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UK Church Leader Resigns Over Planned Removal of Occupy Protesters (Updated)

…Corporation, who might or might not have legitimate concerns about an open-air encampment? The protestors themselves, who might be damn dirty hippies, or who might be modeling the social concerns of Christ himself? It’s a fearsome balancing act, and not one I would be eager to have forced on me. Rev. Fraser has clearly decided that the church’s primary responsibility is to the protestors. Or rather, he believes that the church’s first duty is to p…

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LGBT and Muslim? A New Report Busts Stereotypes

…Muslim (something that will sound familiar to many gay Christians). That, combined with a focus on marriage and family as central to community social order, has meant that many LGBT Muslims remain on the “down low”—many in marriages of convenience. In Muslim countries that harshly punish homosexuality, the report notes, those punishments are often drawn from religious teachings about punishing adultery, but without the high evidentiary bar called…

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Jesus, Carpet Bomb My Heart: An Undercover Muslim in Detroit

…s probably thought Kamal Saleem represented Islam. But on the drive to the airport that disappointment lifted. America is in crisis, as Engle warned, but its solution can be intimated in the popular energy that has animated engagement from Wisconsin to Wall Street to Tahrir—on the way to the airport, I drove past Occupy Detroit. Our imaginations are once more open, as we consider the incompatibilities of unchecked capital and genuine democracy. In…

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Silver Bells and Atheist Billboards

…ke “Winter Wonderland.” Pushing through the doors into the chilly New York air with Johnny Mathis singing “Silver Bells” overhead, it strikes me that I have just experienced a tiny cross-section of America’s ongoing cultural crisis. We want it both ways—I realize as I pass the Wired store in Times Square—we want to reap all the benefits of secular science while keeping the comforts of a medieval spirituality. I had returned from the American Acade…

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Trump as GOP’s New Televangelist

…Ari Fleischer has compared it to a “circus.” Karl Rove has called on RNC chair Rence Preibus to put a halt to the spectacle, a call Preibus has rejected as out of his bailiwick. “I mean, I don’t make those decisions,” he said. A more timid reaction one might only expect from a cowed parishioner of a prosperity preacher. Donald Trump, it seems, is the GOP’s televangelist for 2012. In the past, Republican presidential hopefuls have kissed the rings…

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Top Ten Peacemakers in the Science-Religion Wars

…riter knew of the starry firmament and of the beasts of the land, sea, and air, but we 21st-century Jobs get more: cosmic evolution; the formation of the Milky Way and its spiral structure; the ignition of the Sun’s nuclear fire; the molten, churning mass that Earth once was. We also see the development of life at its most rudimentary, molecular level; the emergence of life from ocean to land; several dinosaurs; and eventually primate and human li…

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Imagining Fear and Anxiety in Post-9/11 New York

…erica (probably well over 600,000, or close to ten percent of the city), a number of uncomfortable questions came to the surface. In her debut novel, The Submission, journalist Amy Waldman manages to predict, prepare for, and parse, many of them.  We open with a September 11 widow persuading her fellow committee members to vote for one of two remaining designs for a memorial garden, leaving the reader to wonder whether they side with her out of ae…

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LDS Church Calls on Members to back Minnesota Anti-Equality Initiative

…do if rallied for health care for all or lowering education costs or clean air initiatives.” Affirmation, the world’s oldest organization of LGBT Mormons, also responded to the LDS Church call to action: ”Affirmation: Gay and Lesbian Mormons agrees with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS/Mormon) in their belief that the family is a fundamental unit of society; that the marriage of two committed and loving individuals is ordained…

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LDS Church-Owned Radio Station Stands By Rush Limbaugh

…e the Limbaugh “opinions” Bonneville-owned KTTH would defend, as voiced on-air February 29 and March 1: “What does it say about the college coed Susan Fluke, who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex? What does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex.” “Can you imagine if you’re her parents how proud of Sandra Fluke you would be? Y…

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GOP, Gingrich, Perry Team Up to put Satirists Out of Work

…e” in 1999, while having an affair with Callista. (The full interview will air tonight.) Moments later, Rick Perry stood in front of the press corps in South Carolina, announced he was dropping out, and endorsed Gingrich. In its story on the Gingrich marriage, the Washington Post adds the delicious tidbit that the day after asking Marianne for a divorce, Newt gave a speech to Republican activists on “The Demise of American Culture.” Shortly after…

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