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Tea Partiers and Religious Right Court at Values Voter Summit

…Summit workshop on how to grow tea parties last weekend, the faux-populist Santelli was quickly eclipsed by a higher power. “We have been put in this country to do this for such a time as this,” exhorted Viviana Hernandez, a self-identified chaplain from Brooklyn, as the microphone was passed around the audience. “This [the tea party movement] is being birthed by the Almighty. Because He started this nation, and He does not want to turn it over to…

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A Jew in Church? No Big Deal

…who refuse to see the profound crackpot anti-Semitism lurking beneath the Texas pastor’s support for Israel. My Jesus Year therefore represents something of an odd chapter in the history of Jews and church, but one that may very well be indicative of the forces at play in our time. Clearly, if even a nice Orthodox boy can get permission to do it, the act of a Jew entering into a Christian house of worship is no longer as fraught as it once was. B…

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This Just In: College Will Make You an Atheist

…news media in the United States and beyond took up the topic as well; from Texas to India and back to New Hampshire, the notion that college major and religiosity are linked seemed to require attention. A lot of attention. Of course, all this probably resulted from the well-executed press release issued by the University of Michigan, where the co-authors work. Here’s how the press release opened: College students who major in the social sciences a…

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Bobby Jindal Squares Packing Heat with Jesus

…espectfully checked their guns at the door of a house of worship. Not even Texas allows guns in houses of worship! Keep in mind, though, that Bobby Jindal does not see the importance of treating a house of worship any differently than a university, a business, or a civic auditorium (recall his defense for using taxpayers’ dollars to fly around Louisiana giving his Christian testimony exclusively in evangelical churches). Little wonder that he woul…

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Why David Sometimes Wins: What We Must Learn From Cesar Chavez

…as a child. (More recently, it is worth noting, religious right leaders in Texas have sought to ban any mention of Cesar Chavez from public school textbooks.) Much of Ganz’s book focuses on how three unions (the Teamsters, an organizing committee of the AFL-CIO, and the group that became the UFW) competed, beginning in the 1960s; and why the UFW prevailed over these more powerful, better financed, and politically connected entities. The main reaso…

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To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise

…allerias, and shopping districts across the country. If anything, Wal-Mart sanctified a sort of stylized frugality, bringing the religious values of thrift and neighborliness to the fore. In time, the religious model even caught male managers in its net. The church’s notion of servant-leadership—which preserved male authority even as wives took jobs outside the home—also aided Wal-Mart as managers learned to lead through their commitment to servic…

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Christian Punk Meets American Pop; Evangelicals in the ’Burbs

…to follow them. My favorite anecdote is the one about an obscure band from Texas called Stryken. They attended a Motley Crue concert wearing futuristic suits of armor. They somehow managed to get a 14’ x 8’ wooden cross into the arena (who knows what people bring to these shows?) and took it to the area in front of the stage. They were eventually kicked out of the concert for proselytizing. What was the most surprising thing you discovered? In res…

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Cinema and the Re-Creation of the World

…undoubtedly been my students, first at the University of Vermont, and then Texas Christian University. Students respond to films in ways they don’t respond to standard textbooks. Don’t get me wrong, I continue to be an avid reader (I’m all into short stories these days) and, of course, I wrote a book about films. I continue to have my students read words, but I’ve increasingly felt that these words must be put into dialogue with the fleshed-out re…

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What in the Name of the Crusades are Tennessee Evangelicals Doing in Kurdish Iraq?

…ication called The Forerunner, longtime Christian Reconstructionist Andrew Sandlin wrote of Layton and SGI’s evangelical push into northern Iraq: “If we are going to support missionaries, let’s support missionaries who are going around the world to recapture cultures, not simply win a few souls here and there,” Sandlin wrote. “For example, consider Doug Layton in Kurdistan, northern Iraq, who is rebuilding a Christian culture: new Christian school…

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Biblical Battered Wife Syndrome: Christian Women and Domestic Violence

…istian theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Bruce Ware told a Texas church that women often bring abuse on themselves by refusing to submit. And Debi Pearl, half of a husband-and-wife fundamentalist child-training ministry as well as author of the bestselling submission manual, Created to Be His Help Meet, writes that submission is so essential to God’s plan that it must be followed even to the point of allowing abuse. “When God puts…

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