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Masculine Christianity, Praying Ballplayers, & Satanist Discrimination

…er of the stadium inspired prayers by players in the Cleveland Indians vs. Texas Rangers game Tuesday night. The fan who fell and those he landed on will be okay. Controversy surrounded a sacred Italian horse race when its prize banner featuring the Virgin Mary was designed by a Muslim. Is music religion? Maybe house music is. And then there’s this report on Prince—musician and Jehovah’s Witness. The Dalai Lama turned 75 on Tuesday with a celebrat…

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Gulf Residents Urged to Unite in Prayer

…for prayer. Jindal was joined by governors in other Gulf states including Texas, Alabama and Mississippi. Today, on the 70th day, Tropical Storm Alex is expected to be upgraded to the season’s first hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico. But the storm looks like it could be a mixed blessing: On one hand, according to the Associated Press, “skimming vessels may be idled because they can’t operate in such swells. Floating oil-containment booms could be r…

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Proposition 8, Mormonism, and the Other Fight for Alternative Marriage

…ard-winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black, who grew up gay and Mormon in Texas and California. Black has talked candidly about the fact that the church’s virulent anti-gay rhetoric made him contemplate suicide. The documentary relates the story of Stuart Matis, a 32-year-old gay Mormon who, in February 2000, shot himself on the steps of the LDS chapel in Los Altos, California. Matis’ parents issued a statement saying that after their son’s suici…

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Engle Supports “Principled Stand” of Ugandan Anti-Gay Bill Promoters

…osexual agenda:” Most definitely. For instance, the court case Lawrence v. Texas, is the court case that basically decriminalized homosexuality in the U.S. Everybody knew that when that bill passed, or when that court case shifted, then it opened the door for the legalization, for the definition, or the legalization of same-sex marriage, which is now rolling into America. We knew that. So I’ve always had — yes, there needs to be a principled stand…

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Loving the Lonely Polygamist

…s and television shows [about Warren Jeffs, the FLDS, and the YFZ Ranch in Texas]. There are many things I could say about all this, but I’ll say simply that often the strong reaction people have is not with polygamy per se, but with how little separation there is between polygamy and the way we live now. The liberal-minded among us believe that adults should be able to create the family structure of their choice, but so often, because polygamy ar…

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New Ex-Offender Program Puts Church Ahead Of State

…overnor, George W. Bush partnered with Colson to forge a prison program in Texas, which laid the groundwork for the faith-based initiative he launched from the White House. Colson continues to be a heavy hitter in evangelical politics, too; last year he was one of the chief promoters of the Manhattan Declaration, which promises to reignite the culture wars in the name of religious liberty. In a video promoting the Declaration, Colson likened conte…

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The Return of Christian Terrorism

…That is, they believe that Christ will return to earth only after the thousand years of religious rule that characterizes the Christian idea of the millennium, and therefore Christians have an obligation to provide the political and social conditions that will make Christ’s return possible. “Premillennialists,” on the other hand, hold the view that the thousand years of Christendom will come only after Christ returns, an event that will occur in…

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Lou Engle Attacks Planned Parenthood Facility As “Abortion Super-Center”

…nned move to the new facility, Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas announced, “we look forward to serving the thousands of women and men in our area who are without health insurance and need affordable health care.” Never mind all that, though, and never mind all the unintended pregnancies the facility might prevent. For Engle, the facility will “target minorities for abortion.” Capitalizing on the symbolism of his planned protest fo…

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Single Greatest Idea Ever: On the 150th Anniversary of Darwin’s Origin of Species

…wer people accepted evolution than in the United States.) According to Ron Numbers’ The Creationists: From Scientific Creationism to Intelligent Design, in the wake of the publishing of Origin, Christians in America were, for the most part, able to make peace with Darwin’s theory and evolutionary principles. It wasn’t until the early 1900s, when a series of religious pamphlets, “The Fundamentals,” were published arguing for the acceptance of the B…

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Racing Toward Armageddon: The Three Great Religions and the Plot to End the World: An Excerpt

…power, else we will wake up one morning in a world where madness is called sanity and true sanity is viewed as a heresy to be ruthlessly destroyed. But, ominously, we can see this world creeping closer and closer. The apocalyptic view of Middle East events held by recent US administrations, most evidently with President George W. Bush, really began with President Ronald Reagan in the early 1980s. Famously, in 1981, Ronald Reagan revealed that he b…

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