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Muslims Need Not Apply—To the White House or Congress

…stitution, it must not have been intended. But, Joan, there is no “God and country” part. The only reference to religion (not to your god or any other) in the body of the document is the prohibition against a religious test for public office. The structure of loose affiliation among Tea Party groups (and the “herd of cats” style of the tea partiers themselves) allows tea partiers to say all kinds of distorted and extreme things which can then be d…

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Sex Abuse in the Catholic Church: When Adults are Victims

…minal court. The rest of the night Birge stayed awake, crying, and talking online with friends, who urged her to go to the police, or her priest, and recognize that what had happened to her was rape. To Jeb Barrett, Denver Director of the Survivors’ Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), a peer counseling group that Birge turned to after the attack, her story follows classic lines of abuse of authority. “There are many cases where very charism…

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McCarthy, Born Again and Retooled for Our Time

…Buckley is subtitled The Pied Piper for the Establishment, claimed in his online eulogy of Sobran that in an unpublished essay Sobran concluded, “It took me many years to see what John McManus makes overwhelmingly obvious: Bill Buckley, American conservatism’s longtime intellectual leader, has been a calamity for conservatism.” From the Christian Crusade to the Tea Party and Christian Film If Noebel seems stuck in time with his fearmongering abou…

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Loughner Admired Conspiracy-Minded Zeitgeist Film

…ork Times ran a piece on “Z-Day, the educational forum associated with the online movie ‘Zeitgeist,’” produced by Peter Joseph. The Z-Day event drew a crowd of 900 in Manhattan and others around the world: “The mission of the movement is the application of the scientific method for social change,” Mr. Joseph announced by way of introduction. The evening, which began at 7 with a two-hour critique of monetary economics, became by midnight a utopian…

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The Bush Obama Faith-Based Office

…ing the benefits of economic recovery to people through faith-based social services. But now that the economic recovery is, well, not happening, $140 million to do stuff like replace a church HVAC system looks mighty odd. Or $50 million to Catholic Charities, which does things like pull its adoption services out of D.C. after gay marriage was legalized — especially when you consider that a Catholic Charities representative served on Obama’s Adviso…

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Health Care Ruling Big Issue for Religious Right

…rief in the Michigan case, which is headed to the Court of Appeals, via an online petition for its “Committee to Declare Pro-Abortion ObamaCare Unconstitutional.” If anti-choice groups can’t succeed in challenging the law in court, at least on the abortion question the new chair of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, Rep. Joe Pitts, one of the most virulently anti-choice members of the House, plans to try to attempt a legislative rollb…

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The Washington Post’s New Religious Right Now Blogger

…of support from ACLJ in America because for me to be able to go around the country to visit the ten provinces we’ve received some help financially and also we’ve received some help from the teams from America visiting and working with us,” Mpofu said. “The support has been tremendous.” More recently, the ACLJ has called on the Department of Justice to investigate the Congressional Muslim Staffers Association based on nothing more than a bogus Fox…

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How Julian Assange Is Like A Televangelist

…o massive invasion of privacy, you can find their names and home addresses online, and that might get them hurt or even, like, raped, . . . .  And threatening to hack my PayPal, and threatening to hack Tiger Beatdown. . . . Every time I look away there are twenty new comments and most of them are calling me a cunt or telling me to make them a sandwich or calling me a whore or naming the accusers or calling all of us whores for protesting. Assange’…

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The Book of Mormon, Dark Skin, and Racist Theology

…e reported the elimination of racist theology from chapter headings in the online edition of the Book of Mormon here at RD late last week, readers have written to point out that verses linking dark skin to accursedness remain in the Book of Mormon itself. Which is entirely true. Look deep into the Book of Mormon, even the newly-updated on-line version, and you will still find verses like Alma 3:6 reporting that “the skins of the Lamanites were dar…

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What Do We Mean By ‘Judeo-Christian’?

…m, Falwell told Foxman that he could see how “Christian nation” could be misunderstood. “From now on,” said Falwell, “I intend to refer to America as a Judeo-Christian nation, which describes our heritage accurately.” In his account of this conversation, Foxman was mollified by Falwell’s response. Evangelicals and Jews could now serve as partners. When Jerry Falwell died in 2007 Foxman eulogized him as “a great friend of Israel,” indicating that h…

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