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A Reporter’s Guide to the New Apostolic Reformation

…fics Major Apostles and Prophets of the NAR are sometimes misidentified in news stories and magazine articles as pastors or evangelists. While they may be those things as well, the failure to more precisely identify the nature of their leadership and their church offices is a hefty understatement, and promotes critical misunderstandings of their roles. It’s like referring to Roman Catholic Cardinal Timothy Dolan as a Catholic priest. He is certain…

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Claiming That ‘We Birthed a Nation From Nothing’ CNN’s Rick Santorum Gives a Master Class in Christian Nationalism: An Open Letter to CNN

…d against the Pequots—one of the genocides of indigenous peoples that Santorum brushes aside. The Puritans waged a holy war on the Pequots, setting fire to a village on the Mystic River, killing 700 indigenous men, women, and children, and selling the survivors into slavery. As I’ve written elsewhere, the genocide was like something out of the Book of Joshua. The Puritans certainly saw it that way. John Mason, the Puritan militia commander and an…

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CNN Editor Leaves Over Tweet on Hezbollah ‘Giant’

Octavia Nasr, CNN’s senior Middle East editor, is no longer with CNN. Her departure from CNN shows a continued lack of consistency when it comes to issues of Arabs and Muslims in the mainstream media. She left for a tweet that said nothing except that she was human. Nasr is of Lebanese descent and proud of her birth land. Because of her professional and personal knowledge of the country, she expressed a sentiment over the death of Marja’ at-Taqli…

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CNN’s Disastrous ‘Town Hall’ with Trump Put the Country at Risk

…litics, compared to only 14% of Americans. Notably, only 2% say they most trust CNN. Most do not blame Trump for the violence on January 6th, and one-third believe our current political and cultural context may justify political violence: Only 15% believe Donald Trump bears a lot of responsibility for the violent actions of the rioters who took over the U.S. Capitol building on January 6th, compared to a majority (56%) of Americans (PRRI survey, 2…

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Pride Month & Prejudice; ‘Worrisome Time’ For LGBT People; Global LGBT Recap

…shows anything it’s that prejudice has no hold in this Republic,” he told BBC. As CNN reports, he was elected leader of the Fine Gael party on Friday and will be confirmed as prime minister on June 13. Australia: Margaret Court charges Americans with financing conspiracy against her A feud between former tennis greats continued, with Martin Navratilova calling for the Margaret Court Arena to be renamed for former aboriginal tennis star Evonne Goo…

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Morality Police, Jihadists, Religious Competition, Grindr, & Americans Abroad: Global LGBT Recap

…lesbian kiss scene in the first episode of the new season of Dr. Who. The BBC Worldwide’s London-based compliance team made the cut to conform with laws against same-sex relations and broadcast content in Asian countries such as Muslim majority Malaysia and Indonesia. Viewers in South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Singapore also watched the same censored version…. Jeanne Leong, director of communications at BBC Worldwide Asia, said as an internatio…

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Will International Criminal Court Bring Charges Against ISIS For Gender-Based Persecution?; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…he issue today, 377A would stand,” Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong told the BBC in an interview in February. “My personal view is that if I do not have a problem, this is an uneasy compromise, I am prepared to live with it until social attitudes change.” Media policies, meanwhile, continue to block any positive portrayals of same-sex relationships, and conservative elements are both vocal and organized in lobbying against any move towards greater e…

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Iftar: Breaking Fast

…t into teaching a weeklong 8-hour-a-day intensive course. I couldn’t get a word in edgewise, including to just invite them over for fast-breaking as I had intended. Then yesterday afternoon we were finally able to talk and created a rough ad hoc iftar plan between what was left in my fridge and what he picked up (some fried chicken from a fast food place). I did mention that iftar is observed at the end of the fasting day, at maghrib, sunset. At n…

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Religious Traditionalists Resist Marriage Equality, Artist Questions What Is “Un-African” & More in This Global LGBT Recap

…Uganda’s LGBT movement.” Nabagesera co-founded Freedom and Roam Uganda (FARUG) in 2003. FARUG took it upon itself to defend marginalized women by meeting with politicians, increasing positive media coverage around LBT issues and conducting workshops and conferences. Its website says the organization, which still runs today “recognizes diversity, challenges male chauvinism, patriarchy and cultures that aim at oppressing women.” Uganda has drawn gl…

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Believing in Johnny Cash: An Open Letter to Atheists

…here I’m addressing myself to my confirmed atheist readers)—that the only true truth is energy and matter in motion—how did you come to believe that? I’m betting that you came to believe it because you believed in the truth of another story. The Truth of Stories—Or Not I should also make clear what I mean by “stories.” Stories are not “just the facts.” In fact, that is precisely what they are not. For our purposes, “the facts” are the empirical fa…

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