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Mississippi’s Gov. Bryant Resorts To Far-Fetched Analogy To Defend Anti-LGBT HB 1523

…rney General said he didn’t think it wise to appeal a federal judge’s last-minute injunction of HB 1523 (his words: “The churchgoing public was duped into believing that HB 1523 protected religious freedoms”), Governor Phil Bryant followed through on his long-standing promise to do so no matter what. In a district court filing, Governor Bryant said he didn’t think Judge Carlton Reeves’ ruling would hold because a) none of the plaintiffs suing over…

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Dems’ “Great Satan” Strategy Falls Apart Right From Start

…ocratic Party—and that it does not play fair. The Left will be at the microphone tonight, in the persons of Elizabeth Warren and Mr. Sanders himself. If they completely pass over the Wassergate mess, which I expect they will, some (and perhaps many) progressives who might have grudgingly gone to bat for Hillary, or who might have written a “stop Trump” check to her campaign, will probably continue to sit on the sidelines. Ditto if they do referenc…

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Green Candidate Jill Stein Maintains Anti-Vaxxer Cred

…tweeted that “there’s no evidence that autism is caused by vaccines.” Five minutes later, they deleted the tweet and amended it to a more modest, relativized claim: Armed with screenshots, some savvy Twitter users documented the hasty edit. Why backtrack? In an email to RD, Stein’s Press Director, Meleiza Figueroa, explained that “there had been a miscommunication among staffers and an earl…

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Power in a Union: How the Working Class Shaped Religion in America

…studied at a Catholic “labor school” in Detroit in the early 1940s. Wait a minute, I thought: there are first-hand responses written by ordinary, lay Catholics in their own words? This was my “eureka” moment. And, sure enough, it turned out that there were a lot of potential sources. From that point on, I was invested in the story of Detroiters and how religion played out in their neighborhoods, workplaces, and unions. The Making of Working-Class…

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The Angel of Death and Pam Tebow

…types of birth control) on the ballot in Colorado, has cut a shocking two-minute video in which President Obama morphs from himself to the Joker to the Angel of Death (via Kyle at Right Wing Watch). Remember when we were told that there was a new movement afoot, a softer, gentler kind of anti-choice activism exemplified by the Tim Tebow Super Bowl ad? Pam Tebow has endorsed Personhood Colorado and Amendment 62. So much for that. The video is call…

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Mexican Marriage Marches Show Struggle Between Church and Secular State; Pro-LGBT Mormon Group Grows After ‘Apostate’ Declaration; Botswana Gives Anti-Gay US Pastor the Boot; Global LGBT Recap

…nents of secular state A march drew tens of thousands – or hundreds of thousands depending on whose numbers you believe – of anti-marriage-equality Catholics and evangelicals to Mexico City, the culmination of weeks of protest organized by the National Front for the Family. Days before, the Supreme Court ruled that adoption by same-sex couples should be considered, like other adoptions, according to the best interest of the child. In preparation f…

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Wanted: Your Vote

…it never gets old. But… we confess we’re starting to nurture a bit of a Susan Lucci complex — always a nominee, never (yet) a winner. In the past we’ve lost to much larger media outlets (such as the public network that rhymes with “Zee Bee Ess”) and this year are up against the likes of Krista Tippett’s “On Being” and others. So, here’s where you come in: We want (and need) your vote in the Webby’s People’s Voice contest. It only takes a minute t…

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Silence of “Religious Liberty” Activists on Muslims’ Cases Not What You Think

…ling to allow workers to shift even the minimal costs associated with five-minute prayer breaks to their employers. Truthfully, while the fact that those requesting the accommodation are Muslim may be more salient, the fact that they are factory workers could be the bigger motivator for the absence of conservative support. The prominent, conservative religious rights law firm The Becket Fund has litigated a small handful of religious accommodation…

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“Jack” Willke, Pro-Life Demagogue Dies at 89

…llke nevertheless stood by his claims, telling the New York Times the real number was “way under 1 percent.” In part, the claim was justified by distinguishing between types of rape, which was exactly the thing that upset people so much about Akin’s statement. Willke’s rhetoric could also exhibit some of the more hysterical tendencies of the pro-life movement. In one letter to supporters, for example, he alleged that abortionists were harvesting a…

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Talking to Noah Screenwriter On Being an Eco-Wacko

…me) that when I heard that The Bible App was reporting a 300% increase in numbers of people reading Genesis 6, I figured it was all due to pundits like myself doing last-minute exegesis. But who was I kidding, I still had questions about this unique Genesis interpretation. So why not go directly to the source? I enjoyed the interview you and Aronofsky did with Paul Raushenbush at the Huffington Post where you talked about your process of interpre…

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