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Alarming New Report Shows Attacks on Public Education Are Coordinated by Right-Wing Think Tanks

…carry bills. They realized that if they were going to generate state-level policy, they needed help implementing it in the states. So, the State Policy Network is a kind of a “think tank of think tanks” that brings together the national, state-level, and specialized think tanks. SPN brings together hundreds of think tanks in a kind of an integrated, networked way that serves as a vehicle for funding and also for communication amongst each other, f…

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Clinton vs. Sanders isn’t About Policy, it’s About Power

…Democrats vote for Hillary because she’s got the clout to implement party policy—even if that clout comes with big-money, big-lobby dealings and dubious donations and ethics? Said another way: if you vote for a “purer” Sanders, who has less muscle and less likelihood of getting policies passed, have you done the right and ethical thing for the body politic? The problem of effective power and ineffective purity goes back to the Greeks and to the c…

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RDBook: Sex, Power, and the Future of the World: An Interview with Michelle Goldberg

…repealed the Mexico City Policy—a.k.a. “the global gag rule”—a Reagan-era policy that denies aid to non-governmental organizations “which perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning.” The global gag rule has come to be seen as a litmus test of the current US President’s stance on women’s rights, though it’s just one part of the complicated history of the impact of American reproductive rights policy in countries around the…

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Judge Halts “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Discharges

…to their moral understanding of the biblical principles.” Defenders of the policy, like Ed Whelan, president of Ethics and Public Policy Center, have little faith in the DOJ saying that even if the ruling is appealed, the defense will be weak: “(The DOJ) refused to put forward any serious defense, because its political agenda trumped its obligation to defend the law,” Whelan said. “This is part of the Obama administration’s ongoing sabotage of the…

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DeVos Literally Can’t Name a Discriminatory Policy She’d Refuse to Fund

…the question Clark posed was “hypothetical,” even though the school whose policy Clark quoted does in fact exist and receives funding from Indiana’s coffers. The secretary was similarly evasive when Clark asked whether a school that outright barred African-American students from attending, but was approved by its state voucher system to do so, would be ineligible for federal dollars. “There is no situation of discrimination or exclusion that, if…

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BSA: Gay, OK?!

…ion, one California BSA Council is challenging the national organization’s policy against awarding the Eagle Scout award to an openly gay 18-year-old. Major donors including UPS and Merck have reportedly discontinued donations in view of the BSA discrimination policy, and it’s reported that internal lobbying by corporate CEOs on the organization’s national board is also playing a role. The anticipated BSA move highlights the role corporate muscle…

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Sessions Casts Cruel Immigration Policy as Part of God’s Plan

…eneral Jeff Sessions used a Bible verse to respond to critics of the DOJ’s policy of separating migrant families: “I would cite you to the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13, to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained the government for his purposes.” This defense is both unsatisfying and infuriating. First, it’s a post-facto plucking of a Bible verse from its context in order to provide support for an alread…

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Has Sojourners Really Changed its Policy on
Gay Ads?

…this appears to be a positive direction for the publication’s advertising policy around LGBT issues, which has been less than inclusive in the past, it is unclear whether it signals a real shift in Sojourners’ stated desire to avoid the issue via paid advertising. It is increasingly important that progressive Christians take a firm unambiguous stand and decide they want fellow Christians to welcome the LGBT community in the church.” It is that “f…

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Mormons Fight Marriage Equality in Mexico; Is Catholic Church Italy’s Anti-Gay NRA?; Nigerian Anglicans Cut Ties With UK Diocese; Global LGBT Recap

…mestic policy norms back toward faith and family values.” Speaking of U.S. policy, a New York Times commentary by Ernesto Lodoño on May 26 reviewed U.S. policy promoting the idea promulgated by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that “gay rights are human rights.” When President Bill Clinton signed an executive order in 1995 barring the government from denying security clearances solely on the basis of a person’s sexual orientation, the Fam…

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Why God’s Intentions Are Irrelevant

…e do you draw the line on what’s an acceptable religious justification for policy, and what is not? (“I don’t think God intends that” isn’t a sufficient response to comments like Mourdock’s.) Every time a politician invokes a religious justification for a policy position, he or she should be compelled to articulate a non-religious one. That goes, too, for any Republican who wants to weasel out of endorsing Mourdock’s position on rape exceptions; t…

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