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Special Report: Have Evangelical Colleges Succumbed to “Theological Paranoia”?

…isiana State University, has a similar story. Believing that even within a common faith community students ought to be free to explore a variety of perspectives, Overbay allowed his film students to create classroom projects that did not adhere to Asbury’s public performance guidelines. All public performances at Asbury, according to these guidelines, must “promote a Christian worldview,” while cursing, taking the Lord’s name in vain, and sexual i…

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Dispelling the Zombie Myth of White Evangelical Support for Trump

…supported by the preponderance of evidence. Broken down, this myth has two components: The overall drop in church attendance in the general population has produced a significant increase in the number of WEINOs, White evangelicals who seldom or never attend church; and Support for Trump is strongest among White evangelicals who are not connected to churches. Let’s take each of these in turn. Myth 1: A Large and Growing Number of White Evangelical…

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The Gospel Church and the Ruining of Gay Lives: An Interview with Anthony Heilbut

…sucking Eddie Long! You’re wrong!” She got over a million views. So what’s coming in are a huge number of statements. Many of them are typically homophobic, “God is not mocked,” “you’re going to hell” and all of that. But there are a great many people saying, “No.” And this is down the line. A white former Pentecostal wrote about how homophobia ruined his youth. He said he went to Lee College, which is one of the most famous and earliest white Pen…

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Teach Your Children Well: Challenging Religion-Based Sexism

…f course, how we roll.   Misogynist authoritarianism demands that women be complicit in their own dehumanization. So when black recording artists rake in millions dehumanizing black women we become willing consumers. We masochistically rush to justify and excuse. Why? Because despite all of the strong-backbone-of-the-black-community post-feminist rhetoric, black women are still accustomed to seeing themselves through the lens of the oppressor. Dur…

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The 50 Shades of Evangelicalism

…cal Seminary president Albert Mohler put it, “The theory of evolution is incompatible with the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” a significant number of evangelicals are working to convince their fellow believers of their compatibility. Their efforts are evident in the increasing number of books, conferences, and organizations—such as Francis Collins’ BioLogos—that have formed around the topic. Cracks are likewise showing in what once was understood as a u…

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Infanticide Still Not a Growing Movement: 30 Years of Pro-Life Fudging

…n Minnesota who said children only become people at age 5. Another said “a common number that is going around is 4 years old.” Arguments that college students make to provoke activists and demonstrators should probably not be taken at face value, but more importantly neither these people nor McArdle’s article offered any data indicating an increase in support for infanticide. In fact, Gallup polls show Americans are pretty evenly divided on aborti…

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Secularism in the US is Larger, More Diverse and More Dynamic Than Ever, But You Wouldn’t Know it From the Media

…nly wish them godspeed, so to speak. “The nones are not the only large and complex demographic out there,” Levin observes. “Complexity hasn’t stopped politicians or advertisers from targeting the Latino community, for example. But unlike Latinos, the nones are not generally treated as a group worth researching and targeting.” Levin’s a smart strategist, and her enthusiasm for the project is contagious. “In success,” she maintains, “OnlySky will pr…

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Do Atheists Belong in the Interfaith Movement?

…tches in place of reasonable discourse. In “E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the 21st Century,” Robert Putnam wrote that diversity is important to build strong and sustainable communities. But, at least at first, people tend to “hunker down” with those very similar to themselves and gaze upon others with suspicion. For diversity to flower, individuals must meet and learn from one another. Similarly, in Ethnic Conflict and Civic Life: Hi…

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American Jewish Leaders Get Gaza Wrong

…egic mistake,” Baskin said, an error “which will cost the lives of quite a number of innocent people on both sides.” Baskin is clear-eyed about Jabari, noting he was “not an angel and not a righteous man of peace,” but that “his assassination also killed the possibility of achieving a truce.” Dimi Reider notes at +972 that by assassinating Jabari, “Barak and Netanyahu knocked one of the central pillars of the pragmatist camp within Hamas, the camp…

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Death Without Religion

…ble assertion to make in such a tendentious book. Perhaps there is a small number of Americans losing their lives at the hands of hasty harvesters; even a very small number would be too high. But I had a hard time summoning any outrage. In the end I learned much more from Kagan—ironically because his aims are in a way more modest. He wants to convince you of his physicalist stance; however, he doesn’t want to tell you how to reconcile with death….

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