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In This Week’s LGBT Recap: Are Gay Priests Overdue for a Stonewall Moment?

…ity as a “paradoxical gift” that allows them to look beyond conventional sexual expressions to a love for God and others that transcends mere physical instincts,” Longenecker writes: The key to the successful integration is for the Catholic homosexual to accept his tendencies as “intrinsically disordered.” Only as he understands his attractions as inconsistent with the natural order of human sexuality will he be able to integrate them successfully…

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Texas Woman Opposes Divorce Citing ‘Blood Covenant’; Will Anti-Sharia Law Get in the Way?

…fect in 2017. Texas’s H.B. 45 (codified at § 22.0041 and § 22.022 of the Texas Government Code), states that “litigants in actions under the Family Code involving a marriage relationship… are protected against violations of constitutional rights and public policy in the application of foreign law.” The bill doesn’t explicitly reference sharia or Islamic law (likely because a similar bill in Oklahoma that did specifically mention sharia was struck…

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Men Without Guns: A Tribute to Larry McMurtry

…f animals and that, on threat of brutal torture and death, precluded homosexuality. Proulx’s story ends with a reality that McMurtry and Ossana thread through the screenplay: “There was some open space between what he knew and what he tried to believe, but nothing could be done about it, and if you can’t fix it you’ve got to stand it.” Jack tries, finally, to live both tending cattle and loving a man, and, off screen, his wife’s father makes sure…

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What My Christian High School Taught Me About Being a Black Girl

…ent looking for that old photograph of myself at fourteen in search of an explanation. I wanted to find a buxom, Jessica Rabbit-like woman because I wanted his nickname for me to make sense. Instead, all I saw was a young girl. Of course, even if I’d had the body of a “grown” woman it would have been wrong for him to harass me. I know this. But I still looked for the photograph. There’s a part of me that wants to know what my teacher saw that nigh…

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Sharbat Gula’s Experience Exemplifies the ‘White Savior’ Lens Through Which Most Americans View Afghanistan

…a man without her or her parent’s consent is intertwined with the Pashtun code of conduct, as is the lack of direct eye contact between men and women. In 1984, as McCurry recounted to NPR, Sharbat Gula initially covered her face when he took her photo. It was her teacher who instructed her to uncover her face. She wasn’t even asked if she wanted to participate. Arguably, the teacher’s complicity must also be called into question. However, the pow…

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If the Media Are Reluctant to Properly Label the GOP’s Racist, Christian Nationalist Ideologies, We’ll Have Trouble Hanging on to Democracy

…o narratives like the “Great Replacement” and “White Genocide.” This also explains why versions of these narratives can be applied by right-wing extremists in different countries, because it lets them insert whatever “enemy group” that they want to attack—be it Arabs, Muslims, Jews or any other marginalized group that they understand as non-white (white, of course, doesn’t refer to skin color alone, but is merely a concept). Belew analyzes: “It’s…

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As Catholic Bishops Punish Dissent, Rosemary Radford Ruether’s Life and Legacy Show the Way Forward

…escort to driving a friend to Planned Parenthood—is grounds for automatic excommunication. However, this penalty against anyone who “procures” an abortion (Canon 1398) is a fairly recent revision, only dating back to the 1983 Canon Code reforms, when both the Vatican and the U.S. hierarchy were presented with growing political and social challenges to their opposition to reproductive rights. I can’t help but think it’s some sort of tragic irony th…

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Contrary to Claims of Anti-Trans Muslims, LGBTQ+ Acceptance is Widespread in the History of Islam

…mic world has more to do with 19th and 20th century European sexual values than it does the Islamic sexual ethos. Despite this, there’s a concerted effort by some conservative Muslims to portray Islamic thought on matters of sexuality as monolithic, insisting on a singular interpretation of sex and sexuality that makes no room for gay, trans, or gender nonconforming Muslims. If it were true that the Islamic world consistently and unambiguously vie…

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Police Violence is Baked in: Academy Training Encourages Racial Profiling and Emphasizes the Use of Violence

…defensive tactics, and shooting guns. I spent long days learning about the code of criminal procedure, traffic code, and arrest procedures. I also had a first-row seat to the cadets’ physical, ideological, and emotional transformations as, over a period of six to eight months, they became police officers. What I saw in that year directly conflicted with the “bad apple” arguments that existed then and that would continue to offer a popular explanat…

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A Reporter’s Guide to the New Apostolic Reformation

…agner financially. It’s possible that some form of the EVAT network still exists—for example, some individuals still list membership in EVAT in their online bios since Wagner’s 2016 passing; see Robert Henderson and Peter Roselle. There is, unfortunately, no public membership list. One thing to keep in mind is that apostles may not be the only leaders of “apostolic networks.” Prophets are also sometimes included on apostolic councils or teams. Ahn…

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