian Muslims Shield Christians

…by the folks of Westboro Baptist that he called for Christians around the country to pray for the death of WBC leader Fred Phelps. In the end, the WBC agreed not to protest in exchange for air time on various radio programs. So much for refusing to negotiate with terrorists. Doritos yanked an ad entered in its online Super Bowl commercial contest because it substituted Pepsi and Doritos for bread and wine in the Eucharist. Evangelical leader Fran…

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Islamic Intellectual Leadership at a Crossroads

…published. Nice and glossy, more than 200 pages, with the entire text also online, and given away free in so many places I cannot count them. Propaganda for sure. My shaykh said to me, I see you made it into the book. I told him I do not need the recognition of the particular parties involved, including the neo-Orientalist scholar who edited it, to affirm my contributions to Islam (or to my faith, for both are part of my devotion to Allah). They d…

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Do Boys in Tutus Break God’s ‘Chain of Command’?

…r-in-law, discovered this because she makes tutus and sells them online to customers around the country. One day, Ayden wanted to model one of her creations and she let him. He looks fabulous in his tutu, and even wore a rainbow colored one for the Pride celebration this year. He rocked that tutu. Fortunately for Ayden, no one has yet to ridicule this beautiful boy in a tutu — but a boy his mom calls “Boo” on her blog was not so lucky. The mom, wh…

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Studying Religion is Suddenly Popular

…e Academic Study of Religion (ASR), may be vulnerable. Last month Newsweek online launched a special section devoted to education—and, in somewhat of a shocker, offered the good news that Religious Studies is experiencing a burst of popularity on college campuses.  The article, “Religious Studies Revival,” holds interest for anyone who has a stake in keeping the academic study of religion strong. And at first glance, this coverage seems like a pub…

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The Real Context Of The “Taliban Dan” Ad

…h Gothard, has spoken at Gothard’s conferences (2009 and 2010 programs are online), and has contributed to “Wisdom Booklets” training materials that include David Barton and his Christian American history. These include The Light and the Glory, a Christian American history textbook popular in fundamentalist Christian schools and home schools. Webster’s section itself cites Christian Reconstructionist Gary DeMar’s work in “Optional Resources.”  Ove…

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Ihram: Dressing for the King

…have noticed there is not much difference between what I just got from an online order in the US and what I got from a shop in Indonesia. Both are white, cotton, light outfits, people talk a lot about the desert heat, so that is a universal consideration when these outfits are made, I guess. Both have long, opened sleeves, no cuffs; either for convenience of making ablutions before rituals, or for simplicity sake. I can’t tell that either since t…

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Pew Survey Skews Christian

…ed as a homogeneous whole. For the sake of simplicity, I will refer to the online quiz at this point only. However, the pattern I am suggesting for the shorter quiz easily maps out onto the larger survey. Question 2 asks about Mother Teresa’s religion, and two options are “Catholic” and “Mormon.” Pew is either entering a theological debate here, suggesting that Catholics and Mormons are two different religious traditions, or that there is such fam…

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