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Ban on Female Genital Cutting in Somaliland is Progress, But Success Relies on Working with Religious Leaders

…cle, anthropologist Bettina Shell-Duncan relayed an experience in Northern Kenya where she was discussing FGC with women from the Rendille ethnic group. “These women were my very good friends, and they were covering up their faces to not show how repulsed they were by the idea of somebody being uncircumcised and delivering a baby. They were, you know, revolted.” The power of this practice is invisible, but it voices the animating narrative in the…

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The Only Common Denominator of American Conservatism is Anti-Blackness

…. They would hear conservatives out when they claim that South Africa’s or Kenya’s richest farmland ended up in white hands because of the “white work ethic” or that Reconstruction’s Black farms found today in white pockets got there fair and square. They will believe that the reason Harriett Tubman’s image will not appear on U.S. currency as planned is that the current administration has concerns about counterfeiting. Or that a president who boug…

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Rush Limbaugh’s Race-Baiting and Gaslighting of Obama Paved the Way for Trump

…ck Hussein Obama.” He had a Muslim father and an extended Muslim family in Kenya. He was partly raised and educated in Indonesia by a Muslim stepfather. He has Muslim half-sisters and brothers.” This went on for a while before, at the end of the segment, Limbaugh pulled back ever so slightly: “Now, having said all that, none of what I have said means that Obama’s a Muslim and none of it means that Obama’s not a sincere Christian. If he’s going to…

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‘Hello, Trump Warriors!’ Little-Known Preachers and Rabble Rousers are the Unregulated Id of the Felon’s First Rally

…rue identity as a Muslim sleeper agent from the mostly Christian nation of Kenya. If a White man doesn’t see a Black man, does the Black man even exist? “I will give you my country,” Root is shouting, his fist high above his head now, “when you pry it from my cold. Dead. Hands!” He gathers up the screaming crowd. “Will you fight! Will you fight! Are! You! Warriors! For Trump! Are you the Trump Army?” Of course they are. Thus their reward: “Do you…

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Saving Teens from Obama: When Bible Study Goes Wrong

…e can’t perceive the president’s values without understanding those of his Kenyan father. As Chassé and I sat in the theater after the film ended, I wondered again why the local Salvation Army pastors, known as “officers,” felt it was appropriate to take my daughter and seven other youth group members—mostly disadvantaged, mostly Hispanic kids between the ages of 10 and 19—to see such a partisan film as part of their Bible study discussion on “jus…

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Witches, Fine… Does Sarah Palin Believe in Religious Tolerance?

…this video that Muthee’s now-notorious witch-defeating exploits in Kiambu, Kenya are chronicled. The Christian Science Monitor wrote about Muthee, back when the video came out, and what really stands out about that article now, when we have someone like Sarah Palin in the spotlight, (or in the headlights, a stunned moose) is that these spiritual warfare types believe that anyone who is not their kind of Christian can and must be ‘targeted’ for con…

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Grace Under Pressure: Reclaiming Hope for Progressive Religion

…ery for freedom’s cause. Hope is what led me here today—with a father from Kenya; a mother from Kansas; and a story that could only happen in the United States of America. It is the bedrock of this nation; the belief that our destiny will not be written for us, but by us; by all those men and women who are not content to settle for the world as it is; who have the courage to remake the world as it should be. All of which sounds wonderful—and it is…

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Fighting Demons, Raising the Dead, Taking Over the World

…n posed in a Christian video called ‘Transformations.’” Lampman continued: Kenyan pastor Thomas Muthee is convinced that it can be. In 1988, he and his wife, Margaret, were ‘called by God to Kiambu,’ a notorious, violence-ridden suburb of Nairobi and a ‘ministry graveyard’ for churches for years. They began six months of fervent prayer and research. Muthee’s story was held up as a case study in the 1999 pseudo-documentary Transformations the first…

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No Turkey for Me: Confessions of an Indian Militant

…ical mind—have been applied in recent months to another tribal man, Luo of Kenya, who occupies the Oval Office at the moment. As an Indian militant I am discouraged, but not surprised, that the mainstream media has so far failed to recognize the stomp-down amazing fact that we not only have the first African American president, but the first tribal president in American history. Millions of Americans spend billions of dollars through genealogists…

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Single Greatest Idea Ever: On the 150th Anniversary of Darwin’s Origin of Species

…a sizable portion of the population continues to believe Obama was born in Kenya, about half of Americans continue to say they don’t accept the reality of evolution. The big difference between the Kitzmiller trial and what we’e witnessing today is that the Seattle-based Discovery Institute (intelligent design’s chief champion) at least pretended it had developed a legitimate scientific theory—even though, to this day, there remains not one peer re…

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