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Will House “Freedom” Group’s Core Racism Go Unchallenged?

…han any other Congressional irruption in recent history. If the complacent DC crowd think this will be resolved in favor of the Democrats and basic morality, they should think again. Because it’s not just the so-called “Freedom Caucus” in the lower chamber that is determined to slash domestic lifeline programs, it’s the chamber’s entire GOP majority. Boehner, McCarthy, and Scalise all made this pretty clear at this morning’s press conference. The…

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‘Sit Down and Be Quiet’ — MAGA Attack on Jewish Republican Exposes Christian Nationalism’s Shaky Commitment to Pluralism

…on Miller’s face is superimposed upon the nonbeliever. David Carlson, Political Director of the Gen-Z MAGA advocacy group Bull Moose Project, also retweeted Pearson, who exclaims “we’re not tolerating this kind of rhetoric from you guys anymore. We are done.” Carlson, who unsurprisingly has his own White nationali…

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‘Joel’s Army’ Is Already Here: The Obscure 20th Century Religious Movement That Profoundly Influences The Right’s Cosmic Battle

…mass prayer rallies under the rubric of The Call in major cities including Washington, DC, Los Angeles and Nashville; and for the “Kill the Gays” legislation in Uganda. What justice is demanding Indeed, when Hamon and others use the language of military combat and preparations, readers may wonder whether he’s referring to spiritual warfare, some sort of physical confrontation, or both. Hamon writes, for example: “The goal is to have them taught, e…

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Pope’s Liberal Defenders are Missing the Point

…meeting with the pope—which took place Sept. 24 at the Vatican Embassy in Washington—gave way to an avalanche of news articles and a furious debate, especially among U.S. Catholics, over how to interpret the encounter. There’s a lot of room for doubt in claims that this meeting represented some sort of Vatican “endorsement” of Davis—and liberal Catholics became almost apoplectic in refuting such an endorsement—but the truth about the Francis-Davi…

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On Guns and Religious Liberty, Ben Carson “Not an Authentic Adventist”

…hat We Can All Do to Save America’s Future, Douglas Morgan, a historian at Washington Adventist University, wrote that Carson “advocates an agenda that looks very much like what Adventists have long opposed in the name of religious liberty.” Morgan maintained that Carson advocated “a civil religion that re-defines the God of the Bible as the patron deity of the United States of America,” and displayed “a general tendency to use the Bible primarily…

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From Christian Temperance to D.A.R.E. — The War on Drugs Has its Roots in White Christian Nationalism

…kingdom—Hobson shared the stage of the Brooklyn Tabernacle with Booker T. Washington and claimed that African Americans would degenerate into cannibals if they were permitted to drink alcohol. Christians, he felt, needed to lead the world toward sobriety through law, through example, and through education. Hobson’s take on drugs was quite similar. After Prohibition passed, Hobson viewed narcotics as the next contagion to clear from America. He be…

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How the FBI Aided and Abetted the Rise of White Christian Nationalism — An Interview

…lping to peddle this image of King as a communist. And the FBI did so in a number of ways. They investigated King and his “communist” connections even when the FBI realized that the communist connections were not there. So the FBI takes it into its own hands. And they begin not only to surveil Martin Luther King Jr, but to engage in counterintelligence. They sent him a letter, an anonymous letter, telling Martin Luther King Jr. that he was immoral…

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Media Still Question Whether Trump’s Christians are ‘Real’ Christians

…riminal former president is so far ahead of his closest GOP rival that the Washington press corps is already reviving themes from the 2016 and 2020 elections. Here’s the AP on Friday: “Some critics see Trump’s behavior as un-Christian. His conservative Christian backers see a hero.” How can a lying, thieving, philandering sadist like Donald Trump continue to hold the overwhelming approval of “conservative Christians”? Since he first ran for presid…

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From the cover of the Kindle edition of C. Peter Wagner's book.

It’s Not the Name It’s the Theocratic Vision — THE NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION’S PR PROBLEM

…ed at a Fourth of July signing ceremony in 1986 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. It was ultimately signed by 400 evangelical leaders including C. Peter Wagner, and such prominent charismatics of the time as Ern Baxter, Bob Mumford, and Charles Simpson; the leading thinkers of Christian Reconstructionism—including R.J. Rushdoony, Gary North, and Gary DeMar; as well as Harold Lindsell, Editor Emeritus of Christianity Today, Christian Right…

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‘Anti-Zionism = Antisemitism’ isn’t Just Wrong, It’s the Problem

…ntioned Yoel Teitelbaum, the Satmar Rebbe and said, “I am not sure his grandchildren will be Jewish.” The Satmar rebbe didn’t have grandchildren as his daughters tragically died young in Europe before the war. And Teitelbaum built the largest Hasidic court in the world with an intermarriage rate of almost zero. My point is that the “anti-Zionism is antisemitism” dictum is just another chapter in the narrative to make sure Jews in America don’t fee…

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