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Believing in Johnny Cash: An Open Letter to Atheists

…968 Folsom Prison shows. Transfixed, I sat and listened to the whole seven-minute song, which tells the story of a man who, after winning a heart-pounding spike-driving competition against a machine, lays down his hammer and dies. It is a great story that may be read as a warning to those who equate scientific and technological advance with human progress.  What I’d like to ask is this: do stories point us, in even the smallest of ways, toward any…

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Fox News Needs to Get a Grip on its Affiliate’s Issues with Mormonism

…a 30-year-old conservative radio and television commentator with more microphone than sense. As part of a four-segment series on Mormonism, Ferguson developed a rambling, virtually content-free six-minute segment featuring man-on-the street interviews with local Memphis residents about, well, how very “fruity” Mormonism is. (There are 45,000 Mormons in Tennessee, about .7% of the population. Mormons left the state en masse in the 1880s due to anti…

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The Way of the Brother: How Critics Missed the Boat on Tree of Life

…d Spring (Ki-Duk Kim, 2003), a list that could go on. Meditative images of minute dimensions of life meet soaring soundtracks, focusing the viewers’ attention on the often overlooked.   Beyond the style, I mention here one curious relation to the narrative of Buddhism’s origins. The Life of the Buddha tells of Siddhartha’s young existence as a prince, living in a kingdom of earthly delights. At one point in his life, he travels beyond the palace w…

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DOMA and Religious Right Hypocrisy on “Big Government”

…eran and resident of Indio, Calif., spoke plaintively in his allotted five minutes about how the 1996 law has cost him his home because he does not qualify for Social Security survivor benefits. Wallen’s husband, Tom Corrollo, died in March of leukemia after the couple’s 58 years together. “I wake up in the morning, and forget for a minute that he is not in the kitchen making coffee,” Wallen said. “Tom and I worked hard, and together we tried to l…

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How Anne Frank Turned Up At Occupy

…this past fall, after they’ve parsed the Manichean struggle of agreeable jazz hands versus dismayed waggle fingers, and noted that a staccato prose style best lends itself to recitation via the people’s microphone, they might puzzle over a video clip date-stamped October 6, when Jeff Mangum, the man behind the beloved indie rock band Neutral Milk Hotel, treated the occupiers in Zuccotti Park to an eight song solo set. Dressed in a shaggy Nordic s…

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Can a Submissive Wife be President? Michele Bachmann says Yes

…ld submit to her husband.” They booed loudly and long enough to give her a minute or so to come up with a way to dodge the views she has expressly embraced in the past: views shared by the religious right voters she is courting in Iowa. The question has been called sexist and even anti-Christian. Bachmann defenders are suggesting that it was a personal question and not appropriate for a presidential debate. Bachmann responded as though the questio…

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Humiliation and ‘Success’ in the Great Recession

…urse of quiescence or acceptance in the face of blatant injustice. Word: A sanctified space for people struggling with work-related issues should not be just one thing and should not operate in just one mode. It can and should be a big container for the full range of responses: for grieving, for anger, for personal rebirth, for shared discovery, for new enterprise creation, for political consciousness-raising, and for collective justice action. Bu…

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Whom Will She Wreck?: The Real Sarah Palin Question

…oft, waiting to hear the featured speaker. Palin obliged with a rousing 40-minute speech, during which she lambasted President Obama with plays on his stock phrase “fundamental transformation”: We’re not willing to just sit back and watch her demise through some “fundamental transformation” of the greatest country on Earth. We’re here to stop that transformation and to begin the restoration of the country that we love. She also deftly cast the Tea…

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What’s in an “Om”?: How Women are Transforming Yoga

…men; overscheduled and torn between conflicting demands that don’t allow a minute for introspection, contemplation, or the stillness from which groundedness is born? All these reasons are why the film claims women should do the practice. But Michael came to believe that they were documenting something momentous, and women were leading it. “As a man going to classes taught by men, I was getting the practice, but not the phenomenon,” he said. “Women…

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The Ghost Is More Important Than The Machine: Norman Corwin (1910-2011)

…spell conjuring the sensation of what a “miracle” it truly was: “This microphone is not an ordinary instrument / For it looks out on vistas wide indeed,” he wrote. “My voice commingles now with northern lights and asteroids and Alexander’s skeleton / With dead volcanoes and with donkey’s ears… / It drifts among whatever spirits pass across the night.” Corwin was the first radio scribe who wrote with full awareness of what this new medium meant and…

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