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Pastor Who Called Mormonism a “Cult” Backs Mitt Romney

…rst Baptist Church, is now supporting Mitt Romney for President, he told a Texas radio station. This is the same Pastor Robert Jeffress who grabbed headlines last fall when he stormed into the Values Voter Summit and proclaimed that Mormonism was a “cult.” (An act which, as it turns out, may have been publicity stunt to drive Jeffress’ book sales.) The most vocally anti-Mormon evangelical public figures are leaving the barricades. Partisanship tru…

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The Santorum Legacy: The Fertility Wars

…ime, he was a close second until additional votes were found and counted), Santorum began the race to the dark ages: Rick Santorum thinks Griswold v. Connecticut, the 1965 case that invalidated criminal bans on contraception, was wrongly decided. He’s off the deep-end on this one, and completely out of touch even with his fellow Catholics, but his statement provoked an exchange at last night’s debate about whether states should be permitted to ban…

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Lou Engle’s Bizarro Esther

…and by not eating. Lou Engle’s “Esther Call” will be finishing in Dallas, Texas today on Good Friday. The “mass event […] focuses on God’s forgiveness for those who have been involved in abortion […and calls on] viewers to pray for an end to the bloodshed of innocent lives.” Along with co-leader Laura Allred, Engle has called on women to repent for the nation’s abortions on behalf of America’s women. That’s a far cry from the original Esther—a bi…

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Muslim Until Proven Innocent

…r distance themselves from Mayor Bloomberg’s police force’s tactics (More on Chicago.) Yesterday, I spoke with Dr. Sebastian Gorka from the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and Law Professor Sahar Aziz of Texas Wesleyan on Al Jazeera’s The Inside Story about this issue, its consequences for national security, and how it widens a worrying trust deficit between American Muslims and law enforcement. Watch:…

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Keeping the “Southern” in Southern Baptist Convention

…over forty percent of respondents associating the name with hardcore partisan political positions. The convention’s current president, Bryant Wright, pastor of a large megachurch in Atlanta, moved for the task force in part to galvanize sentiment for the change, as did some African American and Hispanic pastors who have aligned with the SBC (often in dual alignments with their historic ethnically-defined denominations, such as the black National…

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Fed. Court Rules Prop. 8 Unconstitutional

…oundation for Equal Rights, attorney Ted Olsen said he believed the ruling made a strong case to the Supreme Court by relying on the Court’s rulings in Loving, Lawrence v Texas, and Romer, saying the decision added up to what he believed was an “insurmountable burden for our opponents.”…

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Tim Pawlenty’s Dilemma: How Far Will His Anti-Choice Extremism Go?

…p from the Guttmacher Institute: In 2003, four states—Minnesota, Missouri, Texas and West Virginia—enacted new laws requiring women seeking an abortion to receive state-directed counseling, while three others—Arkansas, South Dakota and Virginia—expanded their existing laws; Missouri’s new law was enjoined pending a legal challenge. This year’s actions bring to 27 the number of states with state-directed counseling requirements in effect. (emphasis…

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Politics Threaten Utah Compact on Immigration

…riticism of the Utah laws from Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas). “For him to wag his finger at us is just infuriating,” said Shurtleff. “Put up or shut up, congressman.” The LDS-backed Utah stance on immigration represents the adjustment of Mormon politics to the Church’s 21st-century global reality. Part of that reality is that Latino LDS Church leaders are sitting in Utah jails right now awaiting deportation with their families…

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The Evangelical Abortion Myth: An Excerpt from ‘Bad Faith’

…rter addressed while governor of Georgia, the Methodists acknowledged “the sanctity of unborn human life” but also declared that “we are equally bound to respect the sacredness of the life and well-being of the mother, for whom devastating damage may result from unacceptable pregnancy.” Meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, during the summer of 1971, the messengers (delegates) to the Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution that stated, “we call…

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American Nuns Under the Vatican Microscope

…civil disobedience and goes to jail to help stop war or nuclear weapons. A number of the questions are clearly designed to elicit answers the Vatican knows full well it won’t like. The data will provide the pretext for concluding that the decline in numbers in progressive groups is a result of their lack of obedience and conformity to the men’s rules. Solution: tighten up the ranks. Enter the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious, the alte…

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