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Before We Scold DeSean Jackson and Others For Anti-Semitism We Need To Talk About ‘Chosenness’

…ral history of the world and the Jew is recognized as a contributor to the world’s history: this is not true for the blacks. Jewish history, whether or not one can say it is honored, is certainly known: the black history has been blasted, maligned and despised. The Jew is a white man, and when white men rise up against oppression, they are heroes: when black men rise, they have reverted to their native savagery. The uprising in the Warsaw ghetto w…

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The World’s Most Influential Yoga Teacher is a Homophobic Right-Wing Activist

…of conservatism. It is not traditional. It thrives on nostalgia about the rural world and fear of lost cultural norms, as well as modern narratives about self-care, personal improvement, and the value of pleasure. In other words, in an urbanizing world with a growing middle class, it is a flavor of politics that may be uniquely suited to global trends. An entrepreneur-guru like Ramdev might seem exotic to many American onlookers. But in some ways…

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The Problem with AMC’s Sci-Fi Hit Humans

…ask, “What could you accomplish if you had someone—something—like this?” A newspaper headline states: “Robots threaten 10 Million Jobs.” In the world of Humans a linear progression of android development has resulted in synths who match or exceed human dexterity and capability enabling them to take over a number of jobs, from waiters to nurses to 9-1-1 operators. Low-skilled workers have been displaced en masse, spawning the “We Are People” moveme…

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New History Finally Recognizes Afro-Creole Spiritualists

…tion of the “Ladder of Progress,” a visualization of the links between our world and the spirit world. The ladder connects a small seat at a séance table all the way up to what almost appears to be a picture of Jesus. This image [below] is one of my favorites. You teach courses on African American religions. What are some of the main points you hope your students learn during the semester? Where can we go to see some of your work? My course introd…

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The Heresy of End Times Predictions

…ee that he or she anticipates the end atimes with eager anticipation. This world, the world of the here and now and the everyday, is a world given over—not necessarily to the Antichrist—but certainly to sin and corruption and matter. The apocalyptically-minded may breezily leave that world to the corporate raiders, the plutocrats, the polluters, the empires, the sexually suspect, the violent and abusive, and so on. Such wicked people may do all th…

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The Broken Promise of Gwyneth Paltrow’s ‘The Goop Lab’

…job security, and to outsource once-stable, working class jobs around the world. As world-weary “New Agers” became cynical and dejected, turning away from politics to become entrepreneurs, libertarians and lifestyle gurus, a new “neo-liberal” world was emerging around them. In this world, a small cadre of entrepreneurs and corporate overlords (a teensy bit more multicultural and multi-gendered than before) win massively, pay close to no taxes, an…

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Why We Should Keep the Devil in Halloween

…few months before. It certainly feels as if that gossamer veil between the world as is and the world to come is a bit thinner. It is nature’s memento mori, the natural time in the calendar for cultures to mark death and dying, to commemorate and recognize it. In the contemporary world our twin idols of positivist science and neutered religion have sanitized our experience. In exorcising the world of our demons we’ve made our angels leave as well….

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Should Barbie Get Her Feet Washed at Church?

…en could do the foot washing rather than being “done unto according to thy word” (Luke 1:38). Let’s not go there. The perplexing part is why it took Cardinal Sarah so long to break the news. After all, Pope Francis apprised him of his decision in a letter dated December 2014. Roman wheels move slowly, but the Pope was quite clear in his missive that this was an easy change that could be accomplished with the mere substitution of “People of God” fo…

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Nonviolent Resistance in the West Bank: A Review of Budrus

…s, changing our own ways, and living our own lives according to the moral truth as we see it. Budrus is an impressive documentary record of people trying and largely succeeding in doing just that. The question that their achievement should raise in our minds is not what the Palestinians should do. The question is what we should do—what the United States should do in its relations with Palestine. For when we watch this film in the U.S., we are far…

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Discovering “Little Syria”—New York’s Long-Lost Arab Neighborhood

…the same effort. “We are persistent,” he told me by phone, “because these stories have a real impact on people.” Telling stories grounded in real Arab-American history is the only way to reach understanding. And understanding is still sorely needed. One imagines what the Islamophobic activists who conjured the “Ground Zero Mosque” debacle a couple years back would do with the news of an Arab neighborhood in the shadow of the former World Trade Ce…

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