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Another “Hot Text” For the War on Women: Rosemary’s Baby

…didn’t go anywhere. God was just taking a rest, letting in a bit of “fresh air” and gearing up for the ’80s. It was also an effective conceit to suggest the “innocence” of Catholic girls. That works in the narrative because its a way to suggest they are easy prey. And it’s fairly misogynistic in many ways. That’s part of the film too, despite how it’s obviously subversive. His name isn’t Adrian, by the way. It’s Andrew John Woodhouse. Which brings…

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The War Over Getting the Bishops’ Budget Approval

…erview with the Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody, which should air soon), politicians should not be seeking the approval of any religious body for their legislative proposals. I fully understand the impulse of progressive Catholics who believe in their church’s long history of social justice advocacy who want to push back against it being hijacked by the likes of Paul Ryan, and I certainly understand anyone wanting to make an argument…

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Easter: The Underdog Holiday

…e something out of Eric Rohmer: Frenchy, Catholic, seemingly full of fresh air and sunlight while remaining bittersweet and melancholy-tinged. Death is never far from the minds of Catholics, especially on this occasion. I would argue that Easter doesn’t get as far as a popular holiday because, jelly beans and chicks aside, it’s not an easy one. Easter contains the very essence of humanity: death, suffering and, just possibly, rebirth, in both its…

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The Fire Next Time: Tibetan Protests Spread

…immolated in eastern Tibet. India has responded to the unrest by placing a number of Tibetan refugees under what they term “house arrest.” Below, Megan Sweas reports from India on the latest wave of protests. –Eds.] DELHI—Shibayan Raha had worried that this would happen. At a protest against the upcoming visit of Chinese President Hu Jintao, a 27-year-old Tibetan exile lit himself on fire and ran past the podium before police and other activists c…

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Perkins and MSNBC

…such. MSNBC must stop inviting Family Research Council spokespeople on the air to represent the views of Christians and other people of faith.” I’m not a big fan of banning guests from appearances on television because of their views, even when they’ve been labeled a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The sad reality is that Perkins is a powerful, influential person in conservative politics, and his views are revealing about the curr…

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Why Peter Beinart is Wrong on Democrats and Anti-Mormonism

…onism. And, of course, using your MSNBC talk show to launch into random on-air diatribes against Mormonism time and time again is anti-Mormonism. (I’m looking at you, Larry O’Donnell.) But simple ignorance about Mormon culture and beliefs is not anti-Mormonism. Nor is respectful but rigorous analysis of a little-understood religious tradition that has had a profound impact on a potential president of the United States, even though some conservativ…

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Georgetown U. President Calls Limbaugh “Misogynistic, Vitriolic”

In response to Rush Limbaugh’s on-air slurs of Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke, calling her a “slut,” the president of Georgetown University, John J. DeGioia, has written a letter to the university community:   In recent days, a law student of Georgetown, Sandra Fluke, offered her testimony regarding the proposed regulations by the Department of Health and Human Services before a group of members of Congress.  She was respectful, sincere, and…

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Lurid Picture of Nigeria’s Muslims in Newsweek

…hagari, a Muslim, put down the Mai Tatsiné revolt by ordering the Nigerian air force to bomb certain Muslim urban centers where they were holed up. Boko Haram may well be a throwback to the Mai Tatsiné revolt, though not all the evidence is in. I also think it’s premature to attribute a connection with one or another branch of al-Qaeda, as some have attempted to. This past New Year’s Day I ate lunch with seven Nigerian friends whom I first got to…

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Sex and the (Hipster) Church—Just a Gimmick?

…all that I need.” The capacity-crowd of worshippers joined in, arms in the air, and then they prayed. They prayed for marriages, for husbands and for wives, for reconciliation. They prayed for romance and commitment, and for miracles. They prayed for singles, for forgiveness, and for cleansing. Sex was the topic of the night at Hillsong NYC’s midweek eXchange service, and guest speakers Ed and Lisa Young (the Texas megachurch pastor and wife who a…

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To the One-Percenters, With Love

…t buck, a clear shot, a meeting of fortune and skill like a pair of cross hairs in his rifle scope. He’s thinking about the sheer joy of it.      You could still have that joy in a more just economy. You could have that joy plus the thrill of a lifetime by stepping out of your offices tomorrow and helping to regroup the protesters who’ve been scattered by the police. Is money the best thing you have to leave your grandchildren? Is a killing in the…

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