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Publisher Withdraws History of Hinduism, Amid Protest

…spoken or written, or by signs or by visible representations or otherwise, promotes or attempts to promote, on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, caste or community or any other ground whatsoever, disharmony or feelings of enmity, hatred or ill- will between different religious, racials, language or regional groups or castes or communities, or (b) commits any act which is prejudicial to the maintenance of harmony betwe…

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Are Conservative Churches Really Winning by Being More Orthodox?

…Over time, the churches that have tried to lighten up the Christian moral code and put forth sort of a kindler, gentler version of Christianity as they see it, have not done well. They have not done well demographically and they haven’t done well financially. Churches that stick to orthodoxy do better over time because in part it’s only those churches that tend to create families that can be of size and carry on the Christian tradition. This hark…

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Pope Francis meets with bishop who blessed gay couple; Proposed NGO law in Uganda threatens LGBT groups, civil society; Interfaith sexuality organizing in Indonesia; global LGBT recap

…in the Maldives under Sharia law, and with the publication of a new Penal code in 2014, also under national law, and may be punishable by death penalty. The new Penal code transposes into national law provisions which were previously just in Sharia law and applicable to Muslim citizens. In any case these new provisions have not been put into legal practice so far and there is no record of trials for homosexual practices in the aftermath of the ne…

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Expelled: Christian Student Claims Discrimination, But Judge Says No

…ntended she violated school policy and the American Counseling Association code of ethics. That code, by the way, is clear about what is expected from counselors: Counselors do not condone or engage in discrimination based on age, culture, disability, ethnicity, race, religion/spirituality, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status/partnership, language preference, socioeconomic status, or any basis proscribed by law. Counselors…

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The Truth about Catholics and Condoms

…the use of condoms “always” takes place “within a context of immorality.” Kenya’s bishops also dug in their heels, declaring that the Pope was merely remarking “on something that may be true about the psychological state of those who use [condoms].” Their objection was similar to that of Leonard Paul Blair, bishop of Toledo, Ohio, who argued that the Pope was merely speaking about a “hypothetical situation” in his choice to focus on a male prosti…

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Istanbul ‘Haven of Sorts’ For LGBT Syrians and Iraqis; Cayman Islands Affirm Marriage Ban with ‘Holy Bible Evidence’; No Room for LGBTs in Malaysia’s ‘Islam-Based’ Human Rights Policy; Global LGBT Recap

…from countries with marriage equality from adopting children from Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda, the members of the East African Community. Mexico: LGBT activists stage kiss-ins as response to anti-equality demonstrations LGBT activists organized a kiss-in (besotón, literally big kiss) in front of churches around the country on Sunday, which organizers said was meant as a peaceful response to demonstrations organized by Catholic and…

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‘Christian Warriors’: Who Are The Hutaree Militia And Where Did They Come From?

…the American Prospect, Gershom Gorenberg blasts the authors because they: promote conspiracy theories; they demonize proponents of arms control, ecumenicalism, abortion rights and everyone else disliked by the Christian right; and they justify assassination as a political tool. Their anti-Jewishness is exceeded by their anti-Catholicism. Most basically, they reject the very idea of open, democratic debate. In the world of Left Behind, there exist…

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Conservative Anglican Bishops Threaten To Split Communion; Malawi Opposition Leader Says Gays Should Be Killed; Anti-Marriage Effort Makes European Union Question Initiative Process; Global LGBT Recap

…so high that the three most powerful leaders, the Archbishops of Nigeria, Kenya and Uganda, were last week on the brink of snubbing the meeting altogether, but were persuaded to attend by colleagues still hoping to force concessions from Welby. Sources said they have lost patience with the Archbishop’s refusal to discipline the liberals for ignoring official policy urging them to refrain from creating gay bishops or approving gay marriage without…

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LGBT Human Rights in UN Sustainable Development Negotiation; Swiss Bishop Says Speaking of ‘Family Diversity’ is ‘Attack on the Creator’; Canadian Food Bank’s Anti-Gay Dogma; Global LGBT Recap

…Otidi Amuke on the plight of Ugandan LGBTI refugees and asylum-seekers in Kenya and their struggles with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. A snippet from one of the stories he tells: Then, in tears, Christopher tells me a part of his story which he says he hasn’t used in his asylum seeking application because it may not be politically correct or sexy enough to have him granted refugee status. This is that his mother was a Muslim…

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Trump v LGBT People At the UN; ‘Bible Beer’ Backlash in Australia; Global LGBT Recap

…what UN Ambassador Nikki Haley had in mind when she pledge to ‘unabashedly promote American values.’” C-Fam has teamed up Russia and anti-equality African and Islamist nations to try to undermine the Council’s newly created independent expert, who is charged with investigating discrimination and violence on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. CNN reported this month on the ways that Donald Trump’s travel ban and suspension of refu…

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