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Many Religious Leaders Oppose Religious Exemption in Anti-Discrimination Order

…it “advis[es] Christian leaders and organizations on cultural, political, policy and communications issues” — are “friendly” to Obama or worked for his campaign. But it’s also true that many more advocacy and faith-based organizations that support church-state separation, religious freedom, and LGBT rights (and have no stake in this issue as federal contractors) are also friendly to Obama and strongly oppose an exemption. The Rev. Welton Gaddy, p…

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Misusing Cesar Chavez in Immigration Debate

…so one can be fairly certain that he would have protested any immigration policy that dehumanizes Mexicans, such as Arizona’s notorious SB 1070. The mixed results in Arizona’s recent elections are both a repudiation and reaffirmation of hatred (which, as Gary Laderman recently argued is a deeply entrenched American value). Governor Jan Brewer and senate candidate Sharon Angle owe their notoriety to their bombastic attacks on Mexican undocumented…

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Don’t Be Fooled By Trump’s Acceptance of Marriage Equality: Here’s What to Expect

…-Pence administration. While it’s been difficult to ascertain any specific policy goals from the former reality-TV star and his team of old-timey Washington insiders, those who’ve been paying attention should be well aware of the weapon the incoming administration plans to wield to strike down LGBT rights: a defense of so-called religious freedom. The term itself, often interchangeably used with “religious liberty”, seems altruistic enough. We’re…

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Pence’s Prayer Breakfast Appearance Underscores Fractured American Catholicism

…’s anti-abortion bona fides, including a dramatically expanded Mexico City policy and the measure that would allow states to withhold funding from Planned Parenthood: I couldn’t be more proud to serve as Vice President to a President who stands without apology for the sanctity of human life. … Since day one of this administration, President Donald Trump has been keeping his promise to stand for life, and life is winning in America again. But Pence…

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Finally, a Poll Gets the Contraception Question Right

…rch Institute is out with a new poll that shows widespread support for the policy, based on the most lucid and accurate question on the matter. PRRI asked the question this way: should employers “be required to provide their employees with health care plans that cover contraception or birth control at no cost?” PRRI broke down the question for different types of employers, a methodology that gets to the heart of the various ways the opponents of b…

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