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Christian Voter Guide: Jesus is Wrong on the Issues and Wrong for America

…eferences below. 0% 0% 0% 100% 100% Founding Fathers: John Hancock, George Washington, John Adams, John Jay… 100% (A+) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%   Breaking down Jesus’ scores: Is a Christian who fears God;—Jesus isn’t afraid of God at all; in fact, he consistently refers to him as “my Father.” Also? Not a Christian. On other measures that Andrew rates, such abortion, homosexuality, and transgender individuals, Jesus has consistently refused to take…

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Who Could Possibly Take Issue With ‘Human Dignity’? Beware of Trojan Horses

…d Johnson as the “historian of human dignity.” Another recent piece in the Washington Post by Justin Dyer—executive director of the conservative Civitas Institute at the University of Texas—emphasized that the American nation’s founders believed that “concepts of fundamental human dignity and moral equality are rooted, ultimately, in the book of Genesis.” We might contrast the vaguely narcotic, soporific impact of these recent mentions of human di…

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When Welcoming the Stranger Was Not Just a Religious Value

…red to celebrate Thanksgiving, a Catholic, a Protestant, and a Jew went to Washington, D.C. There, alongside President Jimmy Carter, they appealed to the American public to contribute to the cause of aiding war refugees from Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. President Carter asked that “every Saturday and Sunday in the month of November, up until Thanksgiving, be set aside as days for Americans in their synagogues and churches, and otherwise, to give g…

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New Report Shows Dems are Far More Religiously Diverse Than GOP — Though One (A)religious Group Remains Woefully Underrepresented

…tates, while many red states resemble Wyoming, where pronghorn antelope outnumber humans. When it comes to the inclusion of secular Americans in government, however, the Democratic Party can also be blamed for undue negligence toward one of its most loyal demographics. Despite some progress in recent years, Democratic leaders evidently continue to be fearful that association with a lack of religion will cost the party votes. But so long as the par…

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Will Huckabee’s Ovens Comment Be the End of His Candidacy?

…idd thinks Huckabee has gone too far even for evangelicals. Writing in the Washington Post, Kidd says Huckabee had already “jumped the shark” with other antics but that his ovens comment will doom his candidacy. “Everyone in politics knows that if you have to play the Nazi card, you’re getting desperate,” Kidd observes. Sadly, though, we may never know what will ultimately crush Huckabee’s presidential ambitions. He ran in 2008 as the aw-shucks, I…

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Refugee Crisis in the Age of Trump: Getting Holocaust Analogies Wrong

…olocaust analogies—or, rather, criticism of perceived analogies gone awry. Washington Examiner columnist Philip Klein complains that the “left” is “suddenly comfortable” with Holocaust analogies, as supporters of resettling Syrian refugees in the United States warn that we should not turn away people fleeing war, terrorism, and persecution, just as the U.S. turned away Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany. The “left” consists, apparently, of Jewish g…

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Step Right Up And Get Your Low-Priced ‘Pro-God Content’! Donald Trump Enters the Bible Business

…June 1, 2020, Federal officers violently cleared peaceful protestors from Washington DC’s Lafayette Square in order to make way for Trump to stand in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church and hold a Bible.* He had just given a speech at the Rose Garden, vowing to use military force to quell national protests over police brutality and the recent murder of George Floyd. As soon as he finished, he walked across the street with Attorney General Barr a…

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How Ben Carson Uses “Secular Progressives” as a Shield

…reports dispassionately. As Paul Waldman writes in an astute piece at the Washington Post, this scrutiny of the accuracy of Carson’s autobiography tells us little about what kind of president he’d be. But Carson’s wild claims, say, about the purpose of the pyramids, the origins of the universe, or his rejection of evolution, Waldman contends, “suggest not only that his beliefs are impervious to evidence but also an alarming lack of what we might…

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The End of Carson?

…have dinner with Carson. In fact, the general’s records suggest he was in Washington that day and played tennis at 6:45 p.m.” Granted, Carson could have had his dates confused. He wrote the book (with a ghostwriter) in 1990, more than 20 years after the events in question. And he may have confused an offer from the general to recommend him for West Point with a “scholarship.” Maybe. By that time, though, he had gone through college and medical sc…

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Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Red/Blue ‘National Divorce’ Looks an Awful Lot Like a Confederate Flag

…residents’ Day, a day we’ve set aside to honor the legacies of both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln (an admittedly fraught endeavor, particularly in the case of the slaveholding first president). Because what is “national divorce” but the Second Klan persevering? Hyperbole is nothing new to political discourse, writ broadly. But Greene’s recent remarks, part of a longer Twitter thread, are a stretch, even for the increasingly outlandish rhet…

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