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Are Muslims as Dangerous as Nazis, as ESPN’s Curt Schilling Tweeted?

…have Muslims killed? Noted Islamophobe Pamela Geller has been bandying the number “270 million” around for some years now, though considering the source we should take that with several spoonfuls of salt. But okay, let’s pretend there’s a world in which the Venn diagram that contains Pamela Geller and fact includes some visible overlap. Let’s say Muslims really have killed 270 million people. There was that one time when Pamela Geller accidentally…

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The Speech Mitt Romney Never Gave

…if we learned to acknowledge the moments in which we as Mormons have been wrong, as all other people have been wrong at times? When historians look back a century from now, what is the story they will be able to tell about Mormons in the early 21st century? What is the story we will tell about ourselves?  With his loss to President Barack Obama, Governor Mitt Romney’s moment is over. And the work of telling the Mormon story falls to Mormonism’s n…

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New Southern Baptist Curriculum Bashes Gays

As a Southern Baptist child I was taught that homosexuality was wrong. That lesson did not come from fiery anti-gay sermons from the pulpit. No one ever quoted any scriptures to prove it, and it was never, ever mentioned in Sunday School lessons. Instead, it just seemed to be common knowledge. Oh, for the good old days when the gays weren’t so uppity and open. Today, teenagers in many Southern Baptist churches are hearing about homosexuality thro…

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Pussy Prophets & Nuns on Buses: Will Feminist Politics Get More Holy & Foolish?

…that oppressed women. Nonetheless, it seemed to many like an anchor in the wrong harbor. The old, iconic photograph of Mary Daly with her battle-axe is still a celebrated image of the irreverent theologian who dared to “castrate” God. But Daly’s more spiritually affirmative work (the cosmic courage, or sacred process of becoming) that she tried to urge into the feminist movement never had the same sort of convincing force. It was a bit too spiritu…

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Sam Harris Says Qur’an “Not That Good”

…ple, all that history, has no meaning because Harris says so. They are all wrong. He will save them. What of all the people in America who read Jalal ud-Din Rumi, the 13th-century Persian poet, who was so deeply inspired by the Qur’an that his oevre is called the Qur’an in Persian? Are they wrong too? Is Sam Harris really the only person on Earth who knows that the Qur’an has no value? Harris also says “you can wander blindfolded into a Barnes & N…

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Scholars Upset With ‘1619 Project’ Must Abandon Vision of ‘America the Righteous’

…s that an editorial omission redeems the charter, even glorifies it. He is wrong. The religion of America The Virtuous and, more specifically, the sanctification of a problematic Constitution, must give way in our time to a better and truer narrative that does not unnecessarily demonize every last wig-wearing white man (after all, there were fierce objections voiced by numerous members of the founding generation—influential theologian Samuel Hopki…

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Time to Get Rid of “Gay Christians”

…r a liberal Christian. I am a Christ follower.” You see, Goeke thinks it’s wrong to put anything in front of “Christian,” especially “gay”—comparing it to other wrong combinations like “gossiping Christian” or “envious Christian”—because after all, those other two “sins” can be analogous to “gay.” Actually, I agree with Goeke. I don’t think there should be any qualifiers before the word “Christian”—especially “gay.” I am not a “gay Christian.” I h…

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Silver Bells and Atheist Billboards

…that Dawkins seems to indicate? Can 10,000 scholars of religion really be wrong? This is a waffling point for the serious thinker who wants to know if there is anything to this atheism craze. I began with Dennett and moved on to Harris, Hitchens, Jillette, and Dawkins. Their God often looks to be a straw man—more properly a straw deity—easily set up, and easily knocked down. Still, they make so many valid points that anyone who thinks about relig…

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Searching in Vain for a “Pure” Elie Wiesel

…e truth, and the other does not. Following any of these temptations is not wrong, but indulging them is of limited use. They bring no clarity about who Wiesel was as a thinker, writer, and political voice. For Wiesel was quite aware that his own thinking, on issues great and small, was rooted in affect. (His writings remain powerful in part because he knew the affective power that narratives have.) He was no principlist, no systematician, no lover…

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An Open Letter to Kim Davis From a Gay Pastor

…rwise. The hatred that has been leveled at you for your stand, however, is wrong and should not be tolerated by any fair-minded person, whether they are religious or not. America should be a place where we can disagree without sinking to name-calling or death threats, though it seems to be a common response these days. However, as you told ABC News’ Paula Faris, the name calling wasn’t the worst of it: “What probably hurt me the worst is when some…

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