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Did Pope Francis Make John Boehner Resign?

…nd Planned Parenthood or shut down the government trying. According to the Washington Post, Boehner met with members of the “Freedom Caucus” following the pope’s address to Congress and found them as recalcitrant as ever. He made his announcement this morning “by talking about it as part of a ‘healing process,’ closing by praying the prayer of St. Francis.” “Obviously the pope had a big impact on him,” Rep. Richard Nugent told the Post. The Freedo…

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Numbers, Schnumbers, Why Evangelicals Should Worry About Trump’s Popularity

…that evangelicals favor Trump. Here’s a few from Monmouth University, The Washington Post, MSNBC, and Public Policy Polling. And yet, many conservative commentators have suggested that the story is more complex. As noted by Sarah Posner here on RD, Warren Cole Smith just published a piece in WORLD Magazine which asserts that widespread evangelical support for Trump is “a myth” born out of small sample sizes and inadequate criteria for classificat…

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A Test for Trump—And the Religious Right

…best positioned candidate to handle immigration. That’s a pretty stunning number given Moore’s very public rejections of Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric, and is indicative of one kind of split among these voters. But voters who will self-identify as “born again” or “evangelical” to a pollster are not a monolith. As Warren Smith argues at WORLD magazine, “watching Joel Osteen on TV doesn’t make you an evangelical.” Smith calls the evangelical supp…

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Russian Orthodox Patriarch Blames Gays For ISIS; ‘Christian Nationalist’ Sworn In As Guatemala’s President; Vatican Resists Civil Unions in Italy; Global LGBT Recap

…penly LGBT person elected to Congress, was sworn in last week, reports the Washington Blade. Morán is a prominent feminist and advocate for indigenous people. On the same day, President Jimmy Morales, a comedian who ran as a “common man” candidate against official corruption, was also sworn in: Guatemalan voters last October elected the former comedian with no previous political experience in the wake of a corruption scandal that forced then-Presi…

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Fellow Mainline Christians: Are We Completely Useless? 

…we ask how we can help, we do what we’re asked, and if there are any microphones, we pass them along to someone else who experiences racism directly. But this is a story that might actually call for a white-person rant. I’m not sure. All I know is that when I read it, I said, “Oh, I recognize this. These are my people. These are my people at our very worst.” I am speaking of this study in which sociologists sent emails to more than 3,000 churches…

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The Apocalypse Is Upon Us, Ted Cruz Endorsement Edition

I’m writing from Washington, D.C., where we are bracing for a historic blizzard that might dump more than two feet of snow on the area. Grocery and hardware stores are being emptied of food, batteries, candles, shovels, ice melt, toilet paper, flashlights and nearly everything else. The public transportation system is shutting down. Widespread power outages are expected. The governor of Maryland has warned residents to have enough supplies for a…

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For Many Christian Zionists, Israeli Protesters are a Threat to God’s Plan

…tol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP), a Christian Nationalist ministry based in Washington DC, emailed an ‘Emergency News Alert’ stating: “Israel as a nation has never been in as much danger as she is right now!” The ministry names “external forces from the Deep State/globalists [who] have used their sway to funnel monies to the liberals in Israel, to fund these protests.” In addition to being an antisemitic trope, the idea that a group of liberal elit…

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Alienating Even the Sadistic Trumpian Right, How Did Kristi Noem Miscalculate So Badly With Her Puppy Killing Story?

…America.” And she’s decided to create a sharp contrast with the soft, weak Washington “elites” who can’t make harsh choices (like killing your 14-month-old puppy). But Noem seems to have miscalculated the love people have for their dogs (or any dog, really), and most importantly, she seems to have forgotten what Amanda Marcotte calls “the first rule of fascist Fight Club,” which is, of course, that “you never show your true face to outsiders.” The…

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The Battle for the Bible Against Christian Nationalism Seeks to Continue Historic Campaign

…but one stop en route to the Mass Poor People’s Assembly & Moral March on Washington on June 20. The Campaign is a 50th anniversary continuation of the Poor People’s March launched by Martin Luther King Jr. and continued by Ralph Abernathy after King’s assassination. Freedom from Christian nationalism The day’s first panel featured two of the leading authors in the study of the religious and political Right. It’s unusual, perhaps historic, that c…

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