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Obsession with Attackers’ Backgrounds Misses the Point of Terrorism

…tiple attacks over the past couple of weeks, the country is asking all the wrong questions. Though the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (Daesh) has claimed responsibility for the Minnesota mall stabbings, the bombs found in New York and New Jersey remain ongoing investigations with no entity claiming responsibility. Whether the bombs were part of jihadist terrorism or some other form of terror, remains unknown at this time; the real questions are b…

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GOP Presidential Candidates’ Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy

…iocentric theory and still be a first-rate president. But he is ultimately wrong about the inappropriateness of the question. It is appropriate because the answer has consequences that go far beyond science. He was not being asked to understand the details of a scientific controversy; nor was he asked to explain why particle physicists are having a hard time finding the Higgs boson, to provide his opinion on the neural basis of language, or to com…

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Indonesian Clerics Issue Anti-Gay Fatwa; Anti-Civil Union Peruvian Lawmaker Cites Hitler; Is Christianity more ‘un-African’ than Homosexuality?; Global LGBT Recap

…ironic that an African dictator wearing a three-piece suit, caressing an iPhone, speaking in English and liberally quoting the Bible can dare indict anything for being un-African.” In a report from South Sudan, the Guardian’s Antony Loewenstein reports on the anti-gay agenda often connected to evangelical churches’ missionary work. He cites American evangelist Franklin Graham as an example: Samaritan’s Purse, run by Franklin Graham, son of the Ch…

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Where the Wild Things Aren’t Just Jewish

…view. “They’re not. They’re not. That was my point. Those kids were in the wrong place at the wrong time. And all children were in the Holocaust. Everybody was in the Holocaust. So, I made sure my hero and heroine were not Jewish children. That was too easy.” Sendak takes the cross, which for Jews has evoked exclusion and persecution, and renders it as a sign of inclusion: we are all in the Holocaust. Just as the cross incorporates believers into…

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Eat, Pray, Kill: The Basic Brutality of Eating

…Bob Fischer begins. Eating meat is clearly, from an ethical perspective, “wrong” on several counts. But morality is an ideal, he notes, something we aim for, and fall short of. This makes the moral world “tragic,” as he puts it. Moral work is a tragedy, played out on a cosmic stage. Rather than wallow in remorse, he sees this as reason to be suspicious of “any proposal that would steer us through these complexities too quickly.” When it comes to…

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Paul Ryan: I Reject Ayn Rand, She’s an Atheist!

…t how rejecting Rand because she was an atheist is criticizing her for the wrong reasons.) This week, in advance of today’s Georgetown speech, Ryan received a letter from 90 professors, led by Georgetown’s Thomas Reese, S.J., telling him “your budget appears to reflect the values of your favorite philosopher, Ayn Rand, rather than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Her call to selfishness and her antagonism toward religion are antithetical to the Gospel…

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Gary North (1942-2022) Sought to Deny Religious Liberty to ‘the Enemies of God’ — But He Was Willing to Wait Patiently For The Revolution to Develop

…up from the ashes to build the foundations for the Kingdom of God. He was wrong about all that. Some thought that the spectacular failure of North’s prediction would broadly discredit him. But that did not happen, as is often the case when prophecy fails. He continued to be a respected thought leader in the communities to which he related. He was, for example, a featured speaker at a national Christian Reconstructionist conference in 2007 cospons…

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Rejecting Blood Sacrifice Theology, Again

…rate any move by anyone at any time to lift the oppression and misery that wrong ideas about salvation and the afterlife still visit upon anxious Christians.  It may sound strange to people who haven’t been there, but growing up with hellfire ringing in one’s ears every Sunday still generates real suffering and real damage that scars young people for life. So too with the supposed antidote to eternal fire: Christ’s redeeming blood. One might be ab…

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St. Snooki: Our ‘Legit Old Lady’ of Renounced Sexuality

…lace. Snooki’s behavior may be morally reprehensible, but it’s not exactly wrong, as long as at an appropriate time—such as motherhood—it is set aside in favor of eternal verities of family, community and, implicitly, God.  As an aside, it’s interesting to note that Snooki’s story is a feminine, and possibly even feminist, one. Men have “sown their wild oats” for millennia before being asked to settle down and raise a family, but women have rarely…

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Evangelicals More in Favor of Religious Exemption Than Catholics

…ill, by five percentage points, white evangelicals favor the exemption more than even Catholics who attend mass weekly.  Few Catholics, though, according to the Pew poll, believe the use of contraceptives to be morally wrong. Forty-two percent say it’s morally acceptable, while only 8% say it’s morally wrong; 43% say it’s not even a moral issue. Next time, I’d be very curious to have Pew pose that question to the evangelicals….

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