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Bill Nye Video Riles Creationists

…points, though frankly it’s embarrassing. Nye then clarified his point on CNN, noting that in the original Big Think video above he was “talking about the use of tax dollars for science education”; that it’s fine to teach your kids whatever you want, so long as you don’t call it science and you don’t use tax dollars to do it. Great! True! But it’s hard to shake the thought that this is probably the best thing that’s happened to AiG’s fundraising…

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Warren Cancels Forum Obama/Romney Declined to Attend

…ticipating.” The Register reports: Warren pulled the plug on this year’s forum, explaining that the current negative campaign is opposite to what the church’s civil forum is about, even as plans had been ramping up to coordinate schedules, secure the area and get traffic control in check for a forum of this size. Planning had begun in March. Requests for comment from both campaigns have not been returned as of early afternoon. Let’s think about th…

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Civility, Thy Name is Brian Brown

Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage went on CNN after the shooting at the Family Research Council to call for civility in public discourse and to denounce as unacceptable and irresponsible the Southern Poverty Law Center’s designation of FRC as a hate group. Jeremy Hooper at Good as You reports that Brown has followed up with a fundraising letter that decries “the violent and hateful tactics of intimidation being pursued every d…

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Eternal Culture War: Pat Buchanan on Notre Dame and Sotomayor

…ive spokesperson on cable television news (including co-hosting Crossfire, CNN’s groundbreaking shout-fest), he can always be counted on to stir the pot. Shooting from the Lip Sometimes his tone harkens back to those heady days in 1992 when he collected nearly 3 million primary votes and raised more than $14.5 million in campaign contributions. These days, however, he’s doing his share of pot-stirring on MSNBC, where on any given day you can get r…

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Republicans for Choice Chair: Akin “Helpful for Us”

…r than delegates to have a copy, and that the draft was still in progress. CNN reported this morning that the Committee was preparing “tough” anti-abortion language, but Stone said, as she was hurriedly returning to theCommittee meetings, “it could have been worse,” adding, however, “it could have been better.” The last draft that Stone saw, she told me, did not identify a human life amendment by name, and did not designate a particular version of…

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A Bill Passes, Westboro Baptists Shrug

…re laid to rest, it should be done with the utmost honor and respect.  The news of the bill’s signing has been trumpeted by pro-military as well as pro-gay organizations. The Huffington Post called the legislation a “blow” to the church, which will be “severely limited” in its ability picket. Not so, declared the church. Member Steve Drain said in an interview with CNN on Friday that the law is “really not going to change our plans at all.” Given…

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Gas For Two Bucks a Gallon? Bachmann Taps a Pipeline to the American Sacred

…of the period of tribulation and the imminent physical return of Jesus to rule the millennium. From there, it was but a short step for the term to operate metonymically, referring not just to the place of battle, but the entire end-time the battle ushers in. In other words, it became not just a location, but was narratively foregrounded and centered in the American imaginary. Armageddon theology has had a decided influence on American foreign pol…

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I Booed Romney For Jesus

…ma has accomplished while in office, and what Republicans have done to obstruct progress for the nation. While Romney had a hard time recounting a litany of things he had done, Biden went down the list of what the NAACP did for him as a young kid, as well as what the president has accomplished with the Affordable Care Act, and trying to stave off the effects of the 2008 financial crash. Most importantly, Biden reminded the NAACP that one of the bi…

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Kirk Cameron’s Monumental Reveals Subtle Influence of Christian Reconstructionism

…the big screen in a packed theater (one of 550 nationwide) presenting the Rushdoony worldview to unsuspecting evangelicals, homeschoolers, and tea partiers. What was not evident from pre-release promotional material was the central influence of co-producer Marshall Foster, a “guest” through much of the film. As president of the Mayflower Institute (now the “World History Institute”), Foster was the “David Barton” of Christian Schooling and homesc…

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HBO’s Game Change Hits, But Sarah Palin Pic Misses Religion

…ugh her home church, Wasilla Assemblies of God, which continues to play a crucial role in her thinking. It’s why, even now, when cornered by CNN while voting in the Alaska caucus and asked whether she would throw her name into the ring if the 2012 Republican convention were contested, she responded with the words: “anything is possible.” For those with ears to hear, they would hear the prayers of a woman who is relying on the prophecies about her…

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