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2012 GOP Candidate Would Reinstate DADT

…claims the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell would jeopardize the religious freedom of chaplains who believe homosexuality is sinful, so I wanted to ask a living, breathing chaplain what he thought about that claim. “Well,” he began, “we serve whoever comes to us. I don’t think it will be a big deal. There may be some who will have a problem with it, but we’re trained to treat it like any other sin.” He must have seen me roll my eyes involuntarily….

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Is Huntsman a Dud? Or Just VP Material?

…(51%) of almost all candidates in the Republican pool. Voters in Iowa and South Carolina (a primary the Huntsman campaign is focusing on) give Huntsman the highest “unacceptability” ratings—at 77% and 67%, respectively. Romney has the lowest “unacceptability” rating of all candidates—26%. It’s early yet, and Huntsman has a long way to go with name recognition, and he’s an unlikely fit for social conservatives, though he’s trying. He made a decent…

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Why I’m Not Watching the State of the Union Address

…ack when the future president was still a community organizer on Chicago’s south side. In fact, I don’t think Obama is a sellout or a Wall-Street lapdog, as some people have suggested. I believe that he is a generally moderate-to-liberal technocrat who honestly believes that he can do right by both big money and the little folks. And therein lies the problem. When your vision of economic leadership involves buzzwords like “competitiveness” and “in…

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The Drowning of Bin Laden

…wanted Osama bin Laden; in that there is cause for profound spiritual reflection. There is also, I hope, cause to end any confusion of what he and his followers did with what Muslims want and what Islam teaches. I pray we find in his anonymous burial, in the sea south of Pakistan, that at the end, none of the peoples he claimed to be fighting on behalf of wanted him; more than that, to the few grumbling voices out there, President Obama’s framing—…

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Will Istanbul Ever Be a Part of the European Union?

…of the planet—you have to go to Moscow in the north, probably Dubai in the south, central Europe in the west and probably India in the east to get this kind of economic power. It doesn’t deserve to be second fiddle to anyone, and with Turkey’s rise, I can see it playing a global role, in the near future, commensurate with its historic one. At the moment I’m overlooking the last stop on the European rail network. From here, you can go all the way t…

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God’s Law is the Only Law: The Genesis of Michele Bachmann

…tester.” Sanders has served on the Board of Directors of the League of the South, a Southern nationalist organization the SPLC characterizes as “a neo-Confederate group that advocates for a second Southern secession and a society dominated by ‘European Americans.’” That society would be, according to the SPLC, a “godly” nation “run by an ‘Anglo-Celtic’ (read: white) elite that would establish a Christian theocratic state and politically dominate b…

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Can a Progressive Atheist Defeat the Democrats’ “Family” Man in NC?

…who supports marriage equality and abortion rights be elected in the rural South?   And then there are the new district maps that were released just last week. According to Aaron Blake at The Fix, Shuler now represents the most conservative district in the state. His district (which voted 52 percent for McCain/Palin in 2008) has, with a few redrawn lines on a map, been converted to one that voted 58 percent for the Republican ticket. Blake notes,…

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Famous Atheists, Fat Ministers, Papal Tweets, and a Mega-Hoax

…that the Southern Baptist Convention was close to endorsing gay marriage. South Korea’s Christian president and his kneeling prayer pose a challenge to the country’s pluralist sensibilities. The World Council of Churches, the Vatican, and the World Evangelical Alliance have worked together to issue a code for how Christians ought to evangelize. No word on how this code effects the use of Chick Tracts. A village in the Philippines celebrates its p…

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Jon Huntsman Jr.’s Sex Pistols Phase Explained

…calling it Huntsman’s “Utah problem.” Jake Garn asks, “If he can’t generate support from those with whom he worked most closely, why should folks in New Hampshire and South Carolina offer theirs?” Don’t worry—Al Gore lost Tennessee too, and look how well it turned out for him……

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Can a Pig Heart be Kosher?

…rom humans into pig fetuses.” Although this sounds like something out of a South Park episode in which scientists graft on a you-know-what to the back of a lab mouse so Mrs. Garrison can be a man again, or perhaps reminiscent of H. G. Wells’ Island of Doctor Moreau, this science fiction is fast becoming science.  If it proves successful, this technology could dramatically reduce the long waiting lists to receive transplanted organs and tissue, the…

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